The Last Dream

The Last Dream

Chapter 8:- The Last Dream

[A month later]

It's been a month since the discovery of my illness.
A month since ending every loose end at my home country.

Troubles with my friends, telling them goodbye.
Without mentioning about my terminal brain disease.

A month since father bought me ticket to Japan, Tokyo.
A month since father bought me an apartment to Ikebukuro.

A month since father made arrangements with a doctor he knows at Natsume General Hospital.
I now had, at the most to live 5 more months since I've wasted one.

Mother, who hadn't accepted the situation, refused to talk with me and concentrated more on Robert and Helena.
The two seemed to love it, the sudden attention they've been yearning for years.

Father had seemingly accepted it and dealt bills and moving and living arrangements.
He had been the one to get me a good Japanese language teacher.

Since I had already learned the vocabulary (through dramas, anime and movies) along with a secret teacher,
it wasn't hard for me to re-study them.

The hardest part was Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana, something which I still at.

Japanese Language and its culture has been my so-called 'secret will to live' since I was 15,
since I first discovered the Land of Rising Sun.

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