The Last Dream

The Last Dream

Chapter 18:- The Last Dream

My mind was riled up with countless of thoughts,
at some point my head hurt, making me to stop packing and cleaning.

The headache was nothing unusual, almost every day happening if I wasn't careful.
Instantly my hand grabbed the medicine from my bag and the untouched drink mother had bought earlier.

A few minutes later, the headache was gone.
Without a notice just like it had come, leaving behind only a memory of pain.

The silence was broken by the ringing cell-phone.


"Yo! What's up, Sara?"

I smiled at the sound of his always lively voice, something about him which I've always liked.

"Nothing much, just cleaning and packing."
A brief silence in which I could hear bickering from his side.


I nearly flinched at the high pitched voice one of my best-friends, Kate.

"We're going to come and pick you up - we'll be throwing you a party!!"

My stomach flipped, uncomfortably - we hadn't told anyone about my illness, only the doctor and family knows.

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