The Last Dream

The Last Dream

Chapter 11:- The Last Dream

As I stared at the point 8, I slowly started to break down into cries.
It was the first time for me to express my thoughts other than feeling -


I had been packing my stuff, when the list had fallen from the book I had picked up.
My legs slowly gave out, book fell the ground with a thump.

But I didn't care.

The after-shock had finally come, arrived without a warning.
Just like storm.


In the mist of venting out my anger, I had 'accidentally' caused the lamp to fall on the ground thus breaking it.
It was quite a loud crash, which others probably heard.

It might have been my imagination but ...I heard hurried footsteps running towards my room.
I had sunk onto the floor, in the middle of scattered clothes and stuff I, personally, would be taking with me.

The door flew open, someone gasped before warm pair of hands were wrapped around my shoulders.
I tried to shove them away, not wanting any pity or someone to witness my break down.

"What did I do to deserve this?"

I thought I had accepted...

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