Schedules to keep

I'm EXO-K's Bodyguard?! (hiatus)

That night everyone had a hard time letting Kimmie leave but she eventually left, at 11 at night. You tried to offer to drive her home, but she told you that you wouldn't be able to get back here. You pouted and bid her farewell. Everyone had fun with Kimmie and told her to come by soon. Suho and Kai gave her a hug, then Baekhyun and D.o. Sehun grabbed her and shook her and you demanded that he put her down, and reminded him girls were not rag dolls.

The second to last to hug her was Chanyeol. He awkwardly walked to Kimmie and squished her. She giggled and hugged him back. You came up to Kimmie and you two hugged and you whispered one last thing to her.

"I think the skyscraper likes you" You smirked pulling away from the pink Kimmie. She waved bye once more and she went to her car. 

Now everyone was back in the dorm, tired and worn out from the crazy day.

Everyone went to sleep that night without any mishaps. The boys were psyched they get to perform but at the same time nervous because they always have to do their best. You went to sleep that night without any strange scenes, like people dragging you to their bed, or having to buy underwear.


"Hyung! Hurry!" Chanyeol shouts running through the house while trying to put his pants on.

"You need to hurry, you're the one running around without pants on!" Kai shouts back. Good thing you were in your room getting ready or you would've been exposed to a pantsless Chanyeol.

"Aish! How did we manage to sleep in for half an hour?" Suho groaned finally dressed and clean.

"I think the alarm broke.." D.o pointed out after zipping up his jacket.

"I'm ready!" Sehun pranced in the room with his shirt on inside out and backwards.

You ran out of your room clutching tightly to your backpack and you counted off the boys. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... Where's six? You realized Baekhyun must have been still getting ready so you scurried off to his door and were about to knock when he walked out prepped and ready to go.

"Let's go we have no time to spare!" You shouted running to the door and locking it after they exited. Everyone rushed down to the lobby and you cracked your neck ready for any fangirl/boys. Opening the door there were already several bodyguards blocking the way of most of the girls. Everyone huddled close and you made sure no one was left behind. Opening the van door you hurried everyone inside and you bowed and shut the door.

"Phew" You said wiping your imaginary sweat.

"What are we doing again today?" Suho asked buckling his seatbelt.

"Live performance at Yongsan Golden Bell, fan meeting, then practice." You said reading off your phone. The manager decided it would be more convenient if you had their schedules on your phone instead of bringing stacks papers around.

"Woo! I got dis man!" Chanyeol shouted in his bad english.

"It's this" You corrected him in your almost perfect english. 

"Anyways, we should be there in-" You went on and on, boring the boys so one by one the drifted off to sleep.

"Got it?" You asked looking up. Seeing that they have fallen asleep you chuckle and just patiently wait until the van arrives. You stare out the window, rethinking about yesterday's events. They replayed in your head but it stopped with the mention of Lee Byunghyun. *I wonder how's he doing?* After a while you cracked a smile, you loved the days where you Kimmie and Byunghyun would hang out together. It wasn't often then, but you enjoyed every second of it. Not to mention you had a teensy crush on him back in high school.

You shook your head clearing your thoughts, seeing that you have now arrived you shook the boys awake.

"Let's go quickly alright?" You beamed.

Everyone rushed out of the van, and were immediately bombarded by the many fans surrounding the vehicle. You escorted them backstage and they had their makeup done then their attire. You surveyed the whole process trying to ask if they needed help at any times. You made sure that the cordi noonas were comfortable, because if they felt well, then the results of the boys would be better right?

Less than an hour later they were prepped and warming up. 

"Ahh! Oooh! Eeeyy!" D.o started making strange noises warming up his throat. You giggled, he shot you a surprised look and continued.

"EXO-M EXO-K The future we about to start history!" Chanyeol rapped.(It's awk in english)

They were warming up then the director called them over and it was time for them to perform. You gave them hi-fives and watched them perform.

They started off with history and you automatically jumped up and followed the dance. You noticed you were one beat slow so you started to keep the same beat and moves as them. You were watching their dance carefully, trying to spot any mistakes. After they finished you caught only a few mistakes. They came back panting and sweaty, you congratulated them, telling them they did great. 

"Uh Chanyeol when go out for your rap sequence, try not to trip, I saw that" You .

"He did?" Kai turned to face Chanyeol which made him duck behind the third tallest person, Sehun.

"Yeah, come here look" You pointed to the screen that was going over the dance, and indeed Chanyeol tripped over his own feet.

"Dang it, I was in the back and was hoping none of you saw me" He whined in his deep voice.

