EXO High: Rest

EXO High


Sehun's POV~

I was walking with Luhan to my locker on a monday afternoon.  He was having P.E. class and he had forgotten to bring his uniform. 

"When is you P.E. class?" Luhan asked.  "Next thursday.  Just give it back on wednesday." Luhan agreed. 

We finally came to my locker.  As usual, letters fell from my locker when I opened it.  "Aish, this is getting annoying.  I'm tired of throwing these letters everyday." I groaned.  As soon as I got hold of my uniform, I closed my locker.  I began helping Luhan in picking up the letters on the floor to be thrown away. 

"Hmmm this one is a bit different." Luhan muttered. I shifted my attention to what was on Luhan's hand.  It was one of the letters but instead of pink, it was in a black envelope.  I continued to pick up the remaining letters scattered on the floor and stood up, Luhan followed suit.  He was still holding on to the letter, trying to open it.  "I'll be back, I'll throw these out first." I mentioned as I left Luhan with the black letter and went to the nearest rubbish bin. 

"Something is off." Luhan finally said as soon as he heard me coming back. He didn't take his eyes off the letter. "What do you mean?" I asked. 

Luhan gave me the letter for me to read. 

"I like you. " that was all it says.

I began inspecting the letter back and front. There was no other message written.   Black envelope and paper, using a white inked ball point pen to write the phrase, "i like you." 

I tried looking into it's envelope for more hints but there was none.  "Who could this be?" I mumbled. 

"There's no stamp." Luhan said.  
"So?" I asked. 
Luhan hissed and touched my chin. 
"I told you not to do that." I  groaned, annoyed. 
Luhan grabbed the letter from my hands and waved it in front of me, "that means it wasn't sent through postage.  It was sent personally.  The sender is probably in this school or an outsider asked someone from this school to send it in. Think, sehun! Think!" 

I rubbed my nape realizing he was right.  I nodded.  I then took the letter away from Luhan's hand. 

"It's still a nonsense.  Let me throw this out." I started walking away from Luhan but halted with Luhan's hand pulling me back. 

"Could it be, a guy gave that?" I turned around to face Luhan in disbelief. 

"I know this might be a little stereotyped but, usually girls would send you letters in pink and write a paragraph or two about one topic." Luhan explained. 

"You mean you think...a guy, likes me?" 


I took my P.E. shirt in my hand and shoved it on Luhan's stern face.  Luhan struggled for air as I pressed it harder on his face.  I finally took it before Luhan faints for not being able to breathe. 

"What was that for?!" he asked in annoyance.  His face was red and his hair was messy.   "One, for touching my chin countless times. Two, for talking nonsense." 

Luhan showed me his tongue.  "One, I'm not gonna stop touching your chin. Two, what nonsense do you mean?" 

I sighed heavily.  "How can you think of a guy liking me? That's so far fetched!" 

"I mean, you never know." Luhan mumbled in his breath. 

"I know." I widened my eyes at him.  "And a guy liking me isn't gonna happen." I said firmly. 

Luhan looked away from me. "Right." He nodded reluctantly. "You're right." 

I then glanced at my wrist watch.  Luhan glanced on his watch as well. 


Both of us looked at each other in horror.  "We're late!" we said in unison. 

Since our school wasn't strict in rules, that gave the teachers the freedom to come up with their own rules as much as they want.  Most teachers would let us act carefree. A very few of them are still strict and refuses to be lenient.  And one of them is the teacher I am under right now. Without any delay, I handed Luhan my uniform and Luhan gave me the letter. Both of us starting running together. 

"100 push ups for being late in P.E. class!"  Luhan exclaimed as we ran with his face fear stricken. 

"And 1 whole hour of not being able to sit down in class!" I added. 

We then came to separate ways.  I went up to my classroom while Luhan went straight to our gym right ahead.  "See you later!" 

"See you!" I waved at Luhan briefly. 

Kai's POV~~ 

It has been a few weeks now since that night.  That night when Suho kissed me and told me he couldn't return my feelings.  It was bittersweet. 

It has never left my thoughts since seeing Suho everyday just reminded me of everything.  But I noticed one thing.  Gradually, the pain decreased.  I believe the charm Kyungsoo gave me has worked. I've always carried the crystal thing in my pocket since the day he gave it to me. 

