A Night Of Surprises


A/N: for everyone who suggested names...thank you thank you from the bottom of my <3
and to the green twins,IZNABERRY and ENIDGLARE, for helped me in select the winners in DGH and in AFF...




Stomping around an unfamiliar forest, trying to find my way back to the camp site, is not exactly the picture I had in mind of how I'd be spending the weekend. My whole body feels sticky. If I remove and wring my shirt, I bet I could easily fill a glass with the amount of sweat I've produced. I can tolerate walking for a few hours a day, but the walking I did for today is just plain ridiculous! 

My knees, wobbly, and my legs are screaming 'uncle!'. I decided to stop and slowly slide down to the forest floor. The second my touched base, I bent my knees towards my chest, and start massaging the aching muscles in my legs. I'm so darn tired, it will take a miracle to make me move an inch from this spot.

Right now I am cursing two things. My weaknesses and my once again sworn enemy, the .

My world has never been the same after meeting the Kwon Jiyong. I was right. That erted jerk, Kwon Jiyong is undeniably, unequivocally, the Spawn of Satan. He mus ha've been adopted. He doesn't have the kindness his parents have in his body.

The is the reason why I am currently lost in the forest. Partly.

I know I am also to blame. I did tell the to go ahead and I'll just follow. But I only said it because he's acting like a party pooper, all huffed up, ordering me around to hurry up.

But would it kill him to wait for me for a few minutes to enjoy the view?

"Stupid ." I mumble.

And then there's my other problem, my weaknesses. Among all the weaknesses I have as a normal human being they just have to be the two that will make the situation I am currently in, more difficult.

One, I absolutely have no sense of direction. Even if you entrust to me a detailed map and a compass, I will be lost. It's useless to give me the state-of- the-art, new model of the priciest brand of GPS, whatever I do, I will certainly get myself lost in any unchartered territory.

I need to be taken from point A to point B, twice, before my brain is able to familiarize itself with its surroundings. I go to the same school with my sisters, so I usually get a ride from them. I also had them guide me through the city using the public transport system. The second option though, is not as easy as it sounds. It was troublesome for me. We had to fight our way through the throng of guys drooling at my sisters.

I'm beginning to regret the fact that I didn't listen to them, when they told me to learn to work my way around this handicap by using the car they gave me. They raised an argument about what's the use of owning a driver's license if I won't get to use it. A question to which I confidently answered that my driver's license is serving me it's purpose whenever I'm asked to present a valid ID. My sisters stared at me like I spoke in a an alien language. We compromised that I'll accept the car as long as they won't bug me in using it, except for emergencies. The only time I took it out of the garage, was when they had me give me a test drive.

Besides, during the times I did get lost, there were people around that I could ask for directions, which isn't the case at this moment. I couldn't go saying 'Uhmmm....I'm lost. Do you the way how to get to the camp sites?' to the squirrels munching acorns do I?

Two, I can't see well in the dark. Almost blind as a bat. Heck, I'm worse than a bat. At least bats have this extra sensitive sonar hearing that allows them to move in the dark. As for me, I'm not your regular party animal, its plain nonsense to go wandering around areas cloaked with extreme darkness. I prefer having myself already tucked, safely, in my bed with a night light on nearby.

Believe me, I would also be laughing at how ridiculous it sounds, but let me just stress, I-CANNOT-FREAKING-SEE-WELL-IN-THE-DARK. I need the damn night light!

And right now, I am hearing weird sounds echoing throughtout the forest. It's getting dark. I'm starting to get scared.

Bringing my knees closer, I bow my head until my forehead touch my knees, and close my eyes.

"Help me" Feeling my eyes burn, as I try to stop the tears threatening to spill "Oppa"



Jiyong goes after Won Bin.

"Hyung!" He calls out, making Won Bin stop in his tracks and looks back at him. He hands out one of the flashlights he managed to grab before he followed "I'll help in finding her."

"Thanks, Ji" Won Bin gives a small nod "Lead the way."

Jiyong went ahead towards the path he and Dara took earlier, when they were gathering wood to feed the fire.

They reached the stream, something snaps inside Won Bin, when they didn't see any signs of Dara. In a split second, he's already facing Jiyong, clutching the younger guy by the collar of his shirt.

