Chapter 8



Before chapter 8 heres a list of the characters so that you can keep up!!!

Hana(you), Ae Chan(your bestfriend)

Tae Hyun(the ), Min-Ki(Ae Chans crush), In-su(s friend), Du-Ho(s friend)

Kwan(s enemy and a good friend of yours), Hyo(Kwans friend and Ae Chans ex boyfriend), Jin-Sang(Kwans friend)

Eun(Likes Tae-Hyun), Ginger(Euns idiot friend), Mi-Cha(Euns friend and Kwans girlfriend)

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Tae-Hyuns POV

It was on the first day of school that you saw her. Her type of person really pissed you off. The goody two shoes, teachers pet, happy go lucky...LOSER. It was a good thing she decided to stay out of the garden and somewhere else, probably the trash bin where people like her belong. The school is already trash itself, she can't make it worse.

"Dude, are you still thinking of that girl?" In-Su asked. "she's not that bad."

"Not that bad? she's hanging out with that loser Ae Chan." 

"Don't tell me your planning on getting her to leave the school?" Min-Ki sat beside them on the bleachers.

Almost everyday after school they spend their time playing basketball for an hour then heading back home to do school work.

"Or maybe you just like her." In-Su smiled.

"Do you want to feel how hard I can punch." You asked seriously.

"What? It's a possibility!!!" He said while Min-Ki nodded. "Du-Ho was the one who said it when we told him about what happened during break time."

"Du-Ho? where is he anyways?" You had to change the subject before even deciding to think about you liking her or not. You didn't even know her so there was no telling.

"He said he's coming back next next week. He extended his stay in America."

"That bastard!" You smiled and stood up. "I'm going to buy an energy drink in one of the stalls."

"Okay, we'll just head home then." In-su said.

You walked to 'seven eleven' and grabbed a gatorade. You were about to close the freezer when you saw Ae Cha and the girl. The annoying skateboard kid. 

They went out of 'Teddy's Tale" shop and was about to enter seven eleven! You realized you were freaking out.

Why the hell am I freaking out? I was here first, so I have the right to be here. You confidently walked to the counter while Ae Chan and annoying girl entered seven eleven without even noticing you. 

"I should tell my uncle to hire you," Ae Chan said. You couldn't help but laugh a little. Whenever Ae Chan talks her voice always had no life in it, so you wouldn't really know if she was serious, sarcastic ot excited. She always seemed selfless. "You're better in helping the customers."

"You were good too Ae Cha-" Finally! She notices me! Annoying girl stares at you for a while and whispers to her friend. You grinned at her to scare her and drank from your gatorade.

For a while you two were having a staring contest. She had her poker face on while you had your grinning face. After what seemed like forever she looked away.

This is going to be an interesting one. You thought as you walked out of the seven eleven store.



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I would say the first paragraph is about as much as you would need for a description. Maybe trim it down a bit and add something more enquiring.

The rest is just basically stating the characters and their personalities—which is something you don't want.

Mention where the people are from—group-wise.

Add tags like the characters name. "Romance" instead of "koreanromance".

Also, you use a lot of ellipsis (…). Careful with those. So, don't use them as often.

Another important thing! Have you planned out your story? If not, you should delete this one.

Plan your story out and then after you find the perfect title and description (and you've written all your chapters), you can repost it again.
It avoids mainly writers block and late updates.
Hope this helped. :)