
Only A Number


Kim Himchan; Age 10
Bang Yongguk; Age 17
Sometimes when I pass by girls my age, I would think they're beautiful and envy them. They're so flawless. So beautiful. What annoys me is that they would take this compliment and turn it into showing interest in them. So if I were to call you ugly, would that mean I hate you? I call Yongguk-hyung ugly all the time. But then again, he annoys me. Like this situation I'm in annoys me.
I cringed at the disgusting nickname. Bleh. I might as well barf out cheese. "What?"
"I love you~"
Goodness child, we're 10. I don't think we're old enough to even understand the word 'love'. "Yeah, thanks." It wasn't my intention to sound rude or anything, I was just...yeah, it was my intention to sound rude. Anything to shut her up. I mean, really. This girl dragged me out of class and brought me to the beach. What the fudge is she thinking? Skipping school? What are you, a badbutt? Go date a delinquent if so. 
She smirked, locking arms with mine. "I love it when you play hard to get~"
It's not called playing hard to get when I'm seriously trying to get rid of you, my darling. I sighed. The only reason why I'm even going out with this girl is because her dad is the chairman. You don't think I'm dumb enough to break her heart, right? The last time her heart got broken the kid [her ex-crush] got expelled. What kind of world are we leaving in? Why should he get expelled for just rejecting her? Crazy people with power these days man. Dear chairman, you and your daughter are a bunch of wackos. If I turn dumb, I know who to blame. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't even realize I ran into some idiot and spilled soda all over my uniform. Ah, just shoot me.
"I'm so sorry! I promise I'll pa- Channie?"
No. Are you serious? Just no. Really? Did we really had to run into him? What is this, a love sick drama? Who's the heroine? Better not be me. I rather die. 
Cinderella [Oh, that's her name.] gasped, "Yongguk-Oppa~!"
Yongguk frowned. "Hey, Cindy. You guys ditching school again?"
I didn't even bother looking at either of them. I just turned my attention to the ocean, wondering how deep it was. The ocean looks brown today. Nice.
Cinderella squeezed my arm, nodding her big ol' bobble head. "Honeybunny suggested it~"
No I didn't. 
"Why aren't you at school, oppa~?"
"It's for a class project." I didn't even have to look. I could tell Cinderella had this stupid look on her face as she released me.
"Really? Can I go see?" Before he could even answer, Cinderella flew [literally, the girl had wings.] to where his class stood. She may be a weirdo, but that doesn't mean she wasn't interested in learning.
Crap, what an idiot. Why would she leave her own boyfriend for a stupid project? Not to mention she left her own boyfriend with A DUDE WHO HANGS OUT WITH GUYS THAT GOES BOTH WAYS? I'm not being homo-phobic or anything but one of his friends slapped my . Really? ME? A GUY? I GOT MY SLAPPED BY A GUY? I've been avoiding hyung since then. The only one who could slap my is my mother.
"Uh, Channie? You okay?"
I snapped out of it, realizing I was still at the beach. "Oh, Yeah. I'm not like you, hyung. You should go check the mental hospital."
Hyung rolled his eyes. "You shouldn't speak to your hyung like that." He paused, placing a frown on those lips of his. "You shouldn't avoid them just because they have 'weird' friends, either."
"It's not that." Yes it is. 
"Yes it is." What are you, a mind-reader? 
"Shut up." Now pull me into an embrace and say you miss- WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS THAT? There's another reason why I've been avoiding hyung and his friends, too. They're ing [excuse my language] with my mind. 
"What would you do if I confessed to you then? Would you avoid me forever? Move out of town?"
What? "Shut up with that nonsense of yours."
Yongguk-hyung sighed, pulling me into that crap I just thought of earlier. "But I missed you Channie~ And, I really do love you." He muttered, giving a passionate kiss.
Ribbit Ribbit. 
Did I just turn into a frog?
"Channie, I need to tell you something."
"I'm a vampire."
Wait, what the heck? 
"Huh? What? Where am I?" I looked up, finding my beloved yeobo. 
"In math, you idiot. Ew, you drooled all over the desk ChanChan!"
The chipmunk behind Hyunnie was laughing 'til he turned blue.
"Since when did I fell asleep?"
"Since I read you my fairytales!" Hyunnie proudly announced, holding up multiple books. 
"It was interesting. Too bad you had to fall asleep during one of them." Youngjae smirked [Ew, his breath smells like rotten eggs]. "By the way, you yelled out 'Embrace me Yongg-"
Really, what a weird day.
- - - - - - -
BAHAHAHA. This was bad, I know. I promise I'll make the next one waaay better. It's because I haven't updated for a while and when I tried to write a new chapter, this idea just randomly popped into mind xD
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Chapter 25: Wowwwwwww what on earth is going onnnnnn!?!?!?!?

I just really hope BangHim gets together in the end, no matter how much I love everyone loving Himchannie, BangHim is my ultimate OTP <3
petalcha #2
New reader here!! And yeah, I literally didn't stop reading until your last update. ㅋㅋㅋ

Himchan you surely aren't doing the right thing. T______T But srsly I dunno his feelings anymoarrr. But I'm sure it's the hardest on his part. It's not easy to be loved by everyone too. ㅎㅎ
Chapter 25: Oh squueelllllsss!!!! Daehyun finally confessed!!! Omgggg! But he's leaving..... TAT that's kinda saddddddd
Chapter 24: No confession.... QAQ.... That's so sad... Idiot daehyun ahhhh... But nevertheless... Himup being lovey dovey...
wondermikichan #5
Chapter 24: poor daehyun TT_TT arrrrgh my himdae feels
btw welcome back authornim XD
Chapter 23: <3
why do you end on cliffhangers???
pychify #7
Puhahaha channie can get them all! No one gets hurt puhaha xD yup yeah that'll be awesome xd
Chapter 23: O-O??! So I guess the pov at chp.17 was Daehyun I never expected that, I thought it was either Zelo or YoungJae.
Aigoo ouri Himchannie is just too irresistible that he attracted 3 hot guys (who are older, same age and younger than him in this fic), as expected of our princess.

Nice chapters author-nim, can't wait for more :)
angelica #9
Chapter 23: BANGHIM.. PLEASE BANGHIM.. MORE BANGHIM..T_____T... my heart is crying and i dont know why and i guess youngjae would be perfect for DAEHYUN so dae should not be sad.. but i'm worried about jong up cause its like he's being played alright.. but but but.. hwaaaahhhh.... BANGHIM PLEASE OR I'LL DIE :) BUT hey wait.. where is ZELO in there?? haha.. he cant be inlove with jong up hwah. i just want BANGLO a little i guess..xDD
Chapter 23: Wae...wae...I say I don't want HimUp..coz my BangHim's feeling..Now I confused between HimDae N BangHim... I Don't want gukkie babo and Dae hurt...NUHU...NO NO NO NO BROKEN HEART AGAIN PLEASE....