Morning antics

I'm EXO-K's Bodyguard?! (hiatus)
MiYoun's P.O.V.
Why is it so warm? Oh wait Sehun wouldn't let me leave last night. I wiggle free from his grip to see Kai and D.o in the room giggling. 
Oh no.
They are totally going to think I'm a e now.
It's all your FAULT THEHUN.
"Ahem, what is it?" I clear my throat.
"Hehe what were you two doing last night?" Kai wiggled his eyebrows around provocatively.
"Well if you don't remember me carrying your tub of fat right there to his bed and Sehun and Suho, but Sehun wouldn't let go of me so here I am" I said first pointing at D.o then at the bed.
You climbed over Sehun to only trip and land on top of both Kai and D.o.
I jump up and immediately apologize still bright pink in the face. Sehun is now awake because of my loudness. Mentally face palming myself I scurry out of the room.
Oh my gosh, second day and I'm falling all over the members I have to protect.
Might as well make breakfast. Wait a second why were Kai and D.o awake before me? What time is it? I run to my room and check my phone. 10:23..
Wait a second they have no schedule today?
That's so rare. Might as well make breakfast. I run off into the the kitchen and see Suho, Chanyeol and Baekhyun already there making breakfast and joking around. I guess Suho woke up earlier and just left his room, doesn't that mean he saw my sleeping next to Sehun?
Oh no the leader is going to lecture me and I'm so dead. So so so very very dead. I might as well quit now, I'm going to get fired for being a pedo noona.
I stop running and just awkwardly go into my room.
What do I do now? Am I really going to get fired? But but, Sehun wanted a teddy bear, wait I saw one in there the other day... That little troll.
I guess I have to face them eventually, or maybe I can hide in here till they have to go out.
"MIYOUN!" You heard a voice shout your name which startled you.
"Yes?" You squeaked. You coughed trying to control your voice.
"What were you doing last night?" Suho came into your room and leaned against the door frame.
"Well first of all I carried D.o to bed, then your big , then when I tried to put Sehun down he basically grabbed me and wouldn't let go. So yeah." I say awkwardly trying to avoid his eyes.
"Oh well if that's it thats alright. Let's all go shopping today we have the day off!" Suho shrugged it off like it was nothing, then got excited.
"Shopping?" I lifted my eyebrows.
"Yeah let's go!~" Suho pulled you out then announced to everyone today was shopping day.
Everyone started to get ready while Sehun just got out of his room and he saw you and ran back slamming the door shut. Well I guess he knows he did wrong now.
"Why did he bolt out of the room right after he saw you?" Chanyeol poked your shoulder.
"Haha go ask him" I laughed. I then went to hunt for an open shower and when I found one I ran back to my room grabbing all the necessaries making sure this time I had my towel.
After showering I asked what exactly was their plan to get to the mall and they just all shrugged.
"Are you serious? You have no idea how to get to the mall but you want to go?" You raised your eyebrow at Suho then at Sehun.
"Well I thought I could ask manager but he said we can't unless someone else will drive us because our driver has the day off too.." Suho awkwardly explained.
"Actually I have an idea give me a minute" I said whipping out my phone and calling my best friend. You dialed her number and waited about a minute to only pull the phone away from your ear.
"Miyoun, OHH MY GAWSH! WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME SOONER?!" Kimmie screeched in your ear.
"I WAS BUSY YOU FATTIE" You shouted back. The boys gave you a weird look but you put the phone on speaker.
"Well then what's up Younnie?" She asked.
"Kimmie say hello to Suho, D.O, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kai and Sehun." You said loudly. The guys grinned starting to understand your plan.
"Hello we are EXO-K" They all spoke into the phone's direction.
There was a long pause before you heard her signature scream, then her hyperventilating.
"YAH! Kim calm yourself! The boys need a favor and want to go shopping today can you t-? You started but got  interrupted by Kimmie shouting back.
"YES YES YES YES AND A MILLION TIMES YES!" She squealed. The guys laughed at her reaction. 
"Your friend is cute" Chanyeol said in his deep voice. Another moment of silence until you heard a low voice.
