
I'm EXO-K's Bodyguard?! (hiatus)

"Let's go watch a movie?" Chanyeol suggested.

"Psh what movie?" D.o laughed.

"A movie with people in it" You said blankly.

"Har har very funny but seriously what movie?" Kimmie slapped your arm.

"Let's watch a scary movie" Kai said in a creepy voice while moving his fingers. You and Kimmie glanced at each other and smiled thinking the same thing. 

"Alright then" You and Kimmie both said surprising the boys. By then everyone already stepped out of the ramen shop and were walking towards the cinema.

"So who are you going to sit with?" Sehun sang skipping beside you. You just shrugged not sure.

"I'm going to sit with noona" Sehun grabbed and pulled you to the movie ticket line. Everyone else lined up behind you two.

"What about that one?" Sehun pointed to a movie.

"That one is rated R you can't go in there Sehun." Suho frowned at his donsaeng's choice.

"Then that one?" He pointed to another one.

"The time already passed." D.o pointed out


"No that's lame" Kai scoffed.


"uhm well that is a food advertisement sign" Chanyeol said.

"ARGH. Fine someone else choose then I give up." Sehun threw his arms up in defeat.

"I think maybe we should just not watch a horror since either the times are over or some of us can't go in there.." Kimmie suggested.

"Can we just sneak into a rated R movie?" Sehun piped up.

"No you can't just sneak in a movie" Suho crossed his arms and stared at the maknae and received a mehrong(when you stick your tongue at someone) from the maknae.

"Let's play a game and whoever wins can choose the movie." Chanyeol suggested, everyone agreed so you played rock paper scissors.

In the end Kai won and you guys watched an action horror movie. You suggested that the guys text you what they want and they should go into the theater and save you and Kimmie some seats. They questioned your reasoning and you told them that you didn't want them outside too long and they may get recognized. With that they glanced at the snacks and drinks and went to the theater to save you and Kimmie seats.

Both you and Kimmie had a hard time juggling an assortment of candy,four buckets of popcorn and eight drinks. After stumbling and apologizing to random people you and Kimmie both bumped you made it to the theater. Baekhyun and Chanyeol both saw you and shot up to help carry the drinks. With a lightened load now you randomly threw the bags of candy at the other members. Since they saved you two seats in random the seating arrangements were D.o in the aisle seat with Kai, Suho, Sehun, you, Baekhyun, Kimmie, then Chanyeol

The seats were in the farthest back of the theater so even if people walked in they wouldn't pay attention to the six idols. There wasn't many people in this specific movie because it has been released for about two weeks already. Everyone shared a bucket of popcorn but had their own drinks.

While waiting for the movie to start you started to munch on some popcorn kernel by kernel. You felt a poke on your left shoulder and looked over.

"Noona I saved this seat just for you" Sehun said.

"Thanks Thehun" You replied with a grin and turned back to face the screen. You fidgeted in your seat somewhat uncomfortable. *I hate these tiny seats, I wonder how Chanyeol feels considering he's so tall, and Sehun too.* You thought to yourself.

Almost as though he read your mind Baekhyun spoke up and softly said, "Are you uncomfortable Miyoun?" 

"Actually I am, I just find it a bit odd to sit like this, and the chairs seem smaller than normal theater seats" You whispered remembering you were in theater.

"Do you want to lean on me?" Baekhyun whispered back.

*Lean on Baek? But wouldn't that be awkward? I can handle it, for now anyways.* You thought to yourself.

"I'm fine right now, maybe later." Youu shrugged off the annoying feeling.


"Hey uhm Chanyeol" Kimmie whispered.

"Yeah" Chanyeol leaned closer to hear what Kimmie say, to only result her in a blushing mess. Luckily he couldn't see her face so she took a breath in and asked for the bucket of popcorn.

"Oh haha sorry" He chuckled and put the bucket between them. Kimmie nervously ate and reached for her drink. Instead of grabbing her drink on the left side, her right hand reached for Chanyeol's drink and she sipped it.

*Why does this taste like root beer? I had sprite* She thought as she continued drinking. Kimmie felt a light poke on her shoulder and she turned to her right.

"Uh Kimmie that's my drink." He said shyly.

With that comment Kimmie started coughing on the root beer. "Oh my gosh are you serious?" She said staring at the cup.

"Uh yeah yours is on your left, mine is root beer" He chuckled quietly.

"Sorry, I'll go get you a new straw" Kimmia got up but was held back.

"It's alright I don't mind" Chanyeol pulled her back in her seat.