"It's alright man, don't do it again though" Kai smacked his back a couple times.

"Oh and Baekhyun and D.o, why are you two always singing, I know you two are main but Sehun doesn't have much lines, and neither does Suho. But then again mostly everyone else is just dancing like crazy" You said a feeling bad because they sang so much and the rest had less lines.

"I'm not sure, the producer sets up the lines" D.o informed you as though he was a dictionary.

"Uhm, Sehun, your shirt if flies up a lot, and I can see your boxers" You awkwardly told him. He turned red in the face and scratched the back of his neck.

"But, the n-noonas make me wear this" He stuttered.

"And Kai, is this even considered a shirt?" You joked.

"Yeah, the fans like my chest..." He said wandering away. After some more of your strange thoughts of their wardrobe and the uneven amount of lines you decide to have a talk with whoever sets up the lines, next time.

After they rested for a bit it was time for them to go out and perform their other track Mama. 
You watched interested because you had yet to learn this song. It was too fast and the camera man continously zoomed into their faces so you gave up copying the dance. 

When they ran off stage they bowed and waved cutely to their fans. When they came backstage you gave them water bottles and they drank thirstily. 

"How was it this time?" Chanyeol gulped down the water. 

"I don't know this dance so I'm not sure" you stretched your feet. 

"Ready for your fanmeeting?" You said picking up your backpack. 

"Yup lets go!" Suho cheered. 
"Let's go noona!" Sehun exclaimed pulling you towards the exit. You chuckled at his childish behavior and followed. 

Everyone followed suit and The grumpy Baekhyun followed. 

Seating yourself in the passengers seat after everyone else was in the van you started off to the next location where they would meet their fans. 

Upon reaching your destination the air was filled by the screams of fangirls. When opening your door you were faced with a sea of screaming teenage girls. your dry lips you opened the door for the boys and the fans screaming became three times as loud. You gritted your teeth and the other bodyguards made way. 

"D.O Eomma saranghae!"
"Bacon you're so cute!"
"Kai have my babies!"
"Suho Sehun love me!"

The fans cheered loudly and shook their signs. Some of the signs had the members names on them while others pictures of their faces. Creepy much. 

You pushed your way through the crowd along with the other bodyguards and made your way to the signing table. The guys sat at the chairs and beamed. The larger security guard had a megaphone and ordered everyone to get behind the lanes so the fans could have a mini meet and greet. You stood behind the guys surveying the interaction between the fans and members. 

You noticed that whenever they see the fans they would beam brightly and greet them in a friendly manner. 

Some fans talked shyly while others were bold and just straight out flirt. You thought that some were wearing some pretty short clothing for such cold weather. A number if fans though we're kind enough to bring packaged snacks for the members and the brought enough for the staff nearby. 

You noticed a familiar blonde head in the crowd and you craned your neck trying to see who it was. Your stomach tightened slightly and you got confused, why would you feel this way?

After some time went by the line eventually got smaller and smaller and the stacks of presents got higher an higher. You watched as the boys greeted the fans. D.o's eyes would turn into saucers as he greeted the fans. 

Occasionally there would be fans who scare the boys and they would jump. One fan threw a shirt at Chanyeol which you thought was strange. You politely told her not to throw things because she can just hand the items instead. She apologized and walked off. 

Time passed and the blonde head got closer. You stared and stared, after a few minutes the person made it to the front and you were attending to the staff who were having difficulty with the microphone set up. 

"Hello what's your name?" Suho aske the blonde boy. 

"I'm Lee Byunghyun but you can call me L.Joe" He smiled. "I'm not actually here for you guys but I wanted to see MiYoun can I talk to her please?" He shot Suho a charismic smile and Suho pointed you out. 

He thanked Suho and sauntered off to where you were at. He tapped your shoulder. 

"Sehun if you need bubble tea not-" you turned around and gasped. It was your Byunghyun oppa. 

"Oppa, where have you been" You whispered hugging him tightly. 

He chuckled, "I've been in Korea the whole time." He hugged you back. 

You released him and looked him up and down. He's gotten slightly taller but was still somewhat short. Still the size of a teenager you chuckled. 

"What type of car dealer has blonde hair with blue streaks?" You teased messing up his hair. 

"Hey, I am very successful you know" He playfully shot back. 

"Uhu and I'm sure your height impressed the customers" You compared his height to yours. Even though you may be shorter then him by 4 inches you considered him short. 

"Yah! Is this how you treat your oppa after not seeing him for over half a year?" He flicked your forehead. 