"Was. That. Chanyeol?" Kimmie asked in a low voice.
"Yes I am Chanyeol hello Kimmie!" Chanyeol responded.  A loud thump noise was heard then some words in another language. "OH MY GOD IT'S REALLY HIM I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" She shouted in english.
"Hi, uhm well when do you want to get picked up?" Kimmie cleared .
"How about you come over now? With a car with enough room for 8 people?" Kai spoke up.
"Uh yeah sure I can arrange that, I'll be there in 35 minutes or less. BYE!" She said awkwardly then hung up hastily.
Kimmie's P.O.V.
I shout at her into the phone for awhile and she laughs. She is now unofficially introducing me to EXO-K.
I scream into the phone then remembering that they are probably laughing. I end up taking MiYoun up for the mall offer. How the heck am I supposed to fit 8 people into my car? I can go for a car swap? Yeah well I guess I'll get my car swapped or it last second I can always ask my step brother. He owns a car dealership so yeah.
I rush as fast as I can to get ready and grab all the essentials. My phone, purse, money, water bottle and uhm gum? I stuff everything else I would need into my purse and change into a pretty blue blouse with skinny jeans and a cardigan. I grab my keys and run out the door.
I decide to see my step brother to borrow a car since he normally doesn't mind.
"Oppa! Byunghyun oppa!" I shout and wave at my brother. Even though he's older, he's not taller than me by much, just about 10 cm.(4 inches) 
"Hey Kim, how's my little sister doing?" Your brother rubbed your head. (Yes I just had to bring L.Joe in this)
"I'm good, so can I borrow a car, enough space for me and 7 other people?" I rub the back of my neck.
"Are you serious? Do you just want to trade in your car? You can just keep the one with 8 seats." L.Joe shrugged.
"Uh well I just need it for today really, or maybe you can just sell mine? I'll pay you back of course." You furrowed your eyebrows.
"So where are you going with these 7 other people?" L.Joe raised his eyebrows at you.
"I'm taking them to the mall, you know EXO-K? That's them and also MiYoun" I blabbered on.
"MiYoun? How is she?" L.Joe's eyes flickered with interest.
"Psh you and your crush, it's this car right? I'll be going now okay byee!" I pointed at a car and snatched the keys driving away.
I shout back one last thing though, "She's healthier and a lot prettier now!"
"Aish that girl, I wonder how MiYoun is doing though" L.Joe pouted then went about to help another customer with her new car.
MiYoun's P.O.V. Back at the dorm
"Puaahahha! Your friend is so cute!" Kai laughed and fell on the floor.
"She seems to have a thing for Chanyeol!" D.o shouted and fell next to Kai.
"Yah shut up, she probably just thinks I'm the best looking." Chanyeol bragged.
"So your friend will take us? Is she nice noona?" Sehun finally spoke.
"Maybe she is nice, or maybe she will take you captive as a teddy bear and not let you go? I just don't know,"  I said shrugging my shoulders. Sehun blushed and mumbled sorry.
"I forgive you Thehun" I said patting his head, who could stay mad at this cutie?
"Haha alright I can't wait to see Kimmie again!" Baekhyun said pumping his fists.
"You met her before?" Suho asked Baekhyun.
"Yeah that was the house I stayed at remember?" Baekhyun poked Suho in the head.
"Yah! How dare you do that to your elder!" Suho flicked Baekhyun's forehead.
Baekhyun then tackled Suho to the floor. After a few minutes of watching them roll around flicking each other you pulled them apart.
"Alright go get ready, chop chop!" You pushed some of the boys into random rooms, and since Chanyeol, D.o and Kai were all ready the four of you sat on the couch watching t.v.
While waiting for them the four of you chatted randomly and laughed about some of your silly memories.
"No really I'm serious I jumped off the swing and landed on my teacher, I had to stay in for recess for a whole week" I laughed.
"I can't believe you would do that, especially in fourth grade!" Chanyeol laughed causing his right eye to become smaller then his left.
