Chapter 13



You spent the whole night thinking about Kwan. You kenw it was wrong, he had a girlfriend. And the only reason why he did that was because he was being a good friend. You pushed the thought away nearly forgetting that Jae-Sun was still in your life, was still in facebook asking you how your day went and how you are feeling. You didn't tell him about the bullying nor the things that happened with Kwan, but you told him about Ae Chan.

The next day you were excited to go to school. Ae Chan didn't bother to ask why because she felt sort of new to hanging out with someone as cheerful as you are.

"Weird," She said. "You're acting like nothing even happened yesterday."

You smiled and told her to hurry walking.

"You should get a skateboard." You said.

"I don't know how to ride one."


"I...don't want, I like to walk." You frowned. "I have to leave you again, the Principal says I have to clean up the lab."


"Something kind of happened during science time, so yeah." She didn't exactly tell you what.

"Why don't you tell me what happened?" You asked, but she didn't reply. "You never tell me anything Ae Chan, I thought i'm your friend."

"Look, im sorry but I don't trust people that easily as you've noticed. I don't-"

"I get," You said. "You need more time."

She nodded and didn't say a word until you two arrived at Head High.

"Bye." She hurried away to the lab.

You were somehow hurt that she ddin't trust you, but you remembered it has only been less than two weeks since you guys became friends. You smiled and walked into the hallway to your classroom. You saw Kwan talking to his girlfriend, it didn't look like they were enjoying each others company much. You decidd to just say hi.

"Kwan," You said too loudly. "Hi-" You didn't see her coming. She just pounced at you. You fell on the floor not knowing whats happening and she started to pull on your hair.

"You B****!" She screamed. "Just stay away from my boyfriend!"

"Mi-Cha, stop!" You felt Kwan trying to separate you both.

Kwan carried Mi-Cha away and students started to crowd around you and her.

"I hate you!" Mi-Cha screamed as she was still trying to escape the arms of her boyfriend.

"Stop it Mi-Cha, nothing happened between us!" Kwan shouted.

You looked at him and hit yourslef on the head countless times. You were right. He just did that because he was being a good friend. He has feelings for Mi-Cha, not you.

"Then what were you doing together in the Fu***** carnival huh?!" She punched him. "Holding those stupid balloons!"

"Look, Hana was just sad and she needed some cheering up so I took her there, but nothing happened I promise." He hugged her. "You know I love you."

It hit you again, that pang of jealousy. The student cried out in happiness as the couple hugged each other. They sure loved drama.

"Just promise me you'll stay away from her." You heard her whisper.

"Promise." He whispered back.

You stood up and ran away. You didn't know where you were going, you havn't exactly been exploring the school much so you just kept on running. You reached the garden and hid under one of the tables. only a few teachers passed by, but they were too far away that it was impossible for them to notice you.

"Having a bad day?" You felt weight on the table and hit your head, When you looked up it was Tae-Hyun.

You couldn't speak, you were still thinking of Kwan. How could I have let that happen? Maybe because I was just feeling lonely, though Iknew he did that because he was being a good friend. I'm so stupid.

"Whatever you do he won't like you." Tae-Hyun lowered his head so you can see his face. "I mean, why would he like you?"

You turned away. He was right, why would he like me?

"For your information Tae-Hyun I don't even dream of being with him."

"Oh really? Then why were you with him, holding hands, letting go of the balloon together, hugging." How did he know all that? "I sent a few people to spy on you, you know?"

You looked at him in disbelief.

"Why would you do that?" You asked.

"That would teach you not to mess with us." You weren't in the mood to fight.


Your plan worked. Though yuo didn't think that Mi-Cha was that tough to physically hurt her, you were shocked actually, and a bit worried.

"That would teach you not to mess with us." She didn't say anything."What were you thinking when he pulled you away? That he would break up with his girlfriend just to be with you? That he would kiss you that moment when you two were cuddling in front of everybody? Hah! Pathetic."

"Not at all." She said seriously. "I didn't think of those things because theres someone else."

"Someone...else?" How stupid of you, you didn't even think that.

"I have to go." Before you could even stop her she came out from under the table and started to run.

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I would say the first paragraph is about as much as you would need for a description. Maybe trim it down a bit and add something more enquiring.

The rest is just basically stating the characters and their personalities—which is something you don't want.

Mention where the people are from—group-wise.

Add tags like the characters name. "Romance" instead of "koreanromance".

Also, you use a lot of ellipsis (…). Careful with those. So, don't use them as often.

Another important thing! Have you planned out your story? If not, you should delete this one.

Plan your story out and then after you find the perfect title and description (and you've written all your chapters), you can repost it again.
It avoids mainly writers block and late updates.
Hope this helped. :)