"I would really love to punch you in the face right now, Ji. But I won't. “Unclenching his fists to release Jiyong. "I'll just save my energy in finding Dara."

"Dara~ah!" Won Bin shouts hoping it reaches Dara "Rabbit!" His voice, reverbrating in the whole area.

"I'm sorry." Jiyong says sincerely. Guilt has been eating at him since his hyung mentioned that the witch hasn't come back to the camp site. "I didn't think this would happen."

"Save it for later. And it's Dara who deserves to hear that. “Pointing to the other side. "Ji, I'll go search for Dara over there, you keep searching for her over the area nearby. If you see her, go back to the camp site." Jaw clenching, Won Bin tries to quell the panic rising in him. The sky is cloudy and gives the impression of an impending rain "Damn. I'm hoping it wouldn't rain. We need to find Dara, fast."

Won Bin's last statement before he left, also voiced out the fear that Jiyong has in his head. It's already dangerous to wander around the forest at night,it increases if the person has difficulty seeing in the dark. All the odds are against them.

Without a second to waste, Jiyong moves about.

"You better have sense inside that head you got, witch." Jiyong wishing that Dara has enough sense to look for a nearby shelter instead of wandering aimlessly in the forest.

His eyes darting left and right, hoping to catch a glimpse of Dara along the way, muttering along the way "Come on, show yourself annoying self, witch."

Jiyong reaches a part in the fores, forking in two paths. He stands in the middle.

"Damn it. I don't have enough time for this." Eyes quickly scanning each path for any clues that might show of someone recently passing by. "Ok. If I was her, which path will I take?" With that Jiyong takes the path at the left, since it has less trees. "I hope I'm right with what I'm thinking"



Dara raises her head from her knees. She is surprise to see that her surrounding seems to have been bathed with a blue lighting. Her jaw drops to see thick, dark clouds hovering above the area where she is.

It took Dara a full minute to recover.

"Moping won't change the fact that I am lost. Nor stop the sky from raining." Dara then braces her arms on the ground to push herself up to stand. Almost stumbling, when she moves forward. Good thing her hand was able to hold against the tree trunk for support. "I'll add up 'Go to the gym' on my TO DO list if ever I survive" Wincing at the strain on her leg muscles.

Dara stomps her legs lightly against the ground first, before deciding to take another step. "Now where could I find a shelter?"

She stiffens when she hears a noise. Whipping her head to the sides, she sees no one.

"Great. Scare yourself Dara. Har har har." She takes another step forward. Again, she hears a voice calling out her name.
Her ears picked up the rustling of leaves. And something is charging towards her. Squinting her eyes to survey her surroundings, she still can't see any sign of the one approaching her is a person.




If she's connected right now to the heart monitor, the needles would've been going crazy. Spiking up as her heartbeat and breathing accelerates at full speed as a thought entered her mind.

Dara faces the other way, carefully making her escape. When the rustling leaves became louder, all the alarms inside her head went off.


Adrenalin pumps into her veins, propelling her to run as fast as she can. She is running like the devil is after her.



A devil is indeed after Dara. A devil named, Kwon Jiyong.

Everything looks hopeless. Jiyong hasn't seen a single hint that Dara did took this route.

Standing still, his eyes sweep the surrounding for the last time. Jiyong has already decided that he'll check the other path in case he won't see her in the next five minutes.

"Fcuk!" He runs his fingers through his hair in frustration. A minute is all that's left."Where are you, witch?"

Jiyong turns to go back up to where the path is forked, when he notices a movement behind one of the trees a few meters away from him. Squinting his eyes, he strained to confirm.

A sense of relief washes over him, when he confirms it is indeed Dara. His legs moving on it's own. He can't take his eyes off of her. Not even blinking, scared that if he did, the witch might disappear from his sight again.


Jiyong is surprised when Dara moves forward in a rather awkward way. He isn't aware that he has called out Dara's name. In a very hoarse voice. Startled when Dara sprints away. His steps picking up speed, when hers did.

What the hell? Why is she running away?

Jiyong calls out Dara's name as he continued to follow her. She was running aimlessly. A dreadful feeling leaves him cold when he sees her nearing the edge. He starts to run now.