I reached out to poke his cheek and moved my finger up towards his lower eyelid. Oh I see now there's a crease here. Chanyeol stopped laughing and stared at you.
"Well look who's now touching my husband?" Baekhyun gasped plopping himself down on the nearby chair.
"I thought I wasn't your husband?" Chanyeol whined.
"I WAS TOTALLY RIGHT!" Sehun shouted loudly.
That's when your phone started ringing and you answered it.
"I'm almost there so get your butts down to the lobby" Kimmie huffed into the phone.
"Alright be down in a moment." You looked at the boys and put all the hoods on their heads and told them your plan to escape into Kimmie's car.
Great now you have to get these 6 dorks into a car in the parking lot of SM building, as if you life wasn't hard enough.
Yay originally I was going to have about two chapters into one but then it looks too much so I divided them and now I have two waiting.
9/22/12 done editing, mini pic/ gif spam.
Don't forget to leave feedback about the chapter.
KimSooYeon Yeah being his teddy would be great :D
ibgdrgn0818 I'll be most likely to update on weekend, or on days that are good for me, I didn't update 9/21/12 on Friday's like usual because I was bummed out sorry :D
RhsRani Yeah Sehun is naughty naughty LOL ;)
sofina11 Ok first of all I would like to say how supportive you always are, and actually go to some of my recommendations <3 I like Sehun stabbing his rice just because it makes him look a bit cranky :P (Lay is soo umff)
ChibiHibird You have succesfully made me fangirl several times, once in class and a couple at home and my sister officially thinks I'm crazy, but you really cheered me up this morning. Last night wasn't the greatest for me. And by last night I mean Friday night/afternoon.
epickpoplover23NB Yes Sehun is a major er of lovelyness, don't you just luubb him?
shikalila You really love the length of my chapters? /sobs/ also you commented today but I'm adding this response <3 and and yes UPDATEISH TIME :D
Tao like dangg..
Lighting and coloring really makes a difference...and don't forget that eyeliner...
I think Chanyeol is the adorable gigantic skyscraper of happiness don't you?
Oh nom nom nom passport yumm.
omg D.o like oh my gosh...
....Can you get any cuter? If you do I'll explode.. and oh look it's Lay<3
Buing buing you guys, buing to the effing buing.
You guys heard EXO-M won an award right? If you didn't by now, I don't know you anymore...
Poor EXO-M tearing up and then EXO-K teasing them <33
Kyaaaa I'm at 100 subbies, but I need about 30ish more for a double update :P
Lay sho yy
Happy belated birthday CHEN <3 you are a great vocalist and the cutest troll ever, My friend thinks you look the most chinese, even though you are the korean one in EXO-M.
I hope you had a great day on Friday, unlike me the lame author :3
Also silent readers, you get more karma for commenting, so comment, and LOVE MEEEE!!
Question of the chapter:
What other kpop groups do you like? Want any other to randomly appear, just so you can fangirl/fanboy?
I love youuuu guyss, especially the ones who constantly spam me with comments, it's just lovely.
Please don't unsubscribe that would make me sad, and disapointed.
Or if you are, tell me why and I'll see if I can convince you otherwise.
leebyungiee out~
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Thank you!
I thought I would be back by now but. I'm just. Not as interested in this fic. I need to sort out my thoughts. Sorry guys. 7/12/13


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madesu1 #1
I love it!
Quietttt #2
pls update soon...
asianfanficlover #3
Chapter 29: Please upate soon!!!"^_^
I Love It!!!!!! I want to read more!!!! Please Update!!!! It's awesome!!!! <3333
Chapter 29: <3 Lay. My bias
Chapter 29: Update soon author-nim *^*
Chapter 29: Hmmmph my Internet has problems so I can't be first to comment grrrrrr but anywaaaays my exo babies got called byuntaes omggg!!!! But I wudnt scream if I actually saw exo while I'm at a sauna hurhurhur
Chapter 29: OMG they went to the woman's room?! aigoo these boys -_-
author-nim! i missed your updates! TT^TT
Heyinpiniteu #10
Chapter 29: HAHAHA!! Omg , they are seriously dorks !