
Dorky Love

“Well I can’t get rid of her in my head since yesterday” Sooyoung said


“So you like her” Yuri said then smiled teasingly at Sooyoung.


“WHAT!?” Sooyoung shouted while Hyoyeon nodding her head.


“Sooyoung got a crush on Sunny S.U.N.N.Y” Hyoyeon said while singing.


“Do I really like Sunny or maybe I just want to be friends with her” Sooyoung thought to herself while Hyoyeon was still singing.

­_ _ _


                When the class was finish Hyoyeon stretch her arms above her head. Then go to Sooyoung’s table.



“Hey Sooyoung” Hyoyeon said “If you like Sunny then be frinds with her first ok” Hyoyeon added.


“What are you talking about?” Sooyoung asked then her cheeks glow red.


“Hey Hyoyeon, Sooyoung come over here I have something to show you” Yuri said who was at the hallway looking outside the window with an excited voice.


                Then Hyoyeon and Sooyoung went to Yuri’s side very curious of what was Yuri looking outside. When Hyoheon and Sooyoung look ouside the window they saw Yoona walking with a girl.



“So it’s not only Sooyoung that got someone on mind” Yuri said teasingky “Even Yoong has one” Yuri added then look at Sooyoung who was already looking at her.





“Taeyeon” Jessica said “I got something to tell you” Jessica added.


“What is it?” Taeyeon asked while rubbing the bridge of her nose.


“Well our math teacher wanted you to be tutored” Jessica said.


“What? Really?” Taeyeon said.


“Yeah, Well she asked Tiffany to tutor yo… ” Jessica said.


“HUH?” Taeyeon shouted then widen her eyes before Jessica could finish her words. “Tipani?” Taeyeon asked.


“Yeah Tiffany” Jessica answered. “She’s waiting for you at the campus” Jessica added.


“Eh? Right now?” Tayeon asked.


“Yeah and tell her I can’t go home with her because I promised Sunny can go shopping after class” Jessica said “And Taeyeon don’t be rude to Tiffany ok and maybe it’s the best way to say sorry to her, about what happened two years ago ok” Jessica added before she went outside the room.




                Sunny who was looking for Jessica was lost


“Where is that Jessica” Sunny muttered by herself.


                But when she saw Yuri with her friends at the hallway she went over there.


“Hey Yuri” Sunny said that made Yuri turn her head to find Sunny beside her. “Have you noticed Jessica” Sunny added.


                When Sooyoung turned her head to see who Yuri was talking to her eyes widen when she saw Sunny asking Yuri about Jessica. When Sooyoung noticed Sunny looking at her, her body suddenly stiffened.


“Oh Sunny let me introduce you to my friends” Yuri said when she notice Sunny looking at Sooyoung. “Sunny this is Sooyoung, I think you already meet her at the other day” Yuri added.


“Yeah, yesterday at the bus” Sunny said “So your Sooyoung the girl who shouted out my name” Sunny said then smiled at Sooyoung “You’re Tiffany’s little sister right?” Sunny added.


“Ye…yeah…” Sooyoung answered.



“Oh God she’s so… cute” Sooyoung thought to herself.


“And this is Hyoyeon Taeyon’s cousin” Yuri said while pointing at Hyoyeon wo was still looking outside the window that made Hyoyeon turn her head and found Sunny beside Yuri.


“Hi” Hyoyeon said then smiled at Sunny.


“I hope we can be friends” Sunny said to Hyoyeon and Sooyoung.


“Oh by the way why are you looking for Jessica anyway” Yuri asked.


“Well she promised me we can go shopping today but I guess she forgot and went home” Sunny said.


“Hahahaha we know where she is” Hyoyeon said


“Where is she then?” Sunny asked.


“At the library” Yuri, Sooyoung and Hyoyeon said in chorus.


“Why? It’s not like we have homework or something” Sunny said confused why Jessica is at the library.


“Well Jessica likes to stay in a cold place” Yuri said.


“Ok thanks I hope we meet again” Sunny said then waved goodbye.




“SEOYHUN” Yoona shouted as she run towards Seohyun.


                When Seohyun heard Yoona calling her she immediately stopped walking and turn around then saw Yoona running. When Yoona stopped in front of Seohyun she was catching her breath.



“Let’s walk home together ok” Yoona said then grabs Seohyun’s hand.


“What about your friends” Seohyun asked while Yoona was dragging her.


“It’s ok I’ll just call them that I’m going home first” Yoona said.


                When they were outside the school ground they saw two guys who were forcing a girl to come with them and have a drink.



“YAH!” Yoona shouted that made the two guys switched their attention to Yoona. “Don’t force a girl if she doesn’t want to” Yoona added then went to were the guys are and took the girl from them.


“Go back home now” Yoona said to the girl who was very scared.


“Thank you very much” The girl said then run away.


“The most thing I don’t like in this world is like you two” Yoona said when she turned her head back to the guys in front of her. Then punched the guy at his cheek, and made him stumble and sat at the floor.


                The other guy was so scared he immediately helped his friend stand up and drag him back to their van. When the two guys were inside the van their boss was very furious because his men were beaten by a high school girl.

                Yoona then went back to Seohyun’s side and they continued walking and didn’t notice that the van was following them.



“Kidnap that girl” The boss of the two guys said.


“But boss she’s so strong…even if she’s a…..girl” the other guy said.


“Not the girl who punched you idiot!” the boss said while hitting the guy on the head.


