The Last Dream

The Last Dream

To tell you honestly, I had been quite excited in meeting KAT-TUN members, after spotting their names in Oichi-san’s notebook, especially my favorite members: Akanishi Jin, Ueda Tatsuya and Kamenashi Kazuya. However, after meeting with them in real life…after this ‘looking forward’ had come so unexpectedly, I found myself wanting to have remained ignorant about knowing them.

To have remained as a simple fan-girl, yearning to meet with them and perhaps even hug or get an autograph.

Strangely enough, I wasn’t feeling any of this excitement as my father or Oichi-san believed me to feel. Sure, I do like them and all, but…How can I say it?

I feel like I’ve over-stepped my boundaries, a line of a fan-girl never should cross.

A fan-girl should stay as a fan-girl, maybe go to the concert and then hope they’ll notice you amongst thousands of fellow fans. But not like that…

Not to meet with them just because your father has connections, it’s…unfair.

“It’s a pleasure to meet with you all,” I politely bowed, faking a smile, looking at each of them. “My name’s Sara Smith, please, just call me Sara. No Honorifics.”

And here I go – being all overly-polite…

Nakamaru Yuichi was the only one, who seemed to remembered his manners – nodding back and smiling, “Same here, I’m Nakamaru Yuichi, but I bet you already knew it.”

I shrugged, “Maybe, maybe not, but it’s still nice to see that you would introduce yourself nevertheless,” I said with a much more genuine smile, feeling that perhaps I’ve underestimated Nakamaru too much due to his height fear (something to which I can actually relate – I’m also scared of heights).

Kamenashi pocketed his hands, before snorting, “You forgot to mention that she’s another fan-girl, Oichi-san,” his voice was full of distain and dislike.

Oichi-san looked pretty sheepish, “Well, she’s not here as a fan-girl, simply someone interested in meeting people she likes. Am I right, Sara-san?”

I rolled my eyes at him, “You are, when you stop calling me Sara-san, and instead call me Sara. It’s not that hard to do, isn’t it?”

“My apologizes, but it’s hard to let go of a habit,” he said, throwing an odd look at Kamenashi’s direction. “We will continue with the introductions in the car, it’s a bit too dangerous  to remain here with all the fans outside.”

The seven of us simply nodded in understanding, my adrenaline already almost completely gone leaving behind only vast memory of it. Our new transport was waiting in the underground parking lot, hidden away from the unwanted attention – crazy fan-girls outside.

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