
Our Love Story


Kyungsoo’s P.O.V

I was scared. Again, I was scared that appa might let go his anger towards Baekhyun to Kai. He has done it before. He slapped Kai several times and mum was the one who protected Kai. I was scared that he’d do that when he got home later. I was too useless to do anything.

When I saw Baek hyung’s friends dragged him away from the restaurant, I called mum and told her what has happened. Then why can’t you do something? You should have done something! You should protect him! What’s wrong with you?! The words keep on lingering in my mind. Mum has said that to me when I told her what has happened. I admit it, my mum loves Baek hyung more than me because he’s a hyung and he’s also more responsible and kinder than me.

I am nothing but his youngest and useless son. She even treated Kai better than me although he's not her biological son. I'm jealous of him. Huhhh. I sneakily went out from the restaurant, leaving the crowd in the restaurant, and took a walked at the park where I went with Kai yesterday. Is it yesterday? I couldn’t remember. I looked at the swings which were accompanied by only the wind, swinging alone without anyone on it. I sat on one of the swings and stared blankly at the polluted pond in front of me. Then out of the blue, a pair of warm arms was wrapped around my neck.

“Hi, hyung”. It was Kai.

Kai’s P.O.V

I skipped school today. Too bored to go. I want to see Kyungsoo hyung at the restaurant so I got up and got ready with my plain black shirt, a pair of navy blue jean and a pair of Converse. I went to the restaurant but something caught my attention.

A tall guy was dragging Baek hyung out of the restaurant and a pair of couple, I think, or maybe siblings were following them from behind. The shorter one of the couple I said earlier was clinging onto the taller one. He was limping, I think. Ah, there was a bandage around his left foot. Okay whatever.

They went inside the car but then after a few minutes they went off, Kyungsoo hyung went out too. I watched him strolled alone towards the park and I slowly followed him from behind. He sat on the swing and I hurriedly went towards his back and hugged him.

“Hi, hyung”, I whispered to him.

I let go of my hold and went in front of him. He was looking down on his feet. He didn’t even take a glance of me who was standing in front of him. “Hyung. I said hi to you. Why won’t you say hi back to me?”, I pouted while crossing my arms. “Oh hi Jongin-ah”, he looked up to me and those big, wide, cheerful eyes were covered with warm tears.

“Hyung, are you okay?”, I went on my knees and lifted up his chin.

“I-I’m…useless”, he spoke. “No, you’re not. You’re not useless, hyung. Not at all”, I shook his shoulders. “…I’m useless. I’m useless”, he said. “Hyung, listen! You’re not useless!”, I immediately cupped his face and shouted at him.

“Tell me what am I…useful for. I’m useless, Jongin”, he shook his head, tears rolling on his face. “Hyung. You’re not useless. You were there whenever I need you. You took care of me while I was sick. You, you, you. It was you who did all those things to me. Not Baek hyung, not mom and not even appa. It was you. You’re not useless, hyung”, I said to him.

“W-why do we have to be related, Jongin-ah?”, he asked me. My cheeks were starting to turn pink. What does he mean by that? Does he like me? “Jongin-ah…I-I like you”, he sobbed in front of me while covering his face. He what? Did he just confess to me? You couldn’t have imagined how surprised I am when I heard he let out those words from his own mouth.

“Hyung, I’m sorry”.

Luhan’s P.O.V

I cling onto Sehun as I had a little bit of problem down there. I mean, not down ‘there’. It was my feet. They still hurt.

Chanyeol was driving with Sehun beside him while Baekhyun and I were at the backseat. Once inside the car, Baekhyun immediately burst into tears. Me, being the only person who was beside him, moved nearer towards him. I patted his shoulders and tried to calm him down.

“Hey, calm down. Everything’s fine now”, I shushed him down. Sehun took a glance at us and gave me his assuring looks. Maybe he was telling me to calm him down more. I then rubbed circles on his back and hugged him.

Upon reaching Chanyeol’s place, Chanyeol immediately went out from the car and dragged Baekhyun outwards. He dragged him towards his room and slammed the door shut. I looked at Sehun who was still on the passenger seat and he shrugged.

Sehun’s P.O.V

Man, this guy is freaking me out again. Why didn’t he spoke a word? Why didn’t he try to calm down Baekhyun by saying some kinda things like “It’s over now”, “You’ll be okay” or “Don’t be worry. I’m with you”? He’s seriously freaking me out. He freaked me out even more when he suddenly put off his seatbelt from his body and immediately went out of the car. Seriously. I’ve never been scared of him since last time when he was pissed off about his parents that he had gone drunk and smashed things all around him. This was the first since then.

Woa. He really likes this Baekhyun guy then. He then opened the back door and dragged Baekhyun into the house. Maybe to his room. That’s the only place I could think of. Well, not maybe. I’m sure. I just looked at them silently from inside the car. Luhan suddenly poked my rib and looked at me. I shrugged and went outside the car.

I took Luhan inside the house and we sat on a couch, listening to Chanyeol’s screaming from his room. “Sehun-ah”, Luhan tugged my shirt and looked at me with his scared eyes. “Humm?”, I his hair softly.

“I…I’m scared of Chanyeol. When are you going to send me home? I wanna go back”, he said to me while nuzzling onto my neck.

“Luhan”, I spoke. “Umm?”, he hummed. “Can you stay one more night?”, I hugged him. “I don’t think I can”, he answered. “Please?”, I asked him again while rubbing his back. “I-I’ll see. But can I go back home first?”, he asked. “Okay. We’ll go later”, I told him.

Then suddenly, Baekhyun’s voice could be heard all over the house.“What do you know about me?!”, he screamed.

Damn. just got real.

A/N: Ayo about the upvotes, i was just kidding. It's fine, you guys don't need to upvote it if you don't want. I was kidding, haha. But anyhow thanks for those who upvoted :p i love you. and yeah just got real. sorry for the bad chapter. mistakes everywhere but nvm. bye! ;)

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our love story. chapter 18, updated


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Pau226 #2
Chapter 25: When will you update? T____T
Chapter 25: Update soon... I don't remember this fic at all lol
Chapter 25: So interesting •°___°•
Chapter 25: Please update this story is very good!!!!!! :'(
Chapter 25: author-nim .. update please~~ <3
Wushupandabear #7
Chapter 24: Haha, kai's fail attempt at a heart.
Chapter 25: I really like this story update soon ^^
ally-chan #9
Chapter 25: update soon~
Chapter 25: This is not crappy is awesome