“Hello Korea!” Kibum shouted as he and Chaerin went out of Incheon airport. Kibum placed his arm on Chaerin’s shoulders and they both laughed.They were really happy to be back home.

“Home sweet home!” Chaerin shouted along as they continued to joke around.

“So, who’s picking you up? Do you need me to call my private driver to take you home?” Kibum looked at Chaerin through his shades.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to! My friend Eun Mi is picking me up!” Chaerin smiled.

“Chaerin!” Someone called. Chaerin turned her head to see Eun Mi and Sehun. She ran to both of them and gave them a big hug.

“I miss you soooo much!” Chaerin smiled and kept hugging them both tight.

“I miss you too! You didn’t change at all!” Eun Mi laughed. Something then caught Eun Mi’s eyes. She let go of Chaerin’s hug and closed with both of her hands.

“Oh my god. Are you Key of SHINee?” She asked Kibum who was then behind Chaerin

“Hi… I actually am.” Kibum replied and gave Eun Mi his commercial smile.

Eun Mi shrieked at the top of her lungs and grabbed her boyfriend’s hands “Jagi! It’s Key! Let’s take a picture with him!” She took out her phone and gave it to Chaerin. “Here! Take a picture of Key and Sehun and I!” Eun Mi dragged Sehun and they both posed beside Kibum. Kibum, being a professional star, took their shoulders and smiled.

“Okay… one, two three!” Chaerin took their picture.

“Thank you so much Key! I’m your biggest fan! You look so cool when you rap!” Eun Mi told exuberantly Kibum who was about to leave with his manager who came to pick him up.

“Thank you for being my fan. By the way, since you’re Chaerin’s friend, you don’t have to call me Key. Call me Kibum!” Kibum winked and entered his car. “Bye Chaerin, I’ll call you later regarding our schedule!”

“Okay. I’ll wait for it. Bye!” Chaerin waved her hands as Kibum’s car drove off leaving Chaerin with Sehun and star struck Eun Mi.

“I didn’t know you befriended a hallyu star! He looks so flawless in real life! I need to see him again!” Eun Mi jumped up and down in excitement.

“Yeah, but when I first met him I didn’t know that he was the Key you kept on talking about in class!” Chaerin laughed. “By the way, your boyfriend does not look too happy.” Chaerin pointed at Sehun who was looking away to the direction where Kibum’s car went.

“Ahhh, yes…” Eun Mi ran to her boyfriend and gave him a back hug. Chaerin just watched in silence. She loved this couple as they were very open to each other. A minute ago Sehun was pouting as he was jealous of Eun Mi fangirling over Kibum, but now both of them were already laughing together again. “How I wished I could be more like them…” Chaerin whispered to herself. She took out her phone and looked at her wallpaper. It was a picture of Chanyeol and her several days before she moved to the States. She went to her phonebook and looked up Chanyeol’s name. Chaerin dialed the phone number. No answer. Chaerin slipped the phone back into her bag. She knew that Chanyeol and her now lived in different worlds. Chanyeol now does not only belong to her, but to everyone.  Chaerin sighed at the thought.

“Chaerin-ah! Let’s go!” Sehun told Chaerin, breaking her from her thoughts.

“Okay Sehun! At least one of you should help me with my luggage!” Chaerin faked a smile and walked towards them.

Eun Mi unlocked the door to their house. Sehun and Chaerin followed after her. No one was home. Joonmyun was busy with college, as usual. Jongin was out to karaoke with his friends and Kyungsoo went to college just to see the girl he’s eyeing on although he has no class that day. Baekhyun and Chanyeol now lived in the dorm with their band provided by the entertainment company who hired them. They occasionally come to visit, but that was very rare. Very very rare.  

“I see now Kyungsoo’s getting aggressive yes?” Chaerin joked as the three of them lounged in the living room.

“Yes! Now he’s soo much nicer to us! Do you know why? Because the girl he liked is in our class and we have the same major!” Sehun told Chaerin.  Sehun, Jongin and Eun Mi all went to the same university with the other house-mates and took dance as their major. All of them aspire to be professional dancers.

“Oh! Other than that! I have something more interesting! Do you know that several days ago there was an article published speculating that Chanyeol and Tiffany are actually dating! Here do you want to see?” Eun Mi said as she was busy trying to find the article online through her phone.

Chaerin just nodded. She did not really want to read the article. The thoughts of Chanyeol were occupying most of her common sense and she’s starting to feel nauseous. In addition to that, the long flight made feel worse. As Eun Mi handed over her phone, suddenly Chaerin’s phone rang. “Saved by a phone call.” Chaerin thought to herself as she rummaged through her bag. It was Kibum.

“Hey what’s up?” Chaerin greeted Kibum.

“Can you go to the KBS building now? I need to see some of my artists who are performing today and I want you to get a glimpse of what we’ll be doing in the future. Is that cool?”

“Yeah sure thing. I guess I’ll see you there in half an hour.”

“Okay. I’ll talk to you later.” Kibum hang up.

“Sehun and Eun Mi, I got to go… Kibum needs my help…” Chaerin packed her things ready to leave the house. “I’ll be back by eight… Don’t forget to tell Kyungsoo to prepare me dinner!” Chaerin winked.

“Aww, okay then. Bye Chaerin!” Eun Mi waved her hands.

Chaerin closed the door behind her and her smile immediately washed off her face. It was just a façade. She just does not want to make Eun Mi or Sehun worried. Chaerin walked towards the bus stop and started humming to the song Chanyeol wrote for her. It calmed her down. 

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Chapter 26: Omg i pity chanyeol //sobs very hard// Omg this... i literally cried ahahaha
New subscriber here though!!!
Oh god.... Chanyeol.