Chapter 7


The week passed like other normal days which would mean no bullying, more getting to know Ae Chan, and listening attantively to your teachers. You haven't been talking to anybody else, not even Kwan. He would always try to talk to you, but being like Ae Chan towards him was fun.

"Hana, i'm sorry, did I do something wrong?" He asked while pretending to listen to the teacher.

"Nope, what could you possibly have done wrong?" You said sarcastically without looking at him.

Okay, so he didn't exactly do anything wrong, you're just judging him too quickly.

"Then is it okay to start over?" He whispered.


"I can tell your joking, I did do something wrong." He faced you, cleared his voice and took his hand out. "I'm Kwan."

"Sorry, i'm not interested in being friends with Tae-Hyuns friends." You said.

"TAe-Hyun?Who said I was friends with him?" You thought he was joking, but his face was serious and confused.

"You're not friends with him?" You just wanted to make sure.

"Nope, were not in good terms. It's always me and my friend against him and his friends, but we usually stay out of each others path."

Then how do you spend time with your girlfriend when her and her friends also spend time with them?You wanted to ask, but  you realized you would sound like you were spreading gossip.

"Oh," Yup, you judged him too quickly. 

"Why? Is he messing with you?" He seemed concerned.

"On the first day, but I stayed in the library after a certain incident, so I haven't seen him for a while. He's not that friendly."

"Yeah, he's an -"

"Mr. Kwan!" The teacher called as Kwan stood up right away.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Would you mind telling me what physics is?" You were sure he was nervous and that he couldnt answer. "Or maybe your girlfriend here can save your ."

You blushed, but stood up anyways. "Physics is a branch of science that talks about the properties of matter and energy."

"Very close, but needs more intelligent words." Your teacher glared at Kwan before turning to write the meaning of physics on the board.

You and Kwan looked at each other and giggled.


"Want to come to my house today?" You asked Ae Chan. "It's a friday anyways so theres no school tomorrow, I can take you home afterwards if you want." 

"I'm not sure if I can, you see every weekend my uncle is out and nobody is going to be able to guard the stall in the park incase anyone wants to buy so he put me incharge." She sounded like she was tired of it.

"I can help you if you want." There was a short pause before she responded.

"I'll meet you in the park." She said. 

"What shop?"

"Teddy's Tale!"

You quickly rode your skateboard to your house and changed into a light pink tank top which you tucked in your shorts and wore slippers.

Teddy's Tale was a cute shop. They sold dolls and alot of things related to 'couples'. She couldn't imagine Ae Chan being in that shop, it wasn't her.

"Where are you going?" Your mom asked.

"To the park, I have to help Ae Chan sell stuff."

"Have fun." You placed some money in your pocket and got your skateboard.

You were excited, it's been a long time you've done something with a friend. Ofcourse talking to them in school was different than something like this. It would be interesting. You remembered two summers ago when you and your friends decided to have a garage sale, a lot of your neighbors came and bought second hand clothes, shoes, books and others.

"Ae Chan, this shop is so cute!" You looked around while she made sound of disgust.

"GIve me your skateboard, i'll put in under the counter." You gave her your board and continued to look around.

"Your uncle probably earns a lot than he expects, the things here are adorable!"

"Yeah, there are always people here on weekends, a lot of them are from our school."

"Really? Do they say hi to you?"

"No, I don't think they recognize me at all." She frowned.

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter if your important to them or not as long as you get their money." She laughed at your lame joke.

You and Ae Chan stopped laughing when the glass door oppened. It was a group of teenagers, kwan and Mi-Cha were part of them.

"Lets buy couple rings Kwan!" Mi-Cha said while jumping up and down and pulling him to check out the isle filled with rings.

"Hey, aren't you the new girl?" One of the boys noticed you and smiled.

"Yeah," You held out your hand and he took it. "I'm Hana."

