Tell Me Your Wish

Your Wish Is My Command!



Minho’s POV


“Yul… What are you talking about?” I nudged her.

She quickly wiped way her tears “Nothing. Let’s go.” She began running away.

Nichkhun finally came back to reality and ran after Yuri.


I guess I’ll let them be. I mean of course, I want to make Yuri feel better but they have to figure things out… and so do I.

I wonder what’s inside here.


I looked around and I was alone.

I decided to enter the house.

It was really old, there were spider webs everywhere and it was really dusty.


I looked around to see any evidence of who lived here before.

Then I saw a picture. A baby picture of some girl.

She looks so adorable! Maybe Yuri knows them?



I grabbed the picture and stuffed it on my pocket.

I don’t know why, but I did.


Nichkhun’s POV


I caught of glimpse of Yuri in front of me.

Minho stared at her then back to the house.

I decided to see what was up.


Yuri kept running and running.

I finally caught up with her and hugged her from the back.

She was sobbing like crazy.

“Yul… what’s wrong?” I whispered.

She turned around and buried her face on my chest.




I could feel her heart beating.

I kept her back until she calmed down.

“Why are you crying?” I wiped away her tears.

She bit her bottom lip and looked away.

“It’s ok if you don’t want to talk about it now.”


She smiled and nodded.

We sat down on the rocks for a while.

“Who are you?” Yuri stared at me.

I stared at my palm “I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?” she raised an eyebrow.

I laughed softly, she looked cute.

“My life is really complicated, I’m not who you think I am.” I smiled.

“In a good way or a bad way?”


I just stared at nowhere. I seriously have no idea.

“My childhood is pretty corrupted.” I explained.

“You know those people? The guys who took me…”

I nodded, I felt ashamed.

“Who are they?”

“……..They’re…. my brothers.” I looked away.

I know she’s probably going to feel disgusted by me due to that fact.

“Then your master is….”

“My father…” I continued.


Yes, it’s all true.

But I never wanted to be a part of that family.

It’s just not me to go around, hurting innocent people.


“You tried took the necklace. To give it to them!” she gasped.

“No, no, it’s not like that!”

“Well it sure looks like that…” she stood up and began walking away.


I know it does… but I didn’t mean to hurt anyone.

I’m not going to run after her this time; she has the rights to be mad.


~Later that Night~


I spent the day out.

I’m sure Minho accompanied Yuri so I’m not worried.

I got inside the room to find Yuri already sleeping.

She looks like an angel, an angel with her tongue sticking out.

I smiled.


Wait. Why is my heart beating fast? Too fast!


I scolded myself before lying down in my own bed.

“You can’t fall for her pabo! You can’t!”


Yuri’s POV


I could hear the door opening but I kept my eyes shut just to avoid Nichkhun.

“You can’t …. her pabo!... can’t!” I heard him mumble, though I didn’t hear it properly.

I opened my eyes once I was sure he was in his bed.


I sighed.




~The next day~


“I’m sorry we had to cut your vacation short. It’s just that we have schedule changes due to the upcoming concert , the SMTOWN LIVE ‘10.” The CEO’s had a face to face talk with Minho, Krystal and I.

We nodded.


In a swift of a hand I packed all our stuff.

The airplane ride was really awkward.

We were all quiet. No one dared to say a word.


Once we landed Minho, Krystal and I quickly headed to the van waiting for us when Nichkhun grabbed my hand.

“Wait Yul…” there was something in his eyes that made me feel sorry for him.

I stared at him.

“I know that I screwed up bad, but I didn’t mean for any of those things to happen. Especially to hurt you.” He looked really sincere.

“I forgive you.” I smiled as I touched his face.

He quickly pulled me in for a hug, “THANK YOU YURI!” he smiled.

“No problem.” I nudged him before walking to the van.

I waved BYE as the van started moving.


“See, I knew something was going on between you and Nichkhun oppa!” Krystal teased.

“Bwo, ani.” I could feel my cheeks heating up.

Minho rolled his eyes and looked out the window.

What’s the deal with him?

Krystal got off first.

Now it’s just awkward silence between Minho and I.

“Drop me off at my house.” He talked to the driver.

“Ne, Mr. Choi.” The driver politely replied.


Soon we arrived at his house and started unloading his baggage and mine… WAIT MINE??