These past few weeks, I became very busy with our dance club's presentation.  And of course, the study program.  I had so many things in mind.  And I'm extremely grateful I had Kyungsoo as my tutor to lessen the burden I was carrying. 

"What are you cooking?" I asked while leaning over Kyungsoo's shoulder.  "It looks good!  Ah, I'm hungry." I rubbed my food deprived stomach. 
It was noon and I was not in class. I decided to skip the class today with Kyungsoo.  We had to rush our one on one tutorials for the mock exam was coming up. Though we were still coming for the study program later. 

"Hey, Kyungsoo.  Let me eat." I begged as I poked his sides.  As ticklish as he was, he moved away from the stove that he was cooking on.  He giggles and then glared at me. "I can't finish this up if you disturb me like this.  And I told you, you have to answer all of those practice papers first before you can have a bite."  Kyungsoo pointed at the stack of papers waiting for me at the living room's coffee table. 

I hung my head in defeat and staggered my way towards the living room. "The demise of Kai is here..." I remarked as the papers welcomed me.  "Hurry up.  We may be absent today for our regular class but we won't be skipping  the study program."  

"I know I know. Study program is more important." I said dryly, dragging myself into the living room.  I let out a few cough before I sat on the floor and began reading the questions. 

"You have about 3 hours left to answer that before we head out for the study program." Kyungsoo reminded.  I could hear him turning off the stove and taking some bowls from the cupboard.  "Can you reach?" I asked.  ". I can reach the cupboard. Thanks." Kyungsoo replied sarcastically.  I giggled while taking a quick glance at him.  He tiptoed when reaching to cupboard.  "You can hardly reach." i said.
"I can still reach." he stressed.  And he did.  

I then decided to focus on my work.   Surprisingly, I knew the answers to the questions.  I used to find answering paperworks were strenuous than dancing.  But this time, answering the questions on the paper seemed rather fun and challenging.  I was very certain with my answers.  

"Are you sure these are the past papers of our yearly exam?" I finally asked as I finished one whole set of papers.  I began to stretch my arms and started cleaning the coffee table. 

"I'm a good tutor. You took about 2 hours answering a stack though." Kyungsoo was on the dining table, munching on his lunch.  I stood up from the carpeted floor and stretched my arms.  As I did, I felt the world around me turn.  I began to lose my balance and started to feel really weak. 
 I grit my teeth, massaging my temple as if it helped. I tried to step a little closer to where Kyungsoo was but I eventually stopped in my steps and glanced at the now blurry silhouette of him.  I couldn't make out of how he looked like, of what expression he wore as he stood abruptly from his seat.  The pain in my head was head splitting; somehow Kyungsoo's voice echoing in my head seemed to have put me into sleep.  It was like a lullaby, "Kai, what's wrong?! Kai... Kai!" he continues to call me as my feet wobbled, allowing myself to hit the carpeted floor.  
Kyungsoo's POV~
"Master, would you like to change  your clothes first?"  A familiar deep voice coming from behind me asked.  I felt for my shirt and realized It was damp with sweat.   "Yes, please" I glanced back to my personal assistant with a slight smile. 
I was very alarmed when Kai collapsed in front of me back in our dorm.   I could hardly think of anything else but the fact that Kai collapsed in front of me.  If not for my habit of pressing number 1 in my phone, I wouldn"t be able to ask for help from my personal assistant, Jason. 
As soon as he arrived, I was still on my knees, shaking Kai's passed out body.  He carried Kai and hurriedly ran out of the door to which I followed with hands shaking in worry and shock altogether.
Kai was so pale. 
Was it my fault? 
Did I pressure him too much?
"Master, here are your new clothes.  Please change into them."  Jason passed me a blue shirt to which I took.  Still seated in my seat, I stared blankly at the shirt in my hands.  "You may leave me now.  Thank you." I told my assistant without looking at him. 
In my thoughts, I was contemplating. I should have let Kai eat when he wanted to.  I should have known he was too busy for a chance to rest. 
I should have...
I bit my lower lip in hopes of supressing my emotions.  The neatly folded shirt that Jason had given me was now crumpled in my hands.  Marks of my tears and regret started to dampen the cloth.  As if crying could help, I leaned down and burried my face under the shirt I was holding.  My pocket jeans seemed to be vibrating from the calls from whom I assume, Suho.  I couldn't care less anymore of what would happen for today's lecture.  For what would Suho tell me the next day for not turning up, I did not care. 
All I knew was my face being burried under the shirt felt better. Not being able to breathe well felt like a punishment  as I pressed the shirt firmly on my face; a punishment that felt rather good since I deserved it.  In it I wanted to scream and curse. It was my fault as to why Kai was suffering, it was mine to blame. 