"No it's ok it will just take a second." Kimmie tried getting back up for the second time.

"Look it's fine" He took a sip from his drink, "See?"

"Alright then" Kimmie huffed and settled back into her seat.

*I just had an indirect kiss with Kimmie. I just had an indirect kiss, with Kimmie. Indirect kiss with Kimmie. Kiss with Kimmie* Chanyeol smiled to himself dorkishly and happily sipped from his straw.

After a few more minutes of the previews the movie started. The movie started out at some club where they are partying when someone comes in and smiles creepily. The scene ends and sets off at a mall, it's late at night and it's a concert then there is a sudden zombie attack, and then the band gets eaten. Some people fight against the zombies by going into the outlet stores and getting weapons.

In the movie some man was being eaten by a zombie while his friend fell over you were happily sipping your drink.

Suddenly when the zombie dragged itself you watched the man scream like a little girl and you bursted out laughing. No one else though, seemed to find this funny so you ended up being the only person in the whole theater who laughed. Baekhyun poked you since some people around were starting to get annoyed.

You did you best to stiffle your laughs so you ended up laughing except muted. You were covering part of your face with your hand while mute laughing, which honestly looks extremly strange. Baekhyun chuckled at your appearance and stuck popcorn in your mouth to silence your muted laughs.

You pouted and stopped with your strange antics. After checking your phone you realized this movie was one that would last over two hours. You sighed, regretting to let Kai choose the movie. You continued shifting in your seat uncomfortably.

Baekhyun noticed your discomfort and he offered again this time, you took it tired. He lifted the arm rest and you leaned against chest.

"Does this hurt?" You ask curiously.

"No I'm fine" He replied moving his left arm awkwardly to his right side.

"Just put your arm here" You picked up his arm and put it on your shoulder oblivious from the suggestive position.

"Oh s-sure alright" He gulped and relaxed slightly.

"You sly dog" He heard Kimmie whisper into his right ear. He gulped.

"It's alright though, you're just being nice right?" Kimmie sang teasingly. Baekhyun nodded and Kimmie went back to watching to movie.

"They're so cute!" Kimmie whispered to the person on her right, which was Chanyeol.

"How so?" Chanyeol whispered then raised his eyebrow.

"It just is." Kimmie whispered back. Kimmie was thinking to herself how oblivious Miyoun was sometimes. She wouldn't notice some things unless you said it directly to her face. Like in highschool this boy always brought her cute bentos and was really nice to her. He liked her but, she didn't know until Kimmie told her. She then became awkward around him but still polite.

After a few moments Kimmie was imagining being able to lean on Chanyeol comfortably like Baekhyun and Miyoun. Sighing to herself knowing that wouldn't happen in a million years she pouted to herself. Completely forgetting about the people being eaten by zombies and people lighting zombies on fire Kimmie picked up her drink and grumpingly chewed on her straw.

After awhile Kimmie also noticed the odd feel of the seats. She got up and sat on the right side of Chanyeol and layed one two seats awkwardly. He laughed at her strange behavior and she stuck her tongue at him.

"Would you rather have your head on my lap?" He chuckled blushing placing his jacket on his lap, but Kimmie didn't notice his pink cheeks because of the darkness.

"Good idea" She said as she rested her head on his lap and turned her head to watch the movie. After a few seconds Kimmie's brain kicked into action and she realized that she was on the Chanyeol's lap. Giggling she continued watching the movie not caring that the main character was being torn apart by zombies.

Chanyeol on the other hand was giddy because Kimmie was now resting on his lap. He was thinking about whether to play with her hair or not. *Would she think I'm weird if I did?* He asked himself.

*Maybe, I should just, no it's stupid* He shook his head. Minutes later after arguing with his conscience he finally moved his hands and just played with the ends of her hair. He felt her stiffen and he pulled his hands away and muttered an apology. To his surprise she laughed, which left him a bit confused.

"It's ok, you're probably bored right?" She whispered.

"Yeah, the movie isn't that great" He lied, he actually likes zombie movies, but he was far more interested in Kimmie's soft dark brown hair. He continued playing with her hair and tried braiding it, which ended up in a mess. Note to self, never let Chanyeol braid your hair, under any circumstance.

Throughout the movie Sehun would sneak glances at Miyoun and pout because she was resting on Baekhyun. Suho noticed this and patted his head. "Just enjoy the stinking movie"

D.o and Kai on the other hand were bored because they found the movie boring so they snuck out and went to the arcade.

