The Last Dream

The Last Dream

Chapter 22: The Last Dream

My hands rested on the laptop case, eyes closed as I tried to calm myself down, desperately hoping that Oichi-san or the driver weren’t going to notice it, mentally cursing that this headache was attacking me again.

If that’s how I can put it with a humor.

I grabbed a water bottle near me before drinking it, along with the medicine my family doctor had given me back at home with a reminder to take them every day.

It took me a few more minutes to calm down, and the ‘attack’ to go away, making me to sigh in relief. I had a high suspicion that Oichi-san was aware of my illness as I felt his eyes on me during the ‘attack’.

When I looked at the mirror to meet his dark black eyes, Japanese eyes, I didn’t like the look in them - one of pity and concern.

It’s none of your business, was what the look in my eyes told him, despite of this sentence being wrong. It was his business, seeing as he was going to be one – along with Fujika Yuya-san – to show me around and take care of me.

I seriously dislike father’s over-protectiveness, although I understand his worries.

…After all…

I am soon going to die…

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