Blood = Die?

The Misunderstanding People around EXO (DRABBLE)


23rd Day


Blood = Die?


“Gege, quickly take a cloth!” Lay says panicked when he see his palm is full of blood. Kris and Luhan that hear Lay voice quickly enter the room and widened their eyes. “Yah! Where did you got that thing?!”Luhan asks almost shouting. “I…I just wanted to…” “Just now, take something so that it’ll stop bleeding.” Kris says and Luhan quickly search for something.“How did you get this blood?” Kris ruffles his hair.


The manager is currently watching the television. Then, Luhan run past his side to the kitchen and then to the living room cardboard after that to the toilet. He tried to sit still just watching the television but, Luhan action make him curious. “Luhan, what happen? Why are you running…” “NOTHING!!!!” Luhan shout after taking a box in his hand and going inside the room back. Then, there is a click.


The manager silently walks to in front of the door and lean his ears. “Lay, don’t panic. It’ll over soon, so be patience.” “Lu ge! Slowly, I don’t want it become worse!!” Lay says. “Yah! Be a man and don’t…Oh! I can’t look at that!” Kris cupped both of his eyes and turn around. “I really can’t take it looking at that!!! Argh!!! Its scared!!” Kris says and shook his head trying to remove the image from his head. “Oh no! Critical situation. We have to call for Jongin!” Luhan says and ruffle his hair messily; didn’t know what to do.


Then, they heard. “Kids, don’t worry hyung will call for the ambulance so hang on! Try to stop the bleeding with thick cloth!” They look at each other. “What bleeding?” Lay asks. “Jongin, quickly come! It’s already become critical!!!” Luhan shout over the phone while Kris trying to get their misunderstand manager and try to explain the situation but, the manager didn’t want to hear it. “Hyung, don’t worry I know what to do.” Kai says suddenly and no one knows when that kid enters the apartment. “Oh! Okay.” He keeps his phone and continues watching the television.


“Jongin!!!!” Luhan hug him and Kai looks at the thing on the floor. He sighs. “Hyung, again? Thank god, Sehun is out with Chanyeol hyung and Baekhyun hyung if not? All of you are dead.” “Just stop talking Jongin! Fix that bunnyny before the master comes home!!” Lay shove the bunnyny at Kai. They look at Kai fixing the plushie. Kai stuff back the wool inside the bunny body and after that he zips it. The three hyung look at him dumbfounded.


Kris snatches the plushie and examines it. “Bunnyny has zip?” Kai nodded. “Kyungsoo omma make them.” “Oh My God!! It’s already stop bleeding!!!! My baby.” Lay hug it and they make a weird face. “Hyung, why did it bleeding? That wool is not blood.” Kai pointed to Lay. “Actually we got carried away with Lay dimension so, we look at the wool like blood.” Luhan explain and Kai palm his face.


EXTRA: Suddenly, “WE’RE BACK!!!! BUNNYNY MOMMY BUYS YOU A NEW CLOTH!” Sehun says loudly and skip straight to where Lay and the gang are. Sehun widened his eyes. “Yah! Lay hyung, don’t squish bunnyny.” “But, he’s my son too.” “But, I’m the mom.” “As a father, I have too…” “Let’s go out.” Kai says and push Kris and Luhan out leaving the crazy Lay and Sehun fighting over something stupid.


A/N: I'm sorry for the late update. I'm in my last year in high school so, there are many things that have to be done. I hope my readers will understand okay? Also, the recommend song is not something related to the story or the story background music. Its just the song that i thought is suit for my mood today.

Thanks for subscribe, comment, and view. 

Recommend song for today: 크리스 레오네 - Into the Skies (a/n: it's a beautiful story...i love it very much~~)

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Together = Family? UPDATE!


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Yuki0710 #1
Chapter 26: jaja poor manager oppa XD... I loved the SuD.O couple, they were so cute ^^
Chapter 5: Gyaaaah... SuD.O are the best ^^
Chapter 26: Awwww..i will miss this cute story~~~ <3
Chapter 3: Manager oppa is popular in your stories.hahaha
Chapter 3: Manager oppa is popular in your stories.hahaha
darksanctuary #6
Chapter 25: Ahahaha, monggu ><
Chapter 25: this is cute~ *^*
please more kaihun and sud.o xD
darksanctuary #8
Chapter 24: Now i really want lukai xD
please pretty please >///<
signsigneun #9
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwwww ;______; ///// my kaihunn
hihihi manager oppa is so cute. LOL
and yeah your drabble makes me crazy! love!
Chapter 23: i want Kailu moment~~~~