The Last Dream

The Last Dream

Chapter 7:- The Last Dream:

"Be quiet, Robert!" Mother snapped at him, not even looking at him.

I guess that must have hurt more than her words.
Robert’s and my younger sister, Helena’s, hatred towards me was understandable.

I had the love of our parents, they always came either second or last.
All the efforts they've been giving have always been shunned by me.

Me - the person of whom mother and father expect more than from them.
That comes with being the first born, despite of being girl.

"I'm sorry, Rob, Helena," I said, trying my best to smile at them, sincerely.

They knew that I wasn't apologetic at all.
They, no, we knew what it was for.

For taking father and mother from them.

"You're not fair, Sara!" Helena shouted, getting up and storming towards her room.
With Robert following her shortly, but not without giving me one last glare.

That was the last time either of them spoke to me.

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