“The girl next to her, tomorrow before she could reach their school” The boss said “And make sure to leave a note to the other girl” the boss added.




                When Taeyeon was already outside the campus she immediately saw Tiffany sitting on a bench. Then went to her and sat beside Tiffany. When Tiffany noticed that Taeyeon was sitting next to her, she then turned her head to Teayeon who was facing the ground felling awkward of the situaion.



“Let’s go” Tiffany said then stood up. “I’ll tutor you at my house” Tiffany added.


“O…O…Oh” Taeyeon said “What about So…Sooyoung?” Taeyeon added who was still facing at the ground can’t look at Tiffany.


“She’s still with Yuri and Hyoyeon so maybe it’s ok if we go first, anyway she can go home by herself” Tiffany said.


                When they arrived at the house Tiffany made Teayeon wait for her at the living while she go change her clothes.


“Taeyeon this you’re your chance, apologize to her” Teayeon thought to herself “But what if she’ll ask me why, why did I punched the guy” Teayeon added then hit her head.




                When Yoona and Soehyun reached Soehyun’s house, Yoona let Seohyun the gate first then waved good bye to Seohyun.



“Oh my God I’m in love with Yoona” Seohyun thought to herself when she was inside her bedroom then looked at the mirror and saw her cheeks turning red.


                When Yoona arrived at her house she went to the kitchen and drank a bottle of water to quench her thirst from the long walk. Then she smiled to herself and shouted YEAH! While jumped with joy, because she walked together with Seohyun.




                When Sunny reached the library she saw a blonde girl napping at the table, then immediately recognized the girl.



“Yah Jessica” Sunny whispered as she got near to Jessica.


“Hhhmmm” Jessica said.


“YAH!” Sunny shouted at Jessica’s ear.


“Sssshhhhh” the librarian said when she heard Sunny shouted.


“Oh Sunny your late” Jessica said with a soft voice “I thought you forgot we’ll go shopping today” Jessica added.


“I did not forgot, you forgot” Sunny said.


“Did I not told you I’ll wait for you at the library” Jessica said


“No” Sunny said.


                When Sunny and Jessica arrived at the mall…



“I hope those two talked already” Jessica thought to herself.


“What are you thinking Jessica?” Sunny asked.


“No..nothing” Jessica answered. “Let’s go over there and try those clothes” Jessica added then drag Sunny.




“Ok calm down Tiffany you’re doing great” Tiffany said to herself. When she was finish changing her clothes she then went downstairs where Taeyeon is waiting for her. “Uhhhmmm let’s start” Tiffany said when she sat next to Taeyeon.


“Oh” Taeyeon said can’t manage to say a word.


                After an hour while Taeyeon was still answering some math problems that Tiffany made, the door opened and came in Sooyoung and Yuri.



“Hey shikshin why are you so late” Tiffany said.


“Well we went playing arcade but Hyoyeon decided to go home so Yuri and I decided to go back home too” Sooyoung said. “OH! IT’S TAEYEON UNNIE” Sooyoung shouted.


“Hey don’t disturb her, she’s busy” Tiffany said.


“I should g…get going it’s already late” Taeyeon said while tapping the pencil on the paper. “Auntie well surely make Hyoyeon find me” Taeyeon added.


“Ok” Tiffany said then stood up “uhhmm I’ll walk you out” Tiffany added.


“No it…it’s fine I can manage” Taeyeon said then put her things back inside her bag then went outside.


“I thought you two were friends again” Yuri said when Taeyeon was already outside the house.


“Are you two hungry? What would the two of you like for dinner?” Tiffany asked then went to the kitchen and started preparing food for dinner.




                When Taeyeon got home her auntie was waiting for her.


“Where have you been Taeyeon-nah?” Her auntie asked.


“A friend’s house” Taeyeon answered “Why?” Taeyeon asked while untying her shoe laces. Then went to the living room and sat next to her aunt.


“Your mother called” Her auntie said. “She asked if wh…” Her auntie added.


“Tell her on Monday” Taeyeon said before her auntie could finish talking. “I’ll go to bed” Taeyeon said then stood up.


“Don’t you want to eat first?” Her auntie said.


“No” Taeyeon said as she went up stairs then she saw Hyoyeon waiting for her at her bedroom door.


“You should apologize to Tiffany first before you leave” Taeyeon said then went back inside her room.


                When Hyoyeon was already inside her room Taeyeon went inside her room as well then throw herself on her bed.



Hyoyeon is right I should apologize before I leave” Taeyeon thought to herself then fall asleep.




Here is chapter 5 I hope you like it.  cheeky


please silent readers I need your comments  angel


ENJOY  smiley

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Chapter 20: Pls continue
Chapter 20: Please update
Chapter 20: I absolutely adore all the SooSun your story has! Please don't give up on this story until they have a happy ending author-ssi! Fighting! :)
hi readers I will be updating Dorky Love maybe next week if I have free time huhuhu I hope you wont hate me hehehe

hoping for your understanding :)

we eat to live <3
cucuMAber #5
Sorry for not comment at past chapter T.T
Finally taeny! official!!!
LeeJuno #6
Awww they're finally official!
Cinderella127 #7
niceeee :D, finally they are official. I thought for a moment tiffany didn't like taeyeon, but i was wrong hahaha, and i'm ok with dat hahah.
Thank you reader :) hehehe your comment just made me smile
Happy this is not a bad chapter it is great I love it!!! YAY!!
Thank you readers LOVE YOU all :)