Days flew fast, and in a blink of an eye, it was already the school's graduation. All the seniors gathered in the school’s auditorium. Everyone was very well dressed for the graduation. All the boys were in clean suits and the girls were in their best dresses. Chaerin was in a black sleeveless long dress. Eun Mi and Sehun wanted to match so Eun Mi wore a red long dress and Sehun wore a black suit and a red tie. Chaerin saw Eun mi and gave her a hug. “I can’t believe you guys match! You both are so cute!” Chaerin said to Eun Mi. They both then laughed as Sehun came behind Eun Mi giving her a back hug. The couple then engaged in a conversation and Chaerin left them both. She felt empty again. Since her parents lived in the States, no one came for her during her graduation. Chanyeol was always the one who came to any ceremonies or formal invitations, but that was when they were still dating. Thinking about this caused her eyes to brim with tears. "Congratulations!" A voice said. Chaerin looked back, hoping to find Chanyeol but instead found Baekhyun smiling. He gave Chaerin a rose bouquet. Chaerin smiled and received the bouquet. She felt bad for Baekhyun as he came for her graduation although she had hurt him a lot. The school’s principal announced the graduating students to take their seats on stage. Chaerin and her other friends walked on stage and sit on the designated seats. Chaerin sat on the front row along with Sehun, Eun Mi and Jongin. After the numerous speeches given, the school’s principal came back announcing that a special speech will be given out by an alumnus. Chaerin could hear her friends behind her whispering to each other, trying to guess which alumnus was the principal talking about. As the principal welcomed the alumnus, Chaerin’s eyes widened as she saw someone she never expected to see. It was Chanyeol.


Chanyeol was dressed in a black suit and a black tie as walked up on stage. He took the microphone from the principal and took out a piece of paper from his pocket. The whispers behind Chaerin grew louder as she could hear her friends say “Oh my god! It’s Chanyeol sunbae!” or “He’s so good looking!”. Chanyeol started talking about his experiences being in the school. He incorporated his humorous side as the audience could not stop laughing throughout his speech. When he transitioned to talking about his former friends, Chanyeol suddenly said “I am the person I am now because of one very special friend. Well, she was more than a friend. She was the person who taught me to smile no matter what happened, the person who told me to pay attention and appreciate every little thing in life. She also taught me the true meaning of being loved and to love.” Chanyeol looked at Chaerin and noticed the glimmer in her eyes.

“Song Chaerin, I am here today to beg you for your forgiveness.” Chanyeol said and walked towards Chaerin as he held her hand out for her. Chaerin looked at Chanyeol and smiled as she slipped her hand to Chanyeol’s. Chanyeol pulled Chaerin up and hugged her. The crowd went wild as people were clapping. They were touched with what Chanyeol did.

Chanyeol looked at Chaerin and said “I am sorry Chaerin, can we try one more time?” Chaerin just cried in his arms and nodded her head. He then continued, “I really love you. I really do.”

“I do too.” Chaerin said.

Chanyeol took Chaerin’s hand and led her down the stairs. They both left the ceremony before it was over. Baekhyun, who was sitting in the audience’s seat, was stunned to see Chanyeol’s brave action. He just stayed there and clinched his fist tight.


Chanyeol escorted Chaerin to his car and then he drove her to their secret place. Chaerin stepped out from the car, still in her graduation attire, and said “It feels good to be back.” The wisteria flowers have bloomed. Chaerin looked around and told Chanyeol how pretty the flowers are. “I can’t believe we finally could see them bloom again!” Chaerin smiled as she gazed absorbedly at the flowers. Suddenly, Chanyeol gave Chaerin a hug and said “I am very sorry...”

“You don’t have to say anything else Chanyeol. I forgive you. What you did was enough to prove you’re very sorry.” Chaerin said as she turned to see Chanyeol’s face. Chanyeol took the ring Chaerin returned to him from his pocket and put it on Chaerin’s finger. "Can I call you my jagiya again?" Chanyeol asked.

Chaerin looked at her hand and giggled. She stood on her toes and gave Chanyeol a small kiss on the lips. Chanyeol smiled and hugged his girlfriend even tighter. He Chaerin’s hair with his fingers. Chanyeol then held Chaerin’s face, leaned in and planted a kiss on her lips. They looked at each other and both of them could not stop smiling. “Chaerin-ah…” Chanyeol said.

“Yes?” Chaerin replied and gazed at her boyfriend.  

“Let’s stay like this forever.” He said which caused Chaerin’s eyes to glimmer.

“Pinky promise?” Chaerin said and held out her pinky finger.

“Promise.” Chanyeol answered as their pinky fingers entwined.

The auditorium was then empty. The seats were vacant except for one. Baekhyun sat and stared at the empty stage. He just stayed. Now he was ultimately sure that he could never have Chaerin. He told himself to try and let go. Baekhyun stood up and took out his iphone. He browsed through his pictures with Chaerin. Tears started to brim his eyes. "Boys should not cry!" He told himself. Baekhyun pushed the auditorium doors open and walked under the green trees surrounding the pavements.  Baekhyun had his eyes glued unto the screen of his iphone as he kept on walking. Suddenly someone bumped into him causing him to drop his phone.
"Oh I'm so sorry!" The girl said as she bended her knees to grab her iphone. Baekhyun realized that the girl was also immersed on her iphone, so both of their iphones dropped. Without any hesitation, Baekhyun took an iphone randomly from the floor and apologized to the girl one last time. He slipped the iphone in his back pocket and started walking out the school gates. 



Wonder what happened to the mysterious girl and Baekhyun? 

Read the sequel to THE PROMISE here: 



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Chapter 26: Omg i pity chanyeol //sobs very hard// Omg this... i literally cried ahahaha
New subscriber here though!!!
Oh god.... Chanyeol.