The Last Dream

The Last Dream

Chapter 17:- The Last Dream

 Father told me, after a long silence, the story how they got me.
The whole time I was silent, listening to him telling how my birth mother met him,

while he was in Japan for a business trip.
It had been a coincidence for them to meet, and no.

He didn't cheat mother with my biological mother.
By time they met, she was already pregnant with me.

Although she kept refusing on telling, who the father was.
One thing was certain, it certainly wasn't her husband, meaning -

I am (what they call) bastard, illegitimate child born from an affair.

... Perhaps ....

I was better off for not knowing the truth behind my birth,

despite of having always doubted my relation to Smith family.

All because of my Asian appearance - skin, speech etc.

From the beginning my appearance was ...

.... suspiciously doubtful.

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