Chapter 4


"Here is your class schedule, Hana." After entering the school Ae Chan led you to the principals office and left you there. "I hope you make friends easily."

"Don't worry Ma'am, I will do fine." You smiled and bid goodbye.

Before going to your first class you passed by the caffeteria and saw the one of the stalls were selling a dozen of cupcakes. You though of buying a box for Ae Chan and giving it to her before class started to show that you were pleased with her.

"One box please." You said as you handed the saleslady your money.

There were nine section for each batch. You were in Junior A while Ae Chan was all the way in Junior H(second to the last section). You passed by a few of your batchmates, but you were to shy to look at them and was nervous because of what Ae Chan said. Finally you reached her section and saw that their classroom was open and everybody was inside. 

"Excuse me" A girl from behind you glared at you. "You're blocking my way...this is my section."

"I'm sorry," You moved aside. "Can you call a girl named Ae Chan for me?"

"Ae Chan?" She laughed. "I didn't know she had friends...or friend, atleast."

I scowled at her, but she ignored it and called for Ae Chan. She was pretty, but if you removed the make up and the fake lashes...probably not. She wore her skirt shorter, too short actually, and her blouse was ed, showing her cleavage. , you thought.

"Is that for me?" A boy approached you and looked at the cupcakes. He was tall and good looking. Somehow he had a babyface that looked kind and gentle.

"I wish it was, but no." You tried to be friendly, but you sounded like you were flirting. You cleared your throught and looked away from him.

"You should give it to me then." He jokingly said.

You smiled at him and tightened your grip on the box of cupcakes just incase he was being serious.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Ae Chan was smiling just a little and was about to run over to you, but seeing the boy next to you she walked slowly and looked down.

"Is there something wrong Ae Chan?" She didn't answer. "I bought you cupcakes. I don't know if you like it though. I guess it's just me thanking you for being so nice to me."

"Nice?" The boy beside you laughed. "Thats pretty weird since I haven't heard her talk since the first grade."

Suiddenly the atmosphere changed. You would think that he was the boy next door type, but based on his tone of voice you were wrong.

"You should control yourself Tae-Hyun." Another boy who was probably and inch shorter that the so called 'Tae-Hyun' came from behind you. "I'm sorry, please forgive my friend. I'm In-su from class D, Tae-Hyun here has a very bad habit for teasing."

Before you could say anything Ae Chan pulled you outside of her class room and farther away from them.

"Is something wrong? Are those guys bullying you?" You asked.

"Hana, whatever you do don't mess with them." She said worriedly. 

"Why?whats wrong?"

"Thats why I keep to myslef all the time...low profile. If not, I might get in trouble with them." 

"Psh...what can they do?" You can see form her face that she was serious, more serious than how she actually always looks like.

"A lot Hana..." She took the box from my hands. "Are these for me?"

"Yeah..." she looked at it and hugged me.

"I've never met anyone who would ever want to become friends with me." You were shocked and so was she. Ae Chan could actually be a softy.

"I'll see you break time?" After the hug she went back to her poker face and ignorant-ness.

"Yeah, whatever." She walked inside her classroom.

As you walked away you decided to take one more look at Tae-Chan and In-su. When you turned your head you freaked out. Tae-Hyun was also looking at you while talking to In-su. 

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I would say the first paragraph is about as much as you would need for a description. Maybe trim it down a bit and add something more enquiring.

The rest is just basically stating the characters and their personalities—which is something you don't want.

Mention where the people are from—group-wise.

Add tags like the characters name. "Romance" instead of "koreanromance".

Also, you use a lot of ellipsis (…). Careful with those. So, don't use them as often.

Another important thing! Have you planned out your story? If not, you should delete this one.

Plan your story out and then after you find the perfect title and description (and you've written all your chapters), you can repost it again.
It avoids mainly writers block and late updates.
Hope this helped. :)