Fcuk. I'm not going to get to her in time.

“Stop!” Jiyong shouts, hoping Dara will heed his words “Don't take another step. You'll fall!”

The space between him and Dara is huge. But it didn't deter Jiyong. Running like it was the last time he'd run for his life. His lungs begin to burn, as he's robbed of air. The only thought in his mind is to reach Dara in time, who is still running away.

Jiyong increases the speed of his strides. His heart hammering so hard inside his chest, blood pounding inside his ears, as he watches Dara fall over the edge.

Damn it!

Jiyong drops to his knees and peers over the edge. Sending a short prayer of thanks, when he sees that the ditch isn't too deep. His eyes search for Dara. Expeling the breath he has been holding in a gush when his eyes lands on Dara not far below. Quickly, Jiyong climbs down the ditch.

Jiyong reaches Dara who is currently busy dusting off dirt. Without any warning, he grabs Dara by the shoulders.

“Are you really stupid? If you don't know the way back you should've just stayed back in the stream. Hyung and I have been looking all over for you!” Jiyong shouts while he shakes Dara. “God! I haven't met a woman as stubborn as you are!"

Dara winces at the way Jiyong's fingers were digging into her flesh. She's about to shout back at him but the next thing Jiyong did, made her mind go blank. 

Jiyong wraps his arms around her and pulls her into a tight embrace. Dara could feel Jiyong's body, shaking. 

They stayed that way for a few minutes. Dara clearing brings Jiyong back to reality. Shoving Dara abruptly away, like she suddenly had a bad case of cooties.

Grumpily he snarls at Dara “Let's go back to camp. This time follow me. Prancing around the forest at night is not my hobby.” And walks ahead. Leaving Dara staring at his back.

Dara grits her teeth and raises a fist aiming it at Jiyong, and placing it down back again. She understands him being pissed off at her. 

Dara follows Jiyong, limping in the process. Wincing once more as pain shoots up on her left leg.

She hears him grumble as they walk along a path.

“Stubborn witch!”

“Not using the ears God gave her”

“Scaring the life out of me”

For the second time, the surprises her. First there was the hug, and now she's actually hearing that he, yes the , is worried for her? Her brows crease as she tries to grasp the rationale in it.

“Ooow” She says when she bumps straight on to Jiyong's back, who apparently stopped from walking. If it wasn't for Jiyong's quick reflexes, Dara would've stumbled.

“Thank you” Dara says, her cheeks feeling warm. Realizing how close their faces are. She straightens up, careful not to put on much weight on her left leg.

Jiyong notices this, without saying anything, he places an arm around her waist, steering them both to a side.

“Sit” grudgingly, Jiyong orders, however he gently lowers her to sit on the ground and have her back rest against a tree. “Don't even move an inch. I'll just go get us some firewood”

“Aren't we going back to the camp site?” Dara asks.

“In your condition, it's best to get some rest for now” Jiyong glares down at Dara, pensively adding “And can you at least for once, listen to me?”

Dara nods her head. Whatever energy she has left is drained. Used it when she was running like crazy. And her whole body now is aching after she fell.

I'll just close my eyes for a bit. I really feel so tired.

Jiyong comes back with pieces of wood under his arms. Not looking a bit surprised when he found Dara sleeping against the tree.

As quietly as he can, Jiyong starts building the fire. He leaves again after it was done.



Dara opens her eyes, and stretches her poor, aching body. The nap did her some good. She was stifling a yawn, when her eyes land on the bunch of plump berries beside her. 

"It's already been hours since the last time you ate" Jiyong tells from the side. 

The fruits look so scrumptious, making Dara's mouth water. Her hand tentatively stretches out and takes one. She her lips in anticipation.

Dara lets out a sigh and closes her eyes as her teeth bites through its flesh. Sweet, natural juice bursts inside .

Opening her eyes once more, she sees Jiyong giving her a strange look. 

"Have some" Dara offering some if the berries.

Jiyong grunts "I'm not hungry" His stomach betraying him again, when it lets out another growl.

"You're nose is growing Pinocchio” Dara jokes.

"I already ate" His stomach though has a mind of its own, as it emits another rumbling sound. "Shut up" He mumbles at a giggling Dara. 