I was then startled by the creaking of the door next to me.  I immediately stood, expecting the doctor in charge of Kai to reveal a better news at least.  "He is very stressed lately.  Apart from that, he is undernourished.  He needs proper nutrition.  I have spoken to the patient and he said he had a lot of things to do lately. So if it is possible, allow him more time to relax and have him eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Although he just passed out due to over fatigue, the risks in falling is dangerous.  He could faint on a ground and hit his head.  Worst case would be if he faints and fall forward, either he might break his teeth or hurt himself badly as he falls."
I nodded attentively.  "I'll be asking the nurse to send in the medicines I have prescribed and a more detailed instruction on a follow up on him.  I'll be leaving. Please allow him to sleep for now." He patted my shoulder as he passed and left me outside Kai's private room.  
Turning the knob, I went in the room silently so as not to wake Kai up.  He was sleeping with his fringe away from his forehead. I came closer and sat next to the hospital bed, realizing he looked different with his fringe fixed to a side.  I've always seen him with a fringe naturally, perhaps why I find it amusing to see him with a different hair style.  "You look rather y with your hair like that.  Your mushroom hair is so last year." I giggled while seated next to his bed, staring at him with a smile. 
All my worries went down the drain as I saw his face, sleeping so comfortably.   He needs this rest more than anyone and it feels so good to see him finally being able to take a good sleep. 
I began to yawn and started to feel drowsy.  The tensions earlier made me lose a lot of my energy, I suppose.   I leaned on the bed and used the shirt as my pillow, the one that my personal assistant had given me earlier.  My back was still wet from the sweat but I did not care.  I was too tired so I went on closing my eyes.
A/N: Finally was able to update! I feel sorry for Kai here >< He realllyyyy have a lot of things to do. :/
Same as Kai, I have a lot of things to do in college as well. bdfhhdaf thank you for waiting my dear subscribers! :> just 7 more weeks and I'll be free as a bird. hahaha 
I miss you all~ 
Also, I have started writing a Baekyeol fic.  The genre is drama and about lucid dreaming. In this story, chanyeol is not gay XD not yet.
You just have to read my new fic to find out how the story goes. Also, It might contain in the future so underaged readers, dont read it XD here it is! it's called Undertaking.
Comments are very much appreciated! <3 <3 <3 Please subscribe if you like this story or upvote it ^^! 


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just two more weeks people, two more weeks and ill be able to update!!


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Chapter 24: Yoy can't leave me like this!!!!!
Chapter 24: Ahhh I hope you decide to come back to this fic, it's soooo good!
Chapter 24: please update soon..... i really miss this fic because of school. I'm a fan of yours because you wrote awesome fics....... SARANGHAEYO AUTHOR-NIM <3 <3 .....
Chapter 24: wooooooooo love is in the air jijijiji
whaaaaa-? why am I here..?
aegyobyun #6
Chapter 24: Miscommunication guys. Always say what you feel.
Chapter 24: Plz update!
omona-kpop #8
Chapter 13: Tsk tsk tsk. Baekhyun and that mouth of his. Saying things he ends up regretting.
PrettykikwangGF #9
Chapter 24: ._. I don't like how everyone is blinded by their happiness for hunhan and don't even care for Xiumin D:::: my poor baby... T^T waaaae ? Do you know how it feels to be punched by a friend ? Even worse after you confessed to him ;~; he loved him...But he punched him... I'm not saying this because Min-babe is my biais but author-nim, can you feel Xiumin's pain ?!

And omg baekyeol ._. Like, it feels like nothing is moving D: they only communicate to put taoris together. They cannot fall for each other just like that :0 . Plus Baek lied to Chan' ._. I'm sorry, I'm just super curious about how it's gonna happen... Fighting author nim ( I'm sad there's no xDD /dies/)