Chapter 11


"Hana, where have you been?" Your geometry teacher waited for your reply.

"Sorry, I accidentally fell into the trashbin and-" You hear your classmates giggle.

"Im marking you late, go back to your seat!" You looked down as you walked to your place.

"What happened?" Kwan asked, unfortunately he didn't know what went on during break time.

"I just said it didn't I? I accidentally fell in the trashbin." You said.

"I don't think that's entirely possible-"

"Well it is, okay?!" You didn't want to talk anymore, and Kwan understood that.


"Hana, my parents are picking me up today." Ae Chan was the first to get dismissed, and she waited for you outside of your classroom. "Is it okay if you uhm...walk alone?" You could tell she wasn't used to comforting people.

"Offcourse, I understand." She hugged you awkwardly and walked to the exit.

"Hana!" Kwan jogged to you. "Are you going to do anything?"

"No, why.?" You asked carlessly

"Good, lets go then!" He grabbed your hand.

"Wait!" But before you could say anything else he started to run, and so did you.


You couldn't stop thinking of Hana and the look on her face when she was carried to the trashbin.

You went out of your classroom smiling. That moment really made your day-Is that Kwan running with...Hana?

You were surprised they even knew each other. Kwan was holding Hanas hand and running towards the exit/entrance of the school. Maybe they were dating. No, that's impossible. Kwan has a girlfriend. Mi-Cha. And if she knew about this "holding hands and running somewhere far away" she would freak, which would be a good idea. But first you needed to know where they went and what they did.

"Bon-Hwa, Chin-Hwa," You called for the twins. "Follow them." They were like your tiny devilish mineons.

This is good. Really good.


Where was he taking me? You and Kwan enetered the bus. The two of you were the only ones there.

"Where are we going?" You asked for the one hundredth time.

"You'll see." He was still holding your hand. "When I was young my older brother used to take me there whenever I was having a bad day."

"Where?" He didn't answer. 

The whole way going to "the place you still don't know where" Kwan held your hand. He held it even tighter whenever the bus moved roughly.

"Really?!" You looked outisde the window and you saw a carnival. "I love carnivals!"

"We have something in common then." He said, still holding your hand.

You went out of the bus and that was the time he let go. You didn't want him to let go. You felt safer.

The moment you stepped in it was like magic.

"This place has been standing for years. And every three years they always repair it and add really cool rides and stuff, you know." He said as you walked through the thick crowd. You noticed he was standing close to you. It's either he was being pushed by the people or he was making sure you were being protected. You decided it was because of the people.

"What do we do first?" You asked and Kwan just smiled.

You spent the rest of the day laughing your heart out and enjoying everything. Kwan took you to rides, made you play games, you watched the magic show together and exchanged stories.

You walked together. You were holding a pink balloon while he held a blue one.

"How old is your older brother?" You asked.

"Well, you see, he's nine years older than me," He smiled. "He was nineteen when he died."

You couldn't say anything. It was weird because you felt sad and you showed it, but he just kept smiling. "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's fine really, i've learned to let go." He was still smiling, but there was sadness in his voice. 

"He died because of a car crash. It was rainy really hard and I kept on bugging him about I forgot what, but it was my fault." He stopped there and didn't talk at all.

"I don't think it's your-"

"Don't say it's not my fault!" He snapped. "Nobody can make me think that... Nobody!"

You looked at him.

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to almost rage like that." You hugged him. "I feel like I can tell you anything Hana. I've never even told Mi-Cha about my brother. She doesn't even know I have one. She doesn't even care to ask."

For a while you just stood there in each others arms. "I'm here if you need a friend." You whisphered.

"I know." He wiped away a tear that he shed and stopped. "To our formed friendship!" You raised your balloons and let go.

You stood there in the middle of the crowd and watched your balloons fly up high until you could no longer see them.

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I would say the first paragraph is about as much as you would need for a description. Maybe trim it down a bit and add something more enquiring.

The rest is just basically stating the characters and their personalities—which is something you don't want.

Mention where the people are from—group-wise.

Add tags like the characters name. "Romance" instead of "koreanromance".

Also, you use a lot of ellipsis (…). Careful with those. So, don't use them as often.

Another important thing! Have you planned out your story? If not, you should delete this one.

Plan your story out and then after you find the perfect title and description (and you've written all your chapters), you can repost it again.
It avoids mainly writers block and late updates.
Hope this helped. :)