"Uhm excuse me, why are you flicking Miyoun?" A voice said. You whipped around to see a frowning Baekhyun. The two exchanged stares and then turned their focus back to you. 

"Baekhyun meet Byunghyun oppa" Baekhyun's eye twitched at the addition of oppa. 

"Nice to meet you" L.Joe said cooly extending his hand. 

"Nice to meet you too" Baekhyun shot a grin and shook his hand. After a moment of awkward silence you suggested that Byunghyun meet the other members. He was about to protest but you shot him a look and he shut his mouth. 

Only a few fans were left and they finished their signing and greetings then left. You let out a sigh of relief now that you didn't have to worry about the crazy fans. 

"Byunghyun oppa, meet Exo" You introduced them. 

"This is Suho, Chanyeol, Kai, D.o, and Sehun. You already met Baekhyun" you gestered and everyone either gave a friendly wave or a handshake. 

"You can call me L.Joe" Ljoe smiled. 

L.Joe looked like an ant when he shook hands with Chanyeol and you laughed. 

"What?" L.Joe asked you cocking his head. 

"Oppa looks like an ant next to Chanyeol" You let out a guffaw. 

The members snickered at your comment and L.Joe's ears turned pink. 

"Yah! You little punk come here" He growled and started after you. 

You were quick and agile, evading his slower awkward attacks to you. Well they weren't attacks more like him lunging and trying to tickle you. The guys awkwardly watched as you two were in your own little world. 

Baekhyun was getting mighty jealous. *She calls him oppa so casually? Why can't she call us oppa? More importantly me?* 

L.Joe coughed awkwardly under the stares directed to him. 

"Well I guess I better get going" He coughed and started to walk away. 

"Yah! Byunghyun!" You shout chasing after him then enveloping him in a back hug. 

"Call me sometime, we can hang out when we both have time alright oppa?" You squeezed him. 

You felt his body shake from his chuckling. Feeling contented you realeased him. He whipped around hugged you back then ran off.

"Bye oppa!" You waved as he got into his red Lamborghini and drove off waving back to you. 

Turning back to the boys most of them were either confused or awkward. 

"What are we waiting for? You guys got to go practice!" You cheered with renewed enthusiasm. Almost skipping you made your way to the van and the boys followed behind. It was around 6 already since the fanmeeting was extended due to the larger lines. 

You hurried the boys making sure they were all in the van before jumping in yourself and shutting the door. 

Sitting comfortably in your seat you took out your phone and text Kimmie so she could give you Byunghyun's number. 

Putting your phone back in your pocket you turned to face the guys and their expressions were unreadable. 

"Are you guys alright" you asked slightly confused. 

"Tell us about your L.Joe" Baekhyun blurted out. 

Suho smacked his head. 

"What he means to say is, tell us about your friend and such" Suho corrected. 

"Well I forgot to mention I met Byunghyun when I would visit Kimmie at her house, you know when we had school projects." You admitted. 

"Ooh so he's Kimmie's brother?" Sehun asked eyes widening as he spoke.

"We'll adoptive but yes" you replied. 

"What's up with his hair?" Kai randomly asked. 

"I'm not sure he always likes it blonde, one time he experimented and got it purple" you snickered at the thought. 

"Woah purple?" D.o's eyes widened as always when he was surprised. 

"Yup purple, it actually looked pretty good on oppa, but it faded then he got it grey for awhile. The grey didn't look as cool" you gushed. 

Everytime you said oppa the guys became more and more self concious. 

"Hey I don't mean to be rude or anything, but why do you only call him oppa?" Chanyeol spoke with his groggy deep voice. 

"Hm I'm not sure, he's probably the only person I've called oppa.. I'm not that great with guys" you admitted. 

"Would you call us oppa?" Baekhyun blurted out once more, then smacking his own hands over his mouth. 

"Maaybeee" You teased and sat forwards. 

"Darn it"

"But she can't call me oppa!" Sehun protested. 

"Who cares man, we only have our fans to call us oppa but they do it without asking" Kai grumbled as he slouched in his seat. 

When you reached the practice room the guys first changed into comfortable clothing and began to practice. 

You sat and mimicked the arm motions and shuffling your feet. Everytime Kai would do his lip singing for the screamo part you would raise your hands in the same manner then giggle. 

*Shes so cute* 
*Hehe noona likes out dance*
*I wonder why she just doesn't dance with us?*
*She seems to have learnt most of it*

It was time for a short water break and the guys eagerly drank water and stretched. 
"Hey do you want to dance with us?" Kai wiped his forehead. 

