Chapter 17



With Physical education (PE)  being the next subject, you dressed up. All the girls took the cubicles and took their time, and so you were the last to change.

The boys and the girls were separated since it was volleyball. The boys had swimming. The next term they would exchange, girls would have swimming and boys volleyball.

"Hurry up ladies." Coach Sunny shouted.

"Yes coach!" You were the only one in the changing room now and was having a hard time since you weren't really organized with your things when it came to PE.

You jogged outside and joined your classmates. You couldn't wait to start. in your former school you were the team captain of the volleyball team and you hoped that maybe Coach Sunny would see your skills and ask you to try out for the volleyball team.

"Alright, i'll be separating you girls into two teams." Once the game started your team had the scores going because of you.

"Nice one Hana." One of your classmates said.

"Thanks." You noticed that they started to praise you slowly. You looked at Coach Sunny, but you couldn't tell whether she was satisfied or not.

After PE Coach Sunny asked you to stay for a while.

"What is it coach?" You asked.

"I see you've got mad playing there, you were really good."

"Thanks." You smiled, but not too much.

"Try outs are next week if you want to come, Tuesday right after classes." She grinned and walked away.

When you can no longer see her you started to jump for joy. Finally, something to be excited for in this dump school.

You went inside the changing room, you were alone again. You looked inside the cabinet and saw that your bag was not there.

"What the-" You heard a shuffling noise behind you, and when you looked back you saw three boys running out of the room and holding your bag. "Hey, give it back!" You went outside and ran after them. "Come back!"

They ran into the hallway purposley dropping your things on the ground for people to see. They dropped you underarm deoderant, extra underwear, extra bra...everything embarrassing. You picked it up until you stopped when you saw them heading for the garden. Can you once again step on their land? You took out your left foot and took one step forward while closing your eyes. It wasn't that bad, so you started to run again and saw that they handed your bag to Tae-Hyun.

"You look ravishing." Tae-Hyun said.

You imagined how you must really look. You were sweating, your hair probably a mess, and your things started to fall from your hands. You picked it up and noticed that your underwear and bra wasn't covered much, so you took your towel and placed everything inside making it somehow a bag.

"GIve it back." You said tiredly.

"Why? it's just a bag."

Yeah it was just a bag, but your grandmother made it for you. It took her months to finish that. 

"Please just give it to me." You saw TAe-Hyun hand it to one of the boys.

"Go and get it." He threw it in the fish pond and everybody laughed.

You struggled as you placed your bag towel on the ground. You looked down. The pond was dark and deep, anything could be living inside there. Sharks, snakes, a ghost thats ready to pull you under. You pushed those thoughts away and even the thoughts of it being smelly, dirty, and disgusting. You went in.

"That's right. A lot of fish shi* in there." They started to laugh as you TRIED to swim. You didn't know how, and you probably looked funny, but you didn't care. You took the bag and saw how dirty it was. When you turned to swim back the boys were running around showing your personal things around to the other students. You were angry. You swam faster than usual. When you got on lang you ran to one of the boys holding your underwear and rode on his back trying to suffocate him.

"Such an animal!" You heard Eun shout out loud.

"Give it!" You tried to reach for it but the boy pushed you away hard and you fell on your knees and arms which started to bleed.

Everybody stopped, even the boys who were waving your stuff around. Instead they just slowly put your stuff on the ground and walked away leaving you lying on the ground and hugging your bag.

"Hey, are you okay?" some of the student were kind enough to help you, but you didn't mind them. "We can bring you to the clinic if you wan-"

"Get away from her!" You heard Ae Chans voice. "HANA!"

"Ae Chan." You looked up.

"What have they done to you?" She helped you up. You saw that Tae-Hyun, Eun, Mi-Cha, Kwan and  six other students were still there staring at you.

You looked at Kwan and he looked back at you with sympathy. He mouthed, I'm sorry.

On the way to the clinic you told Ae Chan everything, but you didn't cry. 



"What the hell were you thinking you ?!" Kwan said after everybody else left. 

"What's your problem Kwan, I thought you were faihtful to Mi-Cha-" He pushed you to the wall.

"Don't bring my relationship into this, this isn't about anyting but Hana." He pushed you harder. "Leave her alone!"

"Why? jealous?" You pushed him back and he stumbled away. "She likes me, not you." You laughed and walked to your next class without looking back. I wonder if she's okay.

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I would say the first paragraph is about as much as you would need for a description. Maybe trim it down a bit and add something more enquiring.

The rest is just basically stating the characters and their personalities—which is something you don't want.

Mention where the people are from—group-wise.

Add tags like the characters name. "Romance" instead of "koreanromance".

Also, you use a lot of ellipsis (…). Careful with those. So, don't use them as often.

Another important thing! Have you planned out your story? If not, you should delete this one.

Plan your story out and then after you find the perfect title and description (and you've written all your chapters), you can repost it again.
It avoids mainly writers block and late updates.
Hope this helped. :)