
Our Love Story

Luhan's P.O.V

What is he talking about? Me? Cooking with just an apron on? Me? Damn no. "No" i told him as i stomped my feet in front of him anf pouted.
"For me?" He tried again.
"No is my final answer. I'm going to cook now. Bye" I turned around and grumpily went into the kitchen, leaving him standing alone at the stairs.
No protest or detests were out from Sehun. That was weird. And why is it so quiet? While I was stirring the soup using the ladle, a clank sound from upstairs could be heard. Was it Sehun? "Sehunnie!" I shouted from the kitchen, trying to reach him upstairs. The clank was at it again. What the hell is it? I quickly turned off the stove and wiped my wet hands on the pink floral apron of Sehun's mummy and walked upstairs.
I called Sehun several times as i walked upstairs and headed towards his room. "Sehun?" I peek a view from inside his room. No one was in and i slowly stepped into the room, cautiously and nervously searching for Sehun.
"Sehun?" I called him again.
Where has he gone? I started to grow nervous and the feeling in my stomach doesn't feel too good. I walked my way into the bathroom and my view was totally disrupted when i saw Sehun holding a piece of the mirror that maybe he broke it just now. Which made the clanking sound from earlier.
"Sehun..." I gasped.
Instead of answering me and letting go of the piece of glass he was holding, Sehun shoot me a sharp glare. No. I could not fathom his glare. It was just too...mysterious and eerie. "Sehun...let that thing go" i said to him as i slowly neared him at the sink. 
"Sehun, please" tears and sweats started to form and i seriously, seriously doesn't bear and afford to lost him. No.
"Sehun, please.." My knees started to shiver and weakened from the fright i was having.
"Can you promise me something?" He suddenly blurted out.
"Yes. Yes. Anything you want" I immediately agree to everything he wanted at times like this. I didn't even think the cause or what is it right now.
All I care is Sehun.
Sehun's P.O.V
"Yes. Yes. Anything you want" he instantly answered me. Hah hah my baby is getting into my trap. "Anything?" I am making sure that the fakeness i'm doing right now doesn't affect him from realising everything.
Cross hands for me please? I'll make the next chapter interesting with some kitchen . Omg Luhan, you just wait you innocent dear.
I'm coming for you.
Kai P.O.V
"Come on, hyung" we went out from the ice cream parlor store and I dragged him along with me. We both went to the park. As we happily lay our backs on the slide at the park or somewhat we called 'our place', a familiar car stopped in front of us. I was softly caressing hyung's hair with him lying back flat on my chest and playing with my other hand when i suddenly realised the car was....Shoot. It's appa's car.
"Hyung. Hyung, get up" i softly hissed at him when I saw someone getting out of the car.
"Why???" He whined cutely.
"I'll tell you later. Now just get up, baby" I hold his waist and pushed him up.
"What in the world are you both doing here?".
Kyungsoo's P.O.V
Ugh why does he asked me to get up? I was about to turned around and face him on the slide when I suddenly heard a very well known voice that i heard everyday. "A-Appa?" I gasped and my eyes widened on their own.
"Don't you have to go to school, Jongin?" He questioned Jongin. Oh no.
"There's a random thing going on at school today. I was not involved" he coolly answered.
"Okay, i trust you son" he nodded and stared at us equally, giving the cold stare he had.
"By any chance Kyungsoo, where's Baekhyun?" He crossed his arms and asked me. "Umm..i-i don't know" i answered him. "You sure? You too, Jongin?" He asked again. This time, making sure that we were not lying.
"Okay. I'll be going now. You too take care" he said and walked away towards his car. Jongin and I looked at each other awkwardly and shrugged as soon as he left.
"Hyung, are you okay?" He questioned me.
"Yea, i'm fine. Wasn't that weird?" I asked him. 
Somehow, I sense something uneasy and cocky.
Chanyeol P.O.V
"Are you sure you wanna do that?" I raised one of my eyebrows as soon as I heard the sentence coming out from his lips.
"Oh? Please~. Can we go?" He whined and clung onto my right arm cutely.
"Baekhyun...I..okay. Let's go", I sighed.
There, here we are now at the largest teddy bear's store in Seoul. "Yeollie!! That is sho cute!" He clapped and smiled happily as he pointed towards a teddy bear that looks like Luhan? Wait, it does look like Luhan. Haha. 
"Chanyeollie..come on" he tugged on my shirt as I was caught staring blankly at the plushie he pointed just now. We went around the store like almost the fifth time by now, with Baekhyun, dragging me on the arm to everywhere he goes. Aish, so cute. Hehe.
A sudden sight caught my attention as a green cute looking teddy bear appeared on my sight. This one's cute. 
Baekhyun P.O.V
"Chanyeol?" I poked him on the waist as I, once again, caught him flying up in the air, eyes fixed on this one di. Oh? What is he looking at? I followed his sight and to my surprised, he was eyeing a plushie toy. A very cute one. Hehe. I let go of his arm and skipped towards the plushie bear he was looking at.
"Chanyeollie!! Look!" I took the bear and ran over to him while I shoved the plushie bear right in front of his face. A sudden grasp from Chanyeol surprised me like hell. I was damn shocked when he suddenly pulled me.
"Chanyeol?" I blinked at him as he suddenly yanked me closer to his chest.
"Chanyeol..are you oka- umph" my open mouth was suddenly captured when Chanyeol took and pulled away the plushie I was holding and covered both our faces. The kiss he was giving me was sweet and quick.
"Chanyeol-ah.." I gasped. He returned my sudden gasped with a cute happy grin. My life is so complete when I am with him.
a/n: so hey guys sorry for the very damn oh god man very late update. i was terribly sick. and i was busy too. i hope this short update will cover for my mistake. perhaps, more upvotes? lol so sorry for the bad and short update :( bye, till we meet again! <3
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our love story. chapter 18, updated


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Pau226 #2
Chapter 25: When will you update? T____T
Chapter 25: Update soon... I don't remember this fic at all lol
Chapter 25: So interesting •°___°•
Chapter 25: Please update this story is very good!!!!!! :'(
Chapter 25: author-nim .. update please~~ <3
Wushupandabear #7
Chapter 24: Haha, kai's fail attempt at a heart.
Chapter 25: I really like this story update soon ^^
ally-chan #9
Chapter 25: update soon~
Chapter 25: This is not crappy is awesome