The Last Dream

The Last Dream

Chapter 20:- The Last Dream

After the long flight to Japan, I finally arrived there.
I did feel a bit dizzy, an after effect of traveling by plane during the illness.

Even if it hasn't progressed so far that I've to be hospitalized.

Currently, I'm standing in the lobby, waiting for someone named Oichi to come and pick me up.
With his picture in my hand, which father had given me so that I could recognize him.

After about nearly ten minutes of waiting, a man approached me with a sign Sara Smith-san.

"Um, are you Oichi-san?" I tried asking in Japanese, it came out with a nervous and immediately recognizing accent.

A middle-aged man with dark black hair, hints of gray in, nodded, "And you're Sara-san?"

I nodded, "Just Sara is fine," I've never been much of honorifics loving person.

"Is this all you have? (I nodded, holding my laptop case and handbag) Then, let's get going," he said, guiding me through the crowd and towards the exit. "Oh, and before we can go to your apartment, would you mind if we drop by at my work place? I need to check on the boys with something," he added, having taken out his notebook and read something from it.

I shook my head, "No, not at all," I reassured him. 

"It won't take long," Oichi-san said, smiling as if to thank me. "And I bet that you'll love to meet with the boys."

 Oichi-san didn't realize that I had caught a glimpse of a name of quite the famous group band. Something in me told that father had, quite possibly, set something up.

"Then I'll be looking forward," I replied, politely, trying to act as if I had been taking in my new surroundings.

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