“What are you doing with my stuff?”

“You’re coming with me silly!” He smirked and took the luggage inside.

“Kamsamhamnida.” I bowed to driver before running inside Minho’s house.


He was already lying down on the couch.

I moved my fingers to the luggage and it automatically started fixing itself.

“Since you can sleep now, you can sleep on the guest room. You don’t need to stay in the dorm.” Minho switched the TV on.


“You heard me, I’m your master again, and that’s my wish.” He stared at the TV.

“Arasso.” I groaned as I entered the guest room.

It was beautiful. I smiled before lying down on the bed.



“YURI!” I heard Minho scream.

I can’t believe I actually fell asleep.

I rubbed my eyes.

“C’MON YOU’VE BEEN SLEEPING SINCE WE GOT HERE!” He ordered me to go downstairs.

Bwoh? t’s morning now!


“Arasso, let me just get a quick shower.”

“Fine, I’ll meet you at the SM campus then.” He screamed before leaving.

It’s easy for me since I could just flash in.

Come to think of it, I can flash him in too.

Aigo, I bet he just doesn’t want to come with me.


~At the SM Campus~


They handed out the set list.

This is the first SMTOWN concert that Girls’ Generation and SHINee are taking part in and we’re pretty excited!


“OMO Yul! It’s been so long? How was your vacation?” Yoona came rushing and hugged me.

“It was, ok?” I giggled “How was yours?”

“It was AMAZING! Donghae oppa and I went scuba diving. You should come with us next time.” She exclaimed.

“Next time.” I emphasized. She rolled her eyes.


“Looks like we’ll be spending a lot more time than expected.” Minho groaned.

“What are you saying? That you don’t want us to spend time together? Then why did you ask me to move back in the first place.” I crossed my arms.

He laughed the pinched my cheeks “I was just messing around.”

Suddenly my world was going slow-mo.

What just happened? He never did that gesture before and it’s making my heart explode.

I let out an awkward giggle.


“YUL C’MON! WE GOTTA PRACTICE FOR OUR NEXT DEBUT STAGE!” Taeyeon signaled me to join them on the next room.

I know we just finished promoting “Gee” but our schedule is going to be a whole lot hectic since “Gee” has become an amazing success.


I bowed to all of them before leaving.


We all sat down in a circle while our manager was in the middle.

“Our theme is Marine Girls.” He started off.

That was pretty cool. It’s a different concept since our past concepts were all about being cute.

“Here’s the demo tape. I want you guys to hear it. And we’ll be recording them tomorrow.” He played the tape.


turn it up
just turn it up
that's right, c'mon

sowoneul malhaebwa
ni mamsokae itneun jageun ggoomeul malhaebwa
ni meolieh itneun isanghyungeul geulyuhbwa
geuligo naleul bwa
nan nuh eh genie ya, ggoomiya, genie ya

deulimkaleul tago dallyuhbwa
nun nae yupjaliae anja
geujuh iggeullim sokeh modoo dunjyuh
gaseum bukcha teojyeo buhlyuhdo
balam gyulae nallyeo buhlyuhdo
jigeum isoon gan sesangeun nuh eh gut

geulaeyo nan nul saranghae
unjaena miduh ggoomdo yuljungdo da joogo shippuh
nan geudae sowoneul ilyuhjoogo shipeun (shipeun) hengoonae yeoshin
sowoneul malhaebwa (i'm genie for you, boy)
sowoneul malhaebwa (i'm genie for your wish)
sowoneul malhaebwa (i'm genie for your dream)
naegaeman malhaebwa (i'm genie for your world)


I couldn’t help but giggle.

This lyric is SPOT ON!

Tiffany eyed me to stop.

I bit my lips together and nodded. Trying to stop myself from laughing.


Minho’s POV


~At Home~


Yuri wanted to try Mexican food so we ordered.

I started unpacking our food and she started humming and song but soon she started singing it.


geulaeyo nan nul saranghae
unjaena miduh ggoomdo yuljungdo da joogo shippuh
nan geudae sowoneul ilyuhjoogo shipeun (shipeun) hengoonae yeoshin
sowoneul malhaebwa


“I get it… you’re my genie. You don’t have to rub it in! But I didn’t know you LOVE me!” Minho teased.


