listen to me, your ing idiot is talking

Our Love Story

Kyungsoo P.O.V

Upon walking forward towards the neighborhood, a familiar sight of someone hits me. Hyung, it’s him. It’s Baekhyun hyung. I was stunned, so shocked that I found him. My body stopped functioning and my eyes are all on him. All I see was my brother. “Kyungsoo hyung?”, Kai elbowed me on my waist. That didn’t do anything to me as I continued my steps forward, with Kai curiously following me. I could hear his footsteps behind me. From afar, I can see how Baek hyung smiles so brightly beside that guy. I can hear his laughter filled the air around him. I halted my steps when I reached the exact front gate of the yard that he was in.


“Hyung…”, I gasped quietly, still not believing that he was here. In front of me, he was standing with a box in his arms and his eyes staring straight towards mine. He’s here. I found him.


“Kyungsoo…”, he immediately dropped the box that he was holding. Tears were starting to form in my eyes as I saw how happy and cheerful he looked just now compared to right now. How happy he looked without me, without Kai and without our stepfather. How I wish he could stop torturing Baek hyung so that he could come back and stay with us, all of us.


“Hyung…”, Kai too, gasped after realization hits him that he was really standing in front of Baek hyung.


“You both, how did you both get here?”, Baek hyung asked as he stepped forward, nearing Kai and I. I couldn’t. I really couldn’t bear to see his face up close.


My feelings are unexplainable. I feel so angry with myself but I feel happy to see him here. I'm wavering.


“Kyungsoo, Kai…talk to me”, he insisted. Kai was about to give out his replies for Baek hyung’s question when I suddenly interrupted him and moved forward, hugging my brother so dearly. As soon as I launched towards him, tears fall down, one by one, teasing my face so tenderly and those tears, those tears. They explained to him how much I’ve missed him, how much I need him all this while.


“Kyungie…”, he hugged me back. How I’ve missed him, oh God.


Chanyeol’s P.O.V

I was utterly startled when I saw that boy. That boy was the one who served me as a waiter at Baek’s restaurant several days ago. What? Hyung? Wait, Byun Baekhyun’s brothers? Two of them? Thought so. How the hell can they be here? They look so different from each other. The taller one with tanned skin and his luscious lips. He looks yummy for a guy. What the Chanyeol?! No no no, earth to Chanyeol! Okay. And then this owl guy. Wow. Then, here’s Baekhyun with his puppy looking eyes, long beautiful slender fingers and man…too much differences for them three.


“You both, how did you both get here?”, he questioned them. His voice doesn’t sound normal for me, it’s wavering. Wait, does this means these two are really his brothers? But, why are they so quiet? What happened? The owl boy suddenly took a step forward and enveloped his arms around my boyfriend. Yes, my boyfriend.


“Kyungsoo…”, he hugged that owl boy back and a sudden changes on his face could be seen from here. He looked so happy. But then, things suddenly changed and they were sobbing. I own an explanation, again, from Baekhyun. But man, I pity them three. Their relationship is so complicated yet they still love each other. They need each other. While me, my parents...sigh. I don't know.


“Can I bring them inside?”, Baekhyun looked back to me and abruptly shoot me the question.


“Sure. Come in”, I smiled and off Baekhyun went inside the house with the owl boy. I, awkwardly invited the tanned boy inside and well yeah, we sort of like…“Okay, thank you”. “Yeah, okay”.


Baekhyun’s P.O.V

I miss them so much. Smelling the familiar scent on them two especially Kyungsoo, it hits me really hard. I really miss this boy, this always whining boy, Kyungsoo. After bringing him inside, four of us occupied the sofas at the hall. Kyungsoo sat beside me and Kai sat alone, opposite to Chanyeol. And well, not fully occupied though. Only half of them.


“Hyung”, Kai’s deep husky and quite nasal voice suddenly called for me.


“Hmm? Anything wrong?”, I hummed in response. “Whose house is this? Have you been staying here all this while?”, he asked. At last, I can actually sigh in relieved when I heard him with the questions. I was hoping he would be worried about me and he actually did. I'm glad he did.


“Yes, I—”, my words were abruptly cut off when Chanyeol suddenly spoke up. His eyes were shining with excitement. “Yup. He’s been staying here with me and the other 3…or 2 guys? I’m not sure. But he’s been staying here with me. And this…is my house!”, his voice filled the air around us, filled with happiness and excitement. I could see how a smile crept onto Kyungsoo’s face when he heard Chanyeol with his words. By the way, why is this tall freak is so happy? Did anything happen?


“Hey, are you okay?”, I patted Kyungsoo’s thigh and asked him. He suddenly looked down and shook his head, disapproving the idea of me asking him about his condition.