When the movie ended only Suho watched it, he was actually intrigued with the thought zombies could someday come alive. That night when you all went home he boarded up his room.

Leaving the theater everyone was pretty much sleepy so Kimmie told everyone they should just go home since it was about dinner time already, this time you drove home and you when you arrived home you parked and peeked out the door. You hopped out after telling the guys to wait before coming out.

You scanned the area and noticed the usual fans are there, shouldn't they just go home?

You went up to them and coughed, the noticed and recognized you almost immediately.

"You're that girl that was with Exo oppas right?" The same girl pointed at you.

"Yeah sure, I just wanted to tell you that your oppas" You quoted the air at oppas. "They were actually in that store over there." You pointed to the huge grocery store. You technically didn't lie because on the way home you all picked up some groceries.

"Really? You're not that bad, I guess your just a crazy fangirl too? See ya" The three girls ran off frantically at top speed to the grocery stores.

"Silly girls, I didn't say they were still there" You chuckled going back to the car. They poured out of the car and made a mad dash for the building. Everyone made it inside including Kimmie. She then hit herself on the forehead.

"Why in the world did I run in here, I think I'll just leave now see you some other time you guys. Bye Baekhyun, Sehun, Suho, Kai, D.o and Chanyeol. Bye Youn, me" She turned towards the door.



"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Chanyeol gulped.


HURHUR, I am so nice.. I left you guys hanging..

lol jk I'm updating tomorrow, but probably at night since I'm slow at writing this story.

Comment replies.

OHMYGOD keke thanksss. I think you're cute too. Yeah i try to find, cute gifs...

BAPBabyy ...Omg. You are just too much like, my mind.. /dirty/

ChibiHibird Chanyeol, is like just the happiest guy ever, I wonder if he is ever sad, I hope he always smiles. <3

asianfanficlover HURHUR is this cute enough yet?

MagMay01 Thanks, I try my best for your guys.

eun_byung Kimmie and Chanyeol? Why I think so.. DERPS FOREVERS, and D.o is just so nice, fanning the fanslike a boss.

Koalas OMG PABO COMPUTER! /slaps computer/ oh shoot. I think I broke it. /buys you le new laptop with my imaginary moolah/

KimSooYeon Yeah D.o is just like OM NOM NOM NOM FOOOD LOOOOVEEEE MEE. KimYeol, new couple here..

EXOtic4eva Uwah, sorry for the confusion I'll start reediting and fix the mistakes and fix the point of view, thanks, I thought I would leave it but now I think it might turn people away.. Thanks for mentioning.

shikalila OH. L.O.L hehe. I get it now. I'm glad I can bring a smile to your face. Sorry for the shortish chapter, but I will update sometime tomorrowwwwwww :)

Check out my oneshot, subscribe to it please~ If you do I'll love you more than forever.

It's about my other bias, Lay<3


True story guys, well at least the Kai dancing and D.o coming in asking him what he was doing, it was on an interview, can't remmeber which though sorrys~

He's so short, keke he can't reach the floor if he scoots up <3 so cutee

...these guys..

LOL I hope you are blind now.. no wait I take that back..s h i t. /knocks on le wood/

LOL omg, exo fandom...

NO!!!!!!!!!!! or ANIYAAAAAAAAA

omg, this is so true, but I rather this happen then the poor idols being touched..

Heheh I see you D.o

There's Suho, then there is Sehun.

I think Sehun is the cutest when his eyes disappear and he laughs.


Suho says bye, and he also said to subscribe to my one shot, yeah. What you didn't hear him? Oh well I guess you just have to take my word :D /evil smile/

leebyungiee out~ :3



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I thought I would be back by now but. I'm just. Not as interested in this fic. I need to sort out my thoughts. Sorry guys. 7/12/13


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madesu1 #1
I love it!
Quietttt #2
pls update soon...
asianfanficlover #3
Chapter 29: Please upate soon!!!"^_^
I Love It!!!!!! I want to read more!!!! Please Update!!!! It's awesome!!!! <3333
Chapter 29: <3 Lay. My bias
Chapter 29: Update soon author-nim *^*
Chapter 29: Hmmmph my Internet has problems so I can't be first to comment grrrrrr but anywaaaays my exo babies got called byuntaes omggg!!!! But I wudnt scream if I actually saw exo while I'm at a sauna hurhurhur
Chapter 29: OMG they went to the woman's room?! aigoo these boys -_-
author-nim! i missed your updates! TT^TT
Heyinpiniteu #10
Chapter 29: HAHAHA!! Omg , they are seriously dorks !