They both stayed in silence until Chaerin's phone rang.
"Oh its mom." She said when she looked at her phone screen. Chaerin picked up the phone call and said "Hey mom! I've graduated!"
Suddenly, Chaerin's facial expression changed. She wasn't smiling anymore. Chanyeol was worried and just stayed quiet until Chaerin dropped her phone on the pasture and sighed.
"What's wrong?" Chanyeol said and tucked Chaerin's hair behind her ear.
"Mom wants me to go back." Chaerin said quietly.
"Why all of a sudden?" Chanyeol asked.
"Well, I haven't really told you this but I was accepted to this music university for a piano major so my mom wants me to move back... But I don't want to go Chanyeol..." Chaerin answered. She does not want to leave Chanyeol... Again.
"Okay, I understand. We'll talk about it with your mom later okay?" Chanyeol said as he hugged Chaerin. "Everything will be fine..." He continued.
Chaerin faked a smile and hugged her boyfriend back. She was really worried. Really really worried. Both of them went back to Chanyeol's car because Joonmyun told them to pick up a cake for the dinner party they're having later that night. Throughout the ride, Chaerin was quiet. She was thinking of arguments she was going to give her mom if she called again later.
"We'll work it out Chaerin." Chanyeol said, interrupting Chaerin's train of thoughts. Chanyeol knew Chaerin so well he understood that Chaerin must have been concerned.
"I hope so..." Chaerin said as she looked out the car's window. They picked up the cake and hurriedly went to the restaurant as Sehun wouldn't stop texting Chanyeol asking them about the cake. When they arrived at the restaurant Chaerin's mood alleviated as she get to see her other house-mates.
"Oh my! Kyungsoo! Joonmyun! I miss you all so much!" Chaerin said as soon as she saw her friends. She hugged them both one by one.
"Guys, the cake's here!" Chanyeol said.
"Finally!" Sehun stood up and took the cake from Chanyeol.
"Congratulations!" Joonmyun told Chanyeol and Chaerin.
"On my graduation? Thanks!" Chaerin said and shook Joonmyun's hand.
"And on you guys reconciling too!" Joonmyun said with a smirk.
"I'm not letting her go again." Chanyeol said and hugged Chaerin. Chaerin looked up at Chanyeol and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She felt like the luckiest girl on earth. Chaerin really loved how Chanyeol's presence could cast away all her worries.
"Ohh, Yun Hee is that you? It has been a while since we met! Hi!" Chanyeol said when he caught a glimpse of Yun Hee, Baekhyun's friend.
“Oh hi Chanyeol. Umm, how are you?” Yun Hee asked in return.
“Who’s that Chanyeol?” Chaerin asked Chanyeol as she tightened her grip on his arms. Chaerin was cautious as she realized that Chanyeol was the kind of man who could not say "no".
“This is Yun Hee, the girl I used to teach physics back in highschool.” Chanyeol explained to Chaerin who became overly protective of her boyfriend. Chaerin the loosened her grip and just held on to Chanyeol's big hand.
“Ohh hi! I’m Song Chaerin.” Chaerin said and smiled at Yun Hee. The three of them then had a mini chat until Joonmyun told them that the foods were coming.
Chaerin took a seat and Chanyeol sat beside her. Chanyeol still could see the worry in Chaerin's eyes. He hoped that he could do something about the situation. Chanyeol had just gotten the girl of his dreams back and he just could not get his head around the idea of letting her go for the second time. "I should stop being so selfish. It's all for Chaerin's goodness." Chanyeol thought. He promised himself that he would do anything to make Chaerin happy, even at the cost of letting her go. Chanyeol played with Chaerin's long straight dark hair until he stopped and said, "There's something on your cheek." He then wiped Chaerin's face with his big hand. Chanyeol thought that he would just cherish the moment he has left with Chaerin. He regretted that he did not tell Chaerin his true feelings sooner. If he did, he would had more time with Chaerin.  Chaerin smiled at his boyfriend and hugged him.
"I love you so much jagi!" Chaerin said and she really meant it. It has been a while since Chaerin told Chanyeol that.
"I love you even more." Chanyeol said and hugged Chaerin even tighter.
"Hey Chaerin, are you staying over tonight? We still have your room ready because we know you'll eventually come back!" Kyungsoo asked Chaerin who was busy talking to Chanyeol.
"That sounds like a good idea! Okay I will..." Chaerin said with glee.
They all then enjoyed the dinner until the late of night.

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Chapter 26: Omg i pity chanyeol //sobs very hard// Omg this... i literally cried ahahaha
New subscriber here though!!!
Oh god.... Chanyeol.