Not long after, he was laughing along with her. 

"We could still argue about this all night and have your own tummy betray you" Dara offers again the berries " Or just share these with me."

Jiyong scoots over near Dara and takes some of the plump berries she's offering. They ate in silence.

"I'm sorry" Jiyong says aloud, breaking the silence between them. "For acting like a jerk and all at you, the whole trip."

“Yes, you were certainly a jerk”

“You're not going to make this easier, huh?”

“Nope” Dara says with a smile “It's not entirely your fault though. I shouldn't have shooed you away”

“Yes, you were certainly a wench”

“You're not going to make this easier, huh?”


Both laugh out into the night. Without needing to discuss the things that happened between them in the past, they understand that they're off to start with a clean slate.

“Friends?” Jiyong offers a hand.

With a smile, Dara accepts “Friends”



Jiyong could feel the muscles on his neck getting tensed, as seconds tick by. He's sure that by morning, he'd have a crick. All for the sake of stopping his head from turning to the side, where Dara lays on her back.

His senses are on high alert. Making him totally aware of every square inch of her.

His ears, picking up the soft sound of her breathing. His nose, zeroing in on the scent that uniquely hers. It's a combination of the scents, apple, vanilla and her own womanly scent. The last scent, is now more pronounced than it was earlier this afternoon. It's headier, more sensual.

Jiyong cuts off his train of thoughts when he starts to feel a slight tightening of his pants.

Damn it. I'm like a cat dying of curiosity. It's unnerving! That's it. I've had enough. I'll take one quick look and that should be enough, right?

Closing his eyes, Jiyong takes in one deep breath. “Here goes” Slowly he lets his head turn to the side.

When he did, Dara moves in her sleep, rolling on her side and faces him. His eyes roaming over her face, taking everything in.

The bonfire at their feet, basks her creamy white skin in its amber glow. Tempting him more to reach his hand out and feel the baby soft skin. Her brows, perfectly groomed. The long lashes casting a small shadow underneath her eyes. Her nose prominent and straight. And then his eyes lands on her moist, pink lips. It looks so inviting. Memories of the time they were kissing each other before assaults him.

He starts feeling uncomfortable. The air became humid all of a sudden.

Jiyong gulps loudly.

His eyes continue to travel down to the white column of her smooth neck. And then, like a man in a trance, his eyes follow the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest. Jiyong couldn't pry his eyes away from it.

Jiyong shifts uncomfortably in place. His blood seems to pool at one particular spot.

He freezes in place, when Dara snuggles close to him. Throwing a hand across his waist, places one leg over his thigh. 

"Stop, Jiyong” Whispering to himself "You saw that leg earlier, there's no need to check on it again" even while he is reprimanding himself, his eyes is already surveying the silky white leg. The knee of that leg, almost touching his crotch.


Small beads of sweat form on his forehead. 

"You're not exactly helping" Jiyong softly hisses through gritted teeth.

She wriggles closer to him. Her chest, pressing against his arm. To make matters even worst, her knee brushes against his little guy, hidden inside the very noticeable tent of his pants.

Jiyong starts to chuckle at the irony of the situation. He's awake, all hot and bothered. While for the very first time, the woman in his arms, the very cause of his discomfort, is fast asleep in his arms, showing no signs of waking up.

A Jiyong move, shifting his upper body a bit away from Dara, cups and lift her head, and stretches his arm underneath it to serve as a pillow. Brushing the wisps of hair that has fallen, off her face.

Luckily it didn't rain. Jiyong stares up at the stars twinkling.

This is going to be a very long night.



Dara yanks the pillow in her arms closer. Her forehead creases.

Something's not right.

The pillow she's hugging isn't soft and is wider. And if her ears aren't deceiving her, she could hear a steady beating underneath.

Pillows don’t have a heartbeat. 

The leg she has slung over the pillow, moves. Nudging against something firm. And it's pulsing.

Dara's eyes flew open, when she hears a masculine groan. Tilting her head, she is gazing straight into the glorious brown orbs of Jiyong.



Jiyong feels a soft body wriggling beside him and brushing against it, making him groan. He isn't surprise to wake up with a woman in his arms. Until he hears her soft gasp. 