You contemplated the thought before jumping up and nodding. 

"You know the dance right?" Kai smiled his perfect smile at you. 

"Most of it just not the formation" You shrugged stretching your arms. 

"Alright you can just take uhm copy Baekhyuns parts then just study his movements and try to follow alright?" Kai suggested. 

"Alright let's go" you bounced in excitement. 

They went over the dance and you tried to follow the movement of Baekhyun as precise as you could. After the fourth run through you could follow the formation pretty well. 

"Wah I'm all sweaty" you fanned yourself. 

Sehun wrinkled his nose. "You smell too"

"Yah! You smell too!" You whacked his arm playfully. 

"I know I know." Sehun stuck his tongue at you mischievously. 

"Let's go shower I'm all gross" you exclaimed gesturing to yourself. 

"You said it" The sweaty Kai snickered and ran off to shower. 

Everyone took showers and were clean, now it was dinner time. 

While D.o was cooking you volunteered Kai to help him. Loudly protesting Kai went off into the kitchen to bug D.o. He ended up leaving the kitchen with bits of sauce on his face. 

He claims that D.o had thrown a tantrum and kicked him out. Laughing you sent Sehun in there and this time made sure D.o didn't kick him out. 

After dinner was prepared you and Chanyeol helped set the table and everyone else got either the drinks or helped D.O bring out the food. 

Thanking D.o and Sehun everyone started to eat, murmurs of thank you's were heard. 

After dinner was done everyone watched T.v until nine when you made them go to bed. 

"Go brush your teeth it's time to sleep!" You clapped your hands and switched off the T.v. 

Groans of protest were heard but you shooed them to go to sleep. 

"Noona why do you always call L.Joe hyung oppa, but you don't call my hyungs oppa?" Sehun approached you after washing up. 

"I only called Byunghyun oppa, because he was one of the first guys who opened up to me before I became popular. Remember how I told you I was a nerd in high school? Well I met him a few times while being a nerd with Kimmie and he treated me like a normal person. He asked me to call him oppa so of course I would" you told him your mini story. 

He listened like a child listening to his mother and you found it very endearing. You reached out and ruffled up his hair. 

"Hey!" He whined swatting your hands away. 

"Go to bed you tyke" you shrugged and stood up and started walking to your room. 

"I am not a child I am a man!" He called back. 

Turning around you walked back up to him. You tip towd and poked his forehead. 

"A man that smalls like vanilla" you smirked and waltzed back to your room.


Comment replies...

MyWorldIo I don't know where it's from I saw it off tumblr :P

Koalas Thank you, sorry for such the long wait komawoo for waiting and being so patient.

LUckyLuhan Thanks for reading the story! I hope you continue to love it :D

TaeMinhoOppa I updated quick, cause I had to and love you guys, but I took forever for this chapter because I had some tests this week. My biases, are y.

eun_byung Aww you guys are so sweet, I think this isn't good enough and D.o is sho cuteee

KimSooYeon Kai can be gay for D.o. and yes baekkii babyy

BAPBabyy Showers, are so y.. And Sehun gets aggressive.

asianfanficlover  sorry for the almost week long wait! I love you guys.

OHMYGOD That m.c was dah bomb!


xJannah COOOCOONs...

awesomeGEE  Thanks for thinking my story is cute










HOW YOU DOING SUBBBBIES! I hope you like the story so far and the gif below! 



Hey you guys Leebyungiee here! The co author is actually my cousin. She put this up for me and I hope you guys liked it!

anyways please leave comments and ill update hopefully regularly as in five days please vote for this story you guys! And all my other ones too please help!

leebyungiee out~

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I thought I would be back by now but. I'm just. Not as interested in this fic. I need to sort out my thoughts. Sorry guys. 7/12/13


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madesu1 #1
I love it!
Quietttt #2
pls update soon...
asianfanficlover #3
Chapter 29: Please upate soon!!!"^_^
I Love It!!!!!! I want to read more!!!! Please Update!!!! It's awesome!!!! <3333
Chapter 29: <3 Lay. My bias
Chapter 29: Update soon author-nim *^*
Chapter 29: Hmmmph my Internet has problems so I can't be first to comment grrrrrr but anywaaaays my exo babies got called byuntaes omggg!!!! But I wudnt scream if I actually saw exo while I'm at a sauna hurhurhur
Chapter 29: OMG they went to the woman's room?! aigoo these boys -_-
author-nim! i missed your updates! TT^TT
Heyinpiniteu #10
Chapter 29: HAHAHA!! Omg , they are seriously dorks !