The Last Dream

The Last Dream

Chapter 16:- The Last Dream

We didn't hear the footsteps stopping in front of my room, right behind the door.
I only found out about Robert and Helena eaves-dropping, sometime later.

I slowly told father, how a woman called asking for Smith-sensei.
How a woman, sounding desperate and nearly on tears, wanted to talk about me.

Mentioning something about wanting to spend time with her daughter, one whom she called Meira.
How she said that she got the letter, he had written her - telling her about my illness and the limited time.

Once I was finished, neither of us spoke for a while.
While chanting, I desperately tried to believe everything's been a lie.

Everything the woman said was a lie!

But the look on father's face told me otherwise.

Another wish to be crossed out on my wish list.

"...That person was your birth mother," father finally said, admitting the thing I didn't want him to admit.

"The one who had to give you up, having no chance of raising you on her own."

"The one who couldn't strain her family name with your birth."

Family name?

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