Lotte World! Part 1

I'm EXO-K's Bodyguard?! (hiatus)

MiYoun's P.O.V.

Today is Wednesday which means we are going to Lotte World yayaya. Wait what is the world. I open my eyes to see Kimmie smiling evilly at me with a gigantic troll face. I yelp and jerk back and happen to hit Baekhyun's head who was laying beside me. 

"Oh my gosh are you okay? I didn't mean to hit you! I just jerked back Kimmie scared me." You blabbered on while getting up and apologizing. As you were apologizing, Kimmie being the troll she is pulled the blanket out from under you and Baekhyun which caused you to tumble onto Baekhyun yet again. 

Both of you slipped off the mattress and onto the floor and you landed on him.

"Ooof~" You grunted as you fell. Baekhyun whined. "Why are you so mean?"

You scowled at Kimmie. She just snickered and walked away. You didn't think about how you were laying on top of him in an awkward position. You scrambled up to your feet and apologized yet again.

"Aha It's ok I think Kimmie just likes to troll around. Sort of like Chanyeol does to me." Baekhyun pinked and got up also. 

There was a short amount of silence.

Then you remembered that you guys were going to Lotte World then you started getting excited. Kimmie was making breakfast again as always.

You started jumping up and down and Baekhyun looked at you questioningly.

Then you squealed and ran into the kitchen and jumped on Kimmie, ran back out. Then ran into the bathroom and cleaned up and took a really quick shower leaving behind a puzzled Baekhyun and Kimmie.


Baekhyun's P.O.V.

I made sure when I woke up this morning that I did not hug MiYoun under any circumstances. As I start to wake up I hear a yelp on my right and begin to turn and see who was yelping then me and MiYoun bumped heads. 


My bootiful head.

Eh whatever.

She jumped up and apologized, before I had a chance to say anything I see Kimmie grab the blanket then pull it out from under us to cause the panicked MiYoun to tumble on me again.

"Ooof~" MiYoun grunted when she fell on me. She's so cute.

"Why are you so mean?" I whined at Kimmie hoping it would get her to stop.

MiYoun made a somewhat of a scowl but it didn't look intimidating. It looked like she was doing aegyo. She was still laying on me when I noticed that she was on me in a weird position.

"Uwah sorry about that. Kimmie is trolling." She apologized again.

"Its ok I think Kimmie likes to troll around. Sort of like Chanyeol does to me" I could feel my cheeks begin to warm up. We stood there for a little bit then her eyes got wider and she squealed and ran into the kitchen and back out again back into the restroom.


This is a great way to wake up.


Kimmie's P.O.V.




My plan to make them awkwardly adorable together is working. I made her fall on him and they both blushed.


Time to make breakfast to ask for forgiveness. They won't want an apology after my plan is complete.


MiYoun's P.O.V. again

Normally I wouldn't be a hyper person but I love rollercoasters. 



I also like cotton candy so there should be cotton candy there right? My favorite is strawberry. That's why my shampoo and conditioner is strawberry.

Cleaning my hair. Lalala

"Washing My hair with straaaawberry scented shampoo.~

Conditioniingg myy haiir with strawwberryyy conditionneerrr" You sang to yourself. I'm such a boss I just made this awesome song. I shall call it the strawberry song. Nah that's lame I'll call it the shower song? No that's also lame.

How about the strawberry showering time? Ugh I'm terrible at naming things. Forget it.

I finished showering and I inhaled the scent of strawberries. Ahh so nice. I brushed my teeth tasting the cool mint. I'm not crazy enough to have strawberry flavored toothpaste ok?

Then it hit me. I forgot to bring my clothes in here. I got so excited I didn't bring my clothes. Whatever. I can walk out with this towel right?

No one will see me. 



Mother of bacon no.

Ugh the towel isn't too short it will be alright, right? Well it's about mid thigh. Fine I got this, my room isn't that far away.

I secure my towel around me and brush my hair real quick. I take a deep breath closing my eyes. I quickly open the door and run out.

After about 5 steps I hit something. AIsh. I should've opened my eyes I'm so stupid. I look up and see Kimmie.

Phew. That was so lucky I thought it was going to be him. I do a little wave and glance around and run towards my room. 

I turn into the hallway and I hit another person this time. I had an idea who exactly who it was. 

"Oh hey there uhm well I'm going to go change bye" You ran into your room then shutting the door and locking it.


My mission failed I was seen by Baekhyun.

He didn't see ANYTHING right? You checked yourself in the mirror still in your towel. Nope nothing showing just my arms neck and legs? Eh whatever.


Baekhyun's P.O.V.




Running around the house with just a towel?


Her shoulders and legs. ADHGADHA

Her skin is so clear and smooth looking. ASDADFJA

I'm a byuntae you guys. Forever alone byuntae.


You all finished your morning antics and finally started to leave for Lotte World at 11. You made sure to have Baekhyun in a disguise. Well not really a disguise just a beanie and fake glasses frames you had. You also brought a scarf in case he looked obvious.

Kimmie brought small backpacks for the three of you and put snacks in each one. She also made sure you all had each other's numbers and everything in case one of you got lost. Yes her second nature is umma Kim.

This time you drove there, because Kimmie was cranky about how yesterday's mall trip you didn't drive at all. Luckily though Lotte World wasn't too far away.

The car ride this time was Kimmie asking Baekhyun questions about what it was like to be an idol and such. You were just driving and humming.

It took about half an hour to get there. When you found a parking space and paid for the parking spot the three of you were ready and had their stuff. Kimmie thought she brought too much stuff so she decided to bring just one backpack and just make sure there was enough snacks because food there was expensive, and not healthy.