“Come back home. Dad…he’s been searching for you. He’s ranting. Every single day”, my little brother told me things about my stepfather. Hold on, he’s been searching for me? Did he really do that for me?


“He has been looking for me?”, I asked them both, Kai and Kyungsoo. I was damn curious about this matter. Is it true though? Hmm.


“Yeah…but I don’t think he’s changed. He might do the same thing to you, all over again. He might hit—”,


“Hey!”, Kyungsoo suddenly stopped Kai.


“What? It’s true. I know him. I know my father. He won’t be satisfied with what he has. He’ll beat the out of Baek hyung again”, Kai voiced out and he flared in anger. “It’s okay, you guys. I’m fine here”, I told them both. Being put aside is one of the most common thing that people might feel or know themselves. I, too, know that and I can accept it because this is so familiar for me already. But them, these two, especially Kyungsoo, what will they do? What will he do?


“Aren’t you coming back?”, he asked me again. I sighed and tried to answer his question when suddenly Kai grabbed him and pulled him together with him.


“Hey, where are you taking him?”, I asked Kai.


What is happening, for God’s sake. Damn it. I screwed up everything.


Kyungsoo’s P.O.V

“Oww…let me go! What is wrong with you?!”, I shouted angrily at him when he won’t let go of his hold on my wrist and he keeps on dragging me with him until we are outside the house. I snapped back at him and pulled my hand quickly from his hold. Again, I shouted at him.


“What the do you think you’re doing?! Don’t you ing see that I was having a ing conversation with my brother?! Can’t you see it, you idiot?!”, I let it all out on him. All on him. Tears came back, pooling my eyes and all I could do was just covered them with my shaky palms. “Why…did you do…that?”, I asked him through the mutterings and sobbing I’m having.


 “Why, why…why?! I need him, you ing idiot!”, I naturally stepped forward, nearing him and hit him. I let out all on him, I just couldn’t control anymore.


“Hyung! Kyungsoo hyung…listen to me. Listen”, he gritted his teeth and stopped my hitting by grabbing my hands.


“I know how you feel. I know how you need him, how we both need him. I need him too. But that doesn’t change anything for him if you asked him to come back home. Do you get me? I don’t want Dad to hurt him again. I don’t want to see him getting beaten again. And the fact that he, my father, was the one who hits him, tortures him and ragged him…I can’t accept it. I love Baekhyun hyung, although we’re not that close. I know you do, too. More than I love him. He’s your brother. I just don’t want things to be like a cycle for him. When he got back from the pharmacy or the restaurant, he'll do more chores at home and he'll get beaten by that stupid monster just because of a dust. Just look at him now. He’s happy with his friends. He likes to be here. We can come here every day, okay? We can come and visit him. So please, I’m asking you to let this thing go. Let him do what he wants as long as he’s happy. I’m here for you, you can rely on me. I just want you to know one thing, just one thing; don’t forget that he loves you and you have a brother that always take good care of you. Now, just repay him with this. I told you, we can come and visit him. Okay?”, those words came out from Kai’s mouth.


I was utterly stunned and my attention was all on him, the entire time he was talking. I’ve never seen this side of him. He, Kim Jongin, understands me the most. What he said was right. I’ll try to talk to Baek hyung and calm myself down.


Luhan’s P.O.V

“Hey, stop! Ahh!”, I pushed this guy away from me. I was tired. I was too tired of him, tickling on my waist, on my neck…everywhere. Damn it. It’s very ticklish. “Luhan, can you hear that?”, he asked me out of sudden and walked to the window. He was peeking.


“What is it?”, I sat up from the bed and joined him at the window beside him.


“What the do you think you’re doing?! Don’t you ing see that I was having a ing conversation with my brother?! Can’t you see it, you idiot?!”, I could only gasped in horror when I heard and saw what happened in the yard.


“What happened?”, I asked Sehun. He shrugged and went back onto the back, crossing his legs like he owns the world.


Stupid Sehun.


a/n: damn it this is a piece of crappy s. idk what i'm writing. i'm sorry cuz ive not been updating for a very long time. sorry and forgive me. leave ur comments and subscribe thank you i love you guys and i'm sorry again for this crappy writing thanks byeee xx

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our love story. chapter 18, updated


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Pau226 #2
Chapter 25: When will you update? T____T
Chapter 25: Update soon... I don't remember this fic at all lol
Chapter 25: So interesting •°___°•
Chapter 25: Please update this story is very good!!!!!! :'(
Chapter 25: author-nim .. update please~~ <3
Wushupandabear #7
Chapter 24: Haha, kai's fail attempt at a heart.
Chapter 25: I really like this story update soon ^^
ally-chan #9
Chapter 25: update soon~
Chapter 25: This is not crappy is awesome