[that's right, i love you. i always believe in you.
dreams and passions, i want to give them all to you
i'm a good luck goddess that wants (wants) to make your wish come true
tell me your wish
] < This is the english translation of what Yuri was singing.


“SHUT UP!” She threw a towel at me.

“It’s our new song; It’s called ‘Genie’.”

“Kinda ironic, don’t you think.” I chuckled.

“VERY!” she sat down and began drooling over the food.

“Well right now my wish is that you’ll actually save some for me to eat!” I got a giggle out of that from her.


~The Next Day~


Our Juliette comeback was delayed due to Onew.

So we’ll be performing “Juliette” next week.

I was actually pretty excited but right now, I have free time.


What should I do?

I could hear Yuri singing their new song again as she headed downstairs.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“We’re going to record our new song today.” She smiled and was about to pop herself out.

“WAIT! Take me with you. I have nothing to do today.” I pouted.

“Aigo, go hang out with your hyungs or maknae.” She tried to shoo me off.

“I can’t, they’re all busy.”

“Arasso!” she rolled her eyes and soon enough we were at the recording studio.


“OMO! Minho, what are you doing here?” The girls came rushing to me.

“I just wanted to support Yuri… and all of you.” I awkwardly smiled.

“How romantic!” Tiffany squealed.


Romantic? I wasn’t being romantic. I was being annoying.

I think.


nuh eh fantasy leul soomgim ubshi malhaebwa
naneun genie gileul boyeojoolgae
niga gajin sowon soomgimubshi malhaebwa
nuh eh genie naega deuluh joolgae

Taeyeon noona belted out her solo part.

She has an amazing voice!

And last but not least, it was Yuri’s turn to record.


gaseum bukcha teojyeo buhlyuhdo
balam gyulae nallyeo buhlyuhdo
jigeum isoon gan sesangeun nuh eh gut

geulaeyo nan nul saranghae
unjaena miduh ggoomdo yuljungdo da joogo shippuh
nan geudae sowoneul ilyuhjoogo shipeun (shipeun) hengoonae yeoshin
sowoneul malhaebwa (i'm genie for you, boy)
sowoneul malhaebwa (i'm genie for your wish)
sowoneul malhaebwa (i'm genie for your dream)
naegaeman malhaebwa (i'm genie for your world)


I tried to hold my laughter.

It’s like this song was made for her to sing to me.



Soon they we’re all done.

“We’re going out for pizza. Do you guys want to come?” Sooyoung asked.

“Sure!” I answered for us.

“DAEBAK!” Hyoyeon noona gave us a thumb up.


All this time I could feel Jessica’s heavy glare but I ignored it.

It did bother me but I was too distracted to care most of the time.


I can’t believe how much pizza’s they ordered.

They sure don’t look like they don’t eat a lot.


“Tomorrow’s going to be a heck of the day.” Hyoyeon started off.

“I know, we’re going to be memorizing songs the whole daaaay!” Sunny whined.

I laughed; they can get really lazy at times.

Just as Sooyoung was about to go to the toilet she bumped on to someone.

“Mianh- OMO! TOP OPPA!” She squeeled causing all the girls to run up to him.

“T..TOP? Your name is…TOP?” Yuri started freaking out.


“Do you guys know each other?” Taeyeon asked.

“Yeah, I think we do.” I can see Yuri glaring at TOP hyung.

This reminds me… TOP took my necklace. Why did he want it? And he knows Yuri?

What’s going on?



I was supposed to post this yesterday but something came up.

Sorry for the delay!


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Chapter 40: DAEBAK !!! ♥♥♥ :)
Chapter 9: Jessica is being bad to yuri
KimPossible21 #3
Chapter 40: that's a very nice way to end the story :) thought u'd end it like My Gf is A Gumiho where the guy waits for the girl's return :)
KimPossible21 #4
Chapter 28: lol how awkward... minho's grandpa WAS together with SNSD's Jessica? xD
Strange that my name is dark angel lol .. Can you please restore chapters 34-37 ? I don't seem to understand , minyul were together one day , next chapter they broke up lol thank you .... Any I really like this fanfic ""
Ahhh omg! I just finished reading!
Now moving on to the sequel!
I wanted a wonderful ending!
BUT, a sequel is even better~
panipanitipani #7
Author-nim Pls SEQUEEEEEEEL for this.. this is daebak! :D