Her umma Kim side showed when it came to health and meals. When you finished buying the tickets you went back to Baekhyun and Kimmie and you both finally stepped into what was called Lotte World.



Astonishing amazing. It was so gigantic and so many lights filled the large dome like room.

It has rides inside and outside the building it was fantastic.

You looked at Kimmie and she beamed at the sight of everything. You took a glance at Baekhyun and his jaw was dropped. You snickered.

"Flies are going to go in your mouth soon" You said at Baekhyun closing his mouth for him. He blushed at the contact but you didn't notice. Kimmie did though.

Uwaah today is going to be epic.

You researched last night that the lines could be extremely long so you decided to buy fast passes so that you wouldn't have to wait in the lines and waste time.

The fast passes were an extra 15 dollars each but it's better than waiting in lines for hours on end right?

The three of you stared in awe of the choices of rides and games and decided to go on rides first. 

You were excited for the first roller coaster while your friends just looked at you weirdly then laughed. Before you went to the roller coaster you went to a nearby snack stand and a blue, pink and purple cotton candy.

You came back and gave the blue one to Kimmie and the since she likes blue and purple to Baekhyun because you didn't know what he liked. He smiled and thanked you for the cotton candy. He took a piece from his and ate some so did Kimmie. While you waited in line and since it was about a 15 minute wait you just chatted randomly or played games on your phones.

The thing is you loved roller coasters yet you would get so anxious right before but when it started you were fine. Just the before part the waiting game scared you.

You started to breath a little irregularly hoping no one noticed. Too bad your wish is left ungranted. Kimmie smirked your way then whispered something into Baekhyun's ear.

He nodded. What is that woman scheming? She's probably going to ditch me taking Baekhyun with her right after the ride is over. We are getting closer to the ride I can hear people scream on the ride. I can feel a slight adrenaline rush. How I missed this feeling, the last rush I had was saving the dork but that's nothing.

I close my eyes a little taking in the moment, savoring this moment because it wouldn't come too often.

"Hey are you alright?" I felt someone squeeze my shoulders. Oh it's you Kimmie want to troll on me? Since when did Kimmie's hands grow and get a manlier voice?

You turn around seeing Baekhyun instead of Kimmie who's standing behind him grinning like an idiot at you. "Oh nah I'm alright I just get this rush for roller coasters. I love them!" You grinned.

"You're kind of well, shaking." He pointed at your hands. Damn my hands. I guess this is what I get for getting so hyped.

"No it's quite fine. I'm fine honest" You said raising your hands.

Kimmie leaned towards Baekhyun and whispered something again. He widened his eyes at her statement. 

"She's just putting a brave face, I think she will feel better if you hug her."


He started shuffling closer towards you. You took notice of his worried expression and was confused. What did Kimmie say to him? 

"Hey you know if your nervous you could just say so" With that said he just hugs you warmly.


Baekhyun's P.O.V.

She's nervous? Of all people her. No way. But Kimmie said so, and they are best friends so she knows best right? She reminds me of D.o umma. When Kimmie first said that she's a bit nervous about roller coasters I thought she was kidding. She gave me a stern face sort of like Suho when we are goofing off.

After that I talked to her and she didn't look to scared but I noticed her hands were shaking. That means a person is scared right?

So I just left her alone until Kimmie told me that I should hug her to make her feel better I was debating what the outcome would be.

Will she hit me like Sehun after I hit his ? Well none of the people saw what happened backstage but I can tell you it wasn't pretty. He tattled on me. Then I had to get lectured by Suho how I shouldn't do that in public much less a performance. I thought it was great fanservice.

I guess I'll hug her now. I shuffle towards her in a bit of an awkward manner. She looks at me strangely before I tell her that if she's nervous to just say so.

With that I hug her.



I actually write ahead a few chappies, then post every once in while The date is actually August 27th I finished writing this.
Yeah :D
He says sarangminda
To all my derps?

Yes Kai loves you too.

When shall the other EXO-K members show up?
I don't know yet. Well maybe Friday in this story?
 and here is this derp touching Sehun....
 Yes I fully ship them forevers.
 Have you guys seen Teen Top's The Egg Song?
OR maybe the traffic safety song by Exo-K?
It's old news by the time I post this.
So I'll fangirl alone.
I'm special you guisseee :DD
I'll kick you if you leave me 3


Or I'll just go crazy and do this?

 Pai pai you guys~ until next time....HURHUR

I lub you guys muchoo muchh


Note 8/31/12- I posted this today because I'm super happy and I got a 100% on my vocab quiz today. :D YAY


Maybe I'll update later again tonight if you guys are extra lucky?

But I already have the next chapter mostly typed out so yeah :D

Comment, subscribe. And if you are a silent reader, I love you too.

Sorry for any errors in the spelling.


I also changed the fore ward a bit :D

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Thank you!
I thought I would be back by now but. I'm just. Not as interested in this fic. I need to sort out my thoughts. Sorry guys. 7/12/13


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madesu1 #1
I love it!
Quietttt #2
pls update soon...
asianfanficlover #3
Chapter 29: Please upate soon!!!"^_^
I Love It!!!!!! I want to read more!!!! Please Update!!!! It's awesome!!!! <3333
Chapter 29: <3 Lay. My bias
Chapter 29: Update soon author-nim *^*
Chapter 29: Hmmmph my Internet has problems so I can't be first to comment grrrrrr but anywaaaays my exo babies got called byuntaes omggg!!!! But I wudnt scream if I actually saw exo while I'm at a sauna hurhurhur
Chapter 29: OMG they went to the woman's room?! aigoo these boys -_-
author-nim! i missed your updates! TT^TT
Heyinpiniteu #10
Chapter 29: HAHAHA!! Omg , they are seriously dorks !