"My name is Hyo, this is Jin-Sang, and you probably know Kwan, he told us about you," Kwan still hasn't noticed you were there. "and...that's his girlfriend."

"We don't care," Ae Chan said, out of the blue. "Just buy what you want and get out."

"Hana!" Kwan walked up to you and patted your head. "What are you doing here?" You peeked behind him to check on his girlfriend which was a bad idea because she was glaring at you.

"I'm helping Ae Chan sell." Kwan looked at Ae Chan and waved his hand.

"Nice shop you got here," He said.

"It's my uncles" She replied coldly.

"Kwan!" Mi-Cha hugged him. "I found the perfect couple rings for us."

The rings were cute, it was black and the font was white and written in script. You are always in my heart. 

"I don't know Mi Cha," Kwan scratched his head. "Can't we get normal looking rings?"

"Normal looking rings!?! Stupid boy, I hate you!" Mi Cha threw the rings ont he ground and walked out of the shop.

"Wow," Hyo laughed. "Remind me again why you asked her to be your girlfriend?"

Kwan punched him. I picked up the rings and gave it to him.

"You should probably get it." I said, feeling sorry for Mi Cha.

"Yeah," Ae Chan said. "And since your girlfriend dropped it im doubling the price."

Kwan lined up behind Jin-Sang since he bought a couple necklace.

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend." Hyo said.

" I don't" Jin-sang sighed dreamily. "It's for my future love."

"Future love...pathetic." Hyo laughed. "I don't believe in love."

"Why not?" I asked.

"It's stupid." He said.

"I don't think so." Ae Chans sudden interest in the toppic made Hyo shut up.

"Yeah, I agree with her on this one." Kwan said, though you don't really know why since he doesn't look like he's inlove with Mi-Cha.

"Just get moving." Ae Chan said harshly, too harshly.

"I'll see you on Monday Hana, bye Ae Chan!" Kwan said as he left.

You didn't notice it at first, but when the boys left Ae Chan was glaring at Hyo while he was looking at her sympathetically.

"Whats up with that?" You asked her.

"Nothing." She looked away.

"C'mon!" You sat on the counter.

There was a long pause as you waited for her to answer.

She sighed. "I've been in this school for years. Hyo was only new first year high school." You knew where this was going to go. "He was alone and so was I, like always. We got to know each other and eventually we became a couple."

You looked at Ae Chan, but her expression wasn't the same as her usual. This time she looked like she actually had feelings.

"Anyways, we had a fight and we broke up." She said too quickly and turned away to the storage room.

You didn't say anything because you knew she didn't want to talk about it. It was weird seeing her like this. You could never imagine Ae Chan in love.


You remembered it like it was yesterday.

He was the only one who asked youhow was your day and cared to listen to your rambling about how you hate nust and chocolate together. He brought out a different side of you that you thought you never had. That year you often smiled because of him. Months passed and he made friends with Tae-Hyun. And that was the reason why he separated with you. His idol used to be Tae-Hyun, and whatever Tae-Hyun said he thought was always true. Even the fact that you were a loser. He used you as an excuse to break up with you. Said that you were always frowning and it made him unhappy, but you knew that wasn't the real reason.

Sophomore he started to hangout with Kwan. Finally the boy found out ATe-Hyun was a jerk and was smart to stay on the safe side. He tried to talk to you again, but this time you were careful and went back to your original self.


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I would say the first paragraph is about as much as you would need for a description. Maybe trim it down a bit and add something more enquiring.

The rest is just basically stating the characters and their personalities—which is something you don't want.

Mention where the people are from—group-wise.

Add tags like the characters name. "Romance" instead of "koreanromance".

Also, you use a lot of ellipsis (…). Careful with those. So, don't use them as often.

Another important thing! Have you planned out your story? If not, you should delete this one.

Plan your story out and then after you find the perfect title and description (and you've written all your chapters), you can repost it again.
It avoids mainly writers block and late updates.
Hope this helped. :)