Memories from yesterday and last night came crashing down on him, jolting him awake.

Opening his eyes, he lowers his head a bit, he is staring down at a surprised Dara.

"Morning” Jiyong greets her with a smile.

Dara can feel her cheeks getting warm. Realizing how intimate their position is right now. 

"Uh...morning" She answers in a slightly husky voice. "I'm sorry.... I...uhmm....didn't...I'll get up" 

In the process of sliding her leg off of Jiyong, she accidentally brushes against the tent in his pants.

Dara quirks an eyebrow at Jiyong, when she is already sitting up.

"It's not what you think... Well technically, it is... But it's not...." It's now Jiyong's turn to feel conscious "Guys normally....have" He never had to explain himself before "this in the morning"

And much to his surprise, Dara starts to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Jiyong grumpily asks

“You are” Dara says between her laughs. “I never thought I’d live to see the day and see you blush”

Pouting Jiyong rebuts “I am not blushing!” 

“If you say so” Dara concedes although she kept on laughing at him.



Jiyong is still sulking about the morning fiasco, grumbling, as they walk their way back to the camp site. 

“Thank you” Dara says from behind him.


“I haven’t thanked you yet for the rescue, the food, and the bed” She says impishly.

Jiyong smiles at her quip “Yeah, you owe me big time.”

Dara and Jiyong were laughing and goofing around with each other after that. As they near the camp site, they see Won Bin standing outside.

“Oppa!” Dara calls out, moving forward to the rushing Won Bin.

Won Bin pulls Dara into a tight hug, once he reaches her. “Thank God, you’re ok.” Won Bin pulls away slightly and scrutinizes Dara “Are you hurt somewhere?”

“Oppa, I’m fine” She gives a reassuring smile “Don’t worry.”

”You must be hungry. Come on, I’ll make you some breakfast” Won Bin turns to Jiyong, who was silently watching them “Ji, thank you for finding Dara”

“It’s nothing hyung” Jiyong gives a small smile. And was left standing there watching Dara and Won Bin walk away. He scowls at the way, Won Bin is holding on Dara’s hands.

“Ji” Young Bae says handing out a cup of coffee. 

Jiyong gratefully takes the cup, and takes a sip “Thanks”

“Did something happen Ji?” Young Bae asks sensing the agitation in his friend.

“Nothing happened. I’ll go take a nap” Jiyong says ending the conversation.

Young Bae lets it go. Knowing too well that Jiyong won’t tell anything he doesn’t like to share.



“Hello, bed. Did you miss me?” Dara says as she crawl her aching body on top of her soft, fluffy bed. A sigh of contentment escaping her lips feeling the comfort it gives. “I’m so tired. I’m never going to take for granted whatever I have now.”

From the corner of her eyes, she sees her purple and red plushies. She reaches over and grabs both plushies.

“Hey Tam Tam” Greeting her favorite doll. And then she turns to the red plushy. Its button eyes seem to glare at her. “You look stubborn, like someone I know.” Reminding her of the glares she gets from Jiyong, whenever he feels annoyed at her. She hugs the doll at her chest.

“Ah!” Dara exclaims after a few minutes. A wide smile on her face “Tam Tam, meet your brother, Danchoo…”



here's the update as promised

i kinda went overboard, i plan only around 3k words for the update

but ended it at 4,022 words....hope it's not disappointing to say the least


yeah, the moments are subtle

since they need to start first at a clean slate 


THOUGHTS and COMMENTS are welcome and appreciated

THANK YOU as always for reading




cheese - DANCHOO.... it was unanimous that we find the name really catchy....and it so freakingcute...it stuck to my head and never left...which was the same effect with iznaberry and enidglare...^^ CONGRATULATIONS! *smoooch*

