Awkward Dinner with his family.

Falling In Love With Your Best Friend.

[Jiyeon's POV] 

Great. My super duper cool awesome best friend ditched me three times in a row today. He is so unsuper duper uncool unawesome best friend. 

"I'm home!" I slammed the door.

"Welcome home honey. We're having dinner with the Lees," Mum called out from the kitchen.

"WHAT?! Oh great, I'm so happy I could die! Whoopie," I replied sarcastically on my way up to my room.

I threw my bag onto my bed and jumped onto the bed, head down.

"What's wrong, honey? Did something happen?" Mum sat on the edge of my bed.

I looked up and frown. Should I tell her about the kiss Kikwang gave me in class? Argh! I'm so frustrated I could pull out my hair any minute now.

"I don't know whether I should tell you," I went into mum's embrace.

"Come on, you could tell me, anything."

I sigh as mum runs her hand into my brunette  hair. 

"Well... Kikwang, he ditched my three times in a row today," I sighed heavily.

"I could tell that that is not the only thing you want to tell me," Mum narrowed her eyes on me.

"Fine! He gave me a peck on the cheek," I buried my head into my pillow.

Oh god, I dug my own grave. I told mum. Go ahead, tell everyone about it, mum. 

"I see.. So you're saying he couldn't?" Mum asked, still in her calm mode.

I nodded. I couldn't imagine what would happen next. Before I knew it, my bum had a tight slap. I looked up in pain and saw mum folding her arms.

"BWOH?!" I shouted rubbing my bum.

"Silly girl, he likes you and you said that. NO WONDER HE DITCHED YOU. I'm going to iron your dress," Mum hold out a purple dress with a black ribbon. 

My eyes widen. That dress.. For dinner.. WRONG DRESS MUM! 

[end of POV]

[Kikwang's pov]

"Home~" I called out. 

"Welcome home, sugar. Pick a tuxedo and give it to me to iron," Mum shouted from her room. 

I stared at DooJoon hyung for an explanation. 

"Dinner with the Chois," He shrugged.

W..What? No way I'm going dinner with the Chois. I ran up and yanked open my wardrobe seeing there's nothing I could wear. Wait, what are you doing Lee Kikwang. You don't want to go to the dinner. Why are you worrying about your outfit. I ran to mum's room to find herself admiring a black tuxedo. 

"Umma, I have nothing to-"

"This will fit you. It's Appa's tuxedo. You could wear this," Mum cut me. 


"I bet Jiyeon will love seeing you in this," Mum cut me again.

My heart beat faster when mum mentioned her name. I slowly retreat to my room and sat on my bed. On the nightstand, there was a picture of us, making silly pose.

[end of POV]

[Jiyeon's POV]

It's time for dinner. I put on the dress and tie my hair up into a bun. Suddenly, my bedroom door yanked open. Haeri was there in her white gown with a ribbon headband.

"Yes? May I help you?" I put on my eyeliner.

"Help me with make up," Haeri muttered.


"I want to look good in front of Doojoon oppa," Haeri snickered.


Haeri bit her lower lip. 

"Forget it, you can look good in makeup for Kikwang oppa, LOSER!" she slipped out her tongue at me.

*Ding Dong*

, the bell. The Lees are already here. Crap, what should I do. 

"Welcome, Hye Ri and Minhwan. Oh, Kikwang and Doojoon is here too." I heard Umma and Appa greeting our guests.

Haeri ran down to greet as well. 

"Jiyeon, hurry up!" Umma called. 

I walked out of my room peeping at the door to make sure all the guests have arrived at the dining room. 

[end of POV]

[Kikwang's Pov]

We were already settled in the dining room waiting for Jiyeon.

"Ah, there she is," Mrs.Choi smiled.

I turned and saw Jiyeon in a purple dress  with a black bow. She look splendid. She held onto both her hands and bowed at my parents.

"Annyeonghaseyo," She stuttered shyly.

Noticing there's no more seat other than a seat beside me, Jiyeon sighed. She walked to the chair beside me and muttered something under her breath. 

"You're so dead," Was all I could hear.

The whole dinner was exciting to hear stories from our dads. Only the two of us were quiet. It's not usually like this, if you asked me. But yeah, we were quiet the whole dinner.

"Now, why don't we hear story about Kikwang? Tell us, who do you like?" Mrs.Choi suggested.

I looked up with a blur look. 

"Ye?" I asked.

"Tell us, who do you like. There's no need to be shy. Unless there's someone here you like," Mrs.Choi giggled. 

[end of POV]

[Jiyeon's POV]

"Now, why don't we hear story about Kikwang? Tell us, who do you like?" Umma suggested.

I looked up almost choked on my water.

"Ye?" Kikwang looked blur

"Tell us, who do you like. There's no need to be shy. Unless there's someone here you like," Umma giggled while looking at me.

I swear I could feet my heartbeat increased. 

"Well..." Kikwang started.

"I liked this girl.. I don't know whether she knows it, but she's like everything to me. She's really special. But, she had her eyes on someone else. A guy who is really smart and he is the graduate of our school. She begged me to help her, all I could feel is that.. My heart hurts, badly."

I looked at him. His eyes were tearing and his lips trembling. OH COME ON, You're a guy not a girl. Is that girl very important to you? Why didn't you confess to her, you idiot!

"She was my friend since I was 8," Kikwang continued.

Wait.. That means the girl is me?

"Don't worry, it's not Jiyeon."

My heart stop beating. No wait, why did I feel hurt? I only like Jonghyun and that's it. No more. Kikwang is my best friend and that's final. I excused myself to the washroom. I splashed some cold water onto my face. Wake up, I don't need to know who Kikwang likes. He will tell me soon. 


Boring chapter huh? T.T

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i never read a fanfic with jonghyun being the bad guy . its either him being the lead character , being friends / a sibling or him being the heartbroken one .<br />
<br />
very nice .
whoa junhyung appearance is very .... weird?
lol~ how cute :3
pig and monkey. Such interesting pet names, lol
ugh, now jonghyun is the bad one.<br />
way to turn the tables...
=OOO<br />
Kikwang is evil, tsk tsk. Such a bad friend.
"it's not Jiyeon" pfffft
new reader here ^-^<br />
gasp, the blasphemy of dropping a lollipop =O
its great `~