School bus

Dorky Love



                As I heard a loud beeping sound, I hurriedly got up from my bed and went to the bathroom and to take a shower. After I took my shower and step out of the bathroom, I opened my closet and get my uniform.


                “Thank you Tiffany.” I thought to myself while staring at my uniform that is nicely ironed.

(Tiffany is my older sister. We are studying in the same school.)

                After I put on my uniform I heard Tiffany calling me.


SHIKSHIN! Get down already and eat your breakfast. Tiffany shouted.

(Tiffany gives me a nickname SHIKSHIN because of my love of food.)

“Coming” I shouted back.

                As I was running down the stairs I saw a Yuri eating my food.

(Well Yuri is our neighbor she usually eats at our house because she likes Tiffany’s cooking. Yuri and I are friends since we were kids maybe this is what you call childhood friends.)


Yah! Yuri don’t eat my food. I shouted. Then went directly to her and flicked her forehead.

Aisshh… Yuri said while touching the spot where I just hit her.

_ _ _


Miyoung -ah… Yuri ate my food! Sooyoung angrily said while puffing her cheeks.

                Yah! Sooyoung!  How many times do I have to tell you instead of Miyoung call me TIFFANY.. TIFFANY…  OK? Tiffany said. Here Tiffany added while handling Sooyoung her breakfast.

                Uhhh… TIPANI! TIPANI! Sooyoung said as she accepts the plate from Tiffany’s hand.

Before Sooyoung made her first bite she remembered that Yuri is beside her so she turned her head to where Yuri is seated then smiled at Yuri who is eating a sandwich. Sooyoung then started eating her favorite peanut and jelly sandwich.


After they finished their breakfast, Tiffany and Sooyoung went to the living room and get their things for school.


Beep… Beep….

Oh… It’s the school bus. Yuri said then immediately opens the door. “Let’s Go” Yuri added then grabs our wrist and hurriedly runs outside.


_ _ _


 Oh where’s Tiffany? Yuri asked Sooyoung.

Maybe she’s with Jessica already. Sooyoung said as she grab Yuri wrist when she noticed that Hyoyeon and Taeyeon are already waiting for them at the back of the bus.

                Ahh… right Yuri said turning her head to where  Jessica is  seated while Sooyoung is dragging her.

                When they reached at the back of the bus, Sooyoung then seated near the window while Yuri was next to Hyoyeon.

                While Yuri, Hyoyeon and Taeyeon were busy talking to each other Sooyoung was leaning the side of her forehead to the window. After passing 3-5 blocks the bus stopped in front of a big house.


                So this is Soehyun’s house… Sooyoung said.

                Soehyun who? A girl asked.

                Sooyoung who was spacing out turned her head and saw a girl in front of her who was already smiling and facing at her.


                Yoona! Sooyoung said who looked surprised.

                Yah yah… that other girl is our homeroom teacher. Yuri said who was facing outside made Sooyoung and Yoona turn their heads to the windows.

_ _ _

When Soehyun was making her way to the bus, Yoona then went seat next to Taeyeon. Then Yuri turned her head back to Hyoyeon to talk to her. While Sooyoung is looking at Miss Nicole who was waving her hand to Seohyun then went to her car.

Then the bus starts moving when Soehyun was already seating next to a girl. The bus is heading to the last stop. While Sooyoung, Yuri and Hyoyeon are busy talking to each other, Yoona and Taeyeon were eating.


Wah! Taeyeon… your long lost sister. Hyoyeon whispered while hitting Taeyeon at the arm with her elbow.When she notice the bus stopped and saw a short girl get on the bus.

Taeyeon who was busy eating lift her head with her cheeks puffed full of food and saw a girl with curly fluffy hair. Then swallowed the food when she understands what Hyoyeon meant.


Yah! Hyoyeon I’m taller than her. Taeyeon said as she hit Hyoyeon’s head.

Then the bus started moving again.


Uhh! Sooyoung I think your unnie knows her. Yuri said while Taeyeon is now hitting Hyoyeon’s arm and Yoona is eating all Taeyeon’s food.

Sooyoung lounge at her chair and was really trying so hard to recall the girl’s name.


I think I heard her name when Tiffany was talking to her phone last night. Sooyoung thought to herself while poking her forehead with her finger.



While Sooyoung was watching T.V. looked at Tiffany who was sitting next to her was calling someone.

TIFFANY: hello Jessica

JESSICA: oh Tiffany why’d you call?

TIFFANY: have you heard the news

JESSICA: what news?

TIFFANY: SUNNY is transferring to our school

JESSICA: really?




                Sunny…? Sooyoung whispered to herself.

                Sooyoung then snaps her finger that was poking her forehead then stood up and points at the girl who is sitting next to Tiffany the same time the school bus stopped in front of SOSHI high school.


                She’s… SUNNY! Sooyoung shouted that made everyone stop what they’re doing and stared at Sooyoung.




Sorry readers if chapter 1 is a lousy chapter sad

this is my first time writing a story even though writing is not my field of interest smiley


ENJOY cheeky

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Chapter 20: Pls continue
Chapter 20: Please update
Chapter 20: I absolutely adore all the SooSun your story has! Please don't give up on this story until they have a happy ending author-ssi! Fighting! :)
hi readers I will be updating Dorky Love maybe next week if I have free time huhuhu I hope you wont hate me hehehe

hoping for your understanding :)

we eat to live <3
cucuMAber #5
Sorry for not comment at past chapter T.T
Finally taeny! official!!!
LeeJuno #6
Awww they're finally official!
Cinderella127 #7
niceeee :D, finally they are official. I thought for a moment tiffany didn't like taeyeon, but i was wrong hahaha, and i'm ok with dat hahah.
Thank you reader :) hehehe your comment just made me smile
Happy this is not a bad chapter it is great I love it!!! YAY!!
Thank you readers LOVE YOU all :)