Chapter 14



You entered the lab and found cleaning materials on one of the tables.

"Great, what a away to start this dull day." You dropped your bag on the floor lazily and wore your cleaning gloves.

You were one fourth done with the place:P when you heard the back door open.

"Get out." You didn't even bother to look at the person who came in. 

"You're still the same Ae Chan I know, except a little but harsher this time." Hyo laughed. You remembered how much you used to love his laugh.

"What are you doing here?" You dropped the sponge you were using and stood up.

"Yesterday it came to me that I never apologized to you properly." He moved closer until you were inches away from each other. 

"You don't need to." You looked away and started to clean once again.

"But I want to...I have to." There was a short pause. "It wasn't right. I know that. In my former school I was the loser, I was the one being picked and laughed at everyday. When I moved to a different school and met you, I thought you were all I needed. Then I met Tae-Hyun and became and ."

"Yeah." You agreed.

"I dumped you because of him and later on realized that I shouldn't have listened to him. I shouldn't have let him control me." Your back was on him. You never let people see you cry. "Then I became friends with Kwan and the others. They weren't as bad. I told them what happened between you and me yesterday."


"I just want to say that even though I did dump you and I was an for doing that, all those times that i've spent with you were true." He placed his hand on your shoulder. "I did love you, until now actually."

You wanted so badly to say something, but you didn't know what.

"But I know that we can never return to that state again." He moved away. "So i'm sorry for breaking your heart."

"I-It's okay." You said softly, and before you even knew it he was gone.

You finished cleaning the room and walked back to your class.

"Did you hear what happened?" One of your classmates said.

"What?" You carelessly asked.

"Mi-Cha and new girl Hana had a fight."

"What?!" You said loudly. "why?"

"Well, Mi-Cha thought that she was stealing her boyfriend away from her." She whispered. "That Hana, I knew she would be trouble."

"Hana is no trouble, she's as human as you monsters will ever be." You Glared at your classmate.

"I mean, I knew that there was going to be trouble, not that Hana is the trouble." Your classmate smiled nervously.

The good thing about you was that a few of your classmates fear you in someway. Rumours have been spreading that you have voodoo dolls of everyone in your room. You laughed when you heard people talking about it.

You wished you could do something about all of them, but your classmate was right. Trouble. Not Hana though, it was Tae-Hyun who was doing all the unessesary things. You took out a cupcake that your mother packed for you and decided to give it to her later on. She would like it.

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I would say the first paragraph is about as much as you would need for a description. Maybe trim it down a bit and add something more enquiring.

The rest is just basically stating the characters and their personalities—which is something you don't want.

Mention where the people are from—group-wise.

Add tags like the characters name. "Romance" instead of "koreanromance".

Also, you use a lot of ellipsis (…). Careful with those. So, don't use them as often.

Another important thing! Have you planned out your story? If not, you should delete this one.

Plan your story out and then after you find the perfect title and description (and you've written all your chapters), you can repost it again.
It avoids mainly writers block and late updates.
Hope this helped. :)