The Last Dream

The Last Dream

Chapter 9:- The Last Dream

I guess that the hardest part about adjusting to a life in foreign land would be -

different culture and language and people.

Despite of having learned about most of the culture, there were still things new to me.
Things that I didn't know and would learn.

As I found out, father has a friend, who would help me during my stay there.
I believe his name was Fujika Yuya-san, a manager working in some company.

He wouldn't tell me for whom, thought.
Saying that it would be a surprise for later.

Something about my wish (in the list I wrote for wanting to fulfill during those few months I've got left to live) coming true.
Naturally, I gave him a skeptical and full of disbelief look, demanding to know why he even knew my wishes.

That question made him to change subject, rather guiltily.

The one with whom I've always been rather close to was father.
Unlike mother, he never forced me to like something he liked.

Only suggested and gave advice, following the best way to be financially supporter.
But I guess that now...

Now that I don't have much to live, none of it matters.

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