Due to the break-up, Chaerin moved out from the house and rented a condominium. Eun Mi offered to move with her but Chaerin refused, saying that it was better for her to stay with Sehun. Chaerin lost contact with everyone in the house except with Eun Mi. Chaerin stopped smiling, and when she did, it was just a façade. She always pretended to be okay, but the other students eventually took notice of her oft-swollen eyes and couldn’t help but suspect that something was wrong with her. Her pale skin grew paler and she lost a lot of weight.

One day, as Chaerin was walking home from school, Baekhyun popped up beside her and tapped her shoulders lightly. "Hey there!" Baekhyun said, smiling.

Chaerin looked up at Baekhyun and said "Hi. What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to pick you up of course silly!" Baekhyun answered, grabbing Chaerin's bag. Chaerin looked at Baekhyun in confusion and tried to take her bag back from him.
"Give me my bag. I need to go to work." Chaerin said.
"No, no, no. I'm going to walk you to work. I promised you that I will be Chanyeol's replacement right?"
"But I've never said yes."
"I don't need your answer." Baekhyun said, slipping his hand into Chaerin's, holding her tight.
Chaerin tried shaking Baekhyun's hand off but she failed. She hated herself for easily accepting Baekhyun's kindness. She hated herself that she longed for affection similar to what Chanyeol gave her. She hated herself for making Baekhyun Chanyeol's replacement. They both walked in silence until they reached the clothing store Chaerin worked at. "Bye Chaerin!" Baekhyun said, finally letting go of Chaerin's hand. "Umm, thanks Baekhyun for walking me here." Chaerin mumbled, bowing at him and showing her gratitude. Baekhyun intuitively hugged Chaerin and then patted her head. "Smile Chaerin!" He said to her and then waved his hand. Chaerin waved back to Baekhyun, but deep in her heart, she felt nothing.

Chanyeol looked at his watch. It was 3:30 PM. He ran out of class and hurriedly unlocked his car. Suddenly he stopped as if someone just knocked his head. "I forgot I don't have to pick Chaerin up anymore," he thought. Chanyeol entered his car and just sat there. He looked around the car and realized how messy his car was. Chanyeol rummaged through the things in the backseat and found Chaerin’s Rilakkuma doll and make up bag. He stared at the items and put them on the front seat where Chaerin usually sits. “At least having her things there makes me feel like she’s still here.” He said to himself. He looked at his car’s dashboard and saw the Polaroid picture of Chaerin and him. Chanyeol let out a wry chuckle, remembering the time when Chaerin begged him like crazy to stick the picture of them on his car. Chanyeol drove his car out of the parking lot and when he reached the convenience store he said “Hey Chaerin-ah, do you need to get any magazines?” He stopped talking immediately and realized that he was just talking to himself. Chaerin was not there to answer him. She was not there to tell him any corny jokes. She was not there to bother him by turning the music on to maximum volume and singing along. Chanyeol realized how important Chaerin’s presence was in his life and how dull his days were now as Chaerin was not there to fill them up with colors.

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Chapter 26: Omg i pity chanyeol //sobs very hard// Omg this... i literally cried ahahaha
New subscriber here though!!!
Oh god.... Chanyeol.