renaiseuhyun84 - fluffy ...really sounds cute....made me think of cotton 
candy and butterflies in pink!
yellshiji - ROCHI was mong the top 15 we selected. it was really hard for 
baby_jamo - aaaw....just like Jiyong's name
ouley29 - i've already said the name you gave is so darn cute...makes me 
imagine a fluffy white cat....
littlemisskpoper - thanks for the name you suggested, brought a picture of 
a young kid, with chubby cheeks.....hmmmm.....LOL
3DHEART - one of my friend's name is pammy.....the name's cute by the 
nureen - tom tom reminded me of tum tum....the youngest in the 90s movie 
ninja kids....i love his char to pieces....we have the same hobby, EATING! 
noodledoodle - thank you for suggesting names....(=
DaraLee - the name boo made it also to the top 15....it was so cute...like a 
term of endearement....
sunflowery - thanks for helping out...really appreciate it
yayalovesdaragon- Yong Yong made it in the top 5....hope you enjoyed 
reading the update...
OKseesee - bun bun was really cute....it makes me think of 
dumplings....and made my mouth water....XDD... hope you like the update
lovely_vampire - thanks for the names....the name san san so cute...it's on 
the top 15....
Oranges21 - the names really stuck to me....so unique
yyyeah - Yanyan....the name reminded me one of my childhood snacks that i love to munch on....i might buy some later....kekekeke....
iHeartGD - cotton.....is so fluffy and soft and squishy....it''s also in my top 15.....
naine -ken-ken sounds adorable....thanks for the help
lizski11 - i really LOLed at the name Bimbap....made me crave in the middle of the night to eat some......
88hyunwoo88 - you suggested a lot....i liked Boo boo, it sounds like the name of my dog, BUBU... nana was one of the top 5.....
nishnish - thank you for giving a name...ji-ra sounds better for a kid, doncha think? .... (;
cygnet_26 - choco reminded me of BOM's dog....cute..... i had this listed under my top 15
ruzy_adein - cute name to use for a little girl dam-dammie..... ^^
nadobelle - BUGSY! the fish I wanna squish....i really would've chosen this...but i was looking for a name that kinda has a Korean ring to it.....but bugsy is supeeeeeerr cute! the name and your fish..... (=
misaki - Bingo i figured this would fit for a playmate for Gaho....
kristinamay17 - Kwark....one of the names that made me LOL so much.....really! it's so unique
hazeljosephine  - Kring-Kring......hello?..... wuhahaha....cute.....so witty! thanks for the suggestion.... (=
guitarprincess - wooper made me hungry....i thought of a burger...LOL....scraggy...sounds like Scooby doo's cute  nephew, scrappy....
nuinui - aaaw....blushie's really cute too...thanks....
ellesor  - ooooh....i like Luca....sounds naughty and diabolical....thanks ^^
lilacgirl28 - Cha-chae was in our top 15....thanks for the suggestion....
makmak - MAK-MAK...you've a point there though....LOL...thanks.....
newbie_me - bin-bi sounded like baby....wiiiii.... (;
mine2love - this made me spew the water i was drinking....i was checking it on my ipod...and read chaka....LMAO
jenny_roadrunner  - thanks for the name...really appreciate the help
Lijiax15 - the name got in our top 15....it's super cute....thanks^^
gracelovedaragon  - your names caught my attention....they're memorable...esp TIBURCIO and DODONG.....(^____^)
weirdwitch - WICZY is one of the names that made an impression on me....thanks ^^
P33K-AB00 - thanks for the names....i appreciate the suggestions....^^
OKseesee  - Bun Bun was one of the top 5....it's so cute!
nicknat31014 - thank you for lending a help in naming Tam Tam's sibling.
daydreamer76 - did you know i was actually considering naming the doll YONG which is close  to yong yong....but it wasn't catchy enough for me...the name's in our top 15..thanks^^
cn_ara - chum chum is so darn cute...that's why it's in the top 5.
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untitled_1988 #1
Author-nim please update juseyo!🙏
maithalili #2
please update..
its a waste if you'll abandon such lovely story.. T-T
please finish the story authornim... don't leave us hanging T-T
Icequeen31 #3
Chapter 24: An update please ?
Chapter 24: this was already forgotten ☹️
Chapter 24: Wow this is so beautiful story and pls update soon authornim
elisaadolfo #6
Chapter 7: nice please update
My heart! Exciting! ❤Please.....update this....
Chapter 24: Author-nim update, juseyo... :-(
Chapter 15: Stop denying your feelings Jiyongie..
Chapter 9: Uh uh.. Seems like a bigger problem is coming to your way Jiyongie.. Kekeke You have a competition towards our little Ssantokki..