Chapter 9. Symptomes

Strung out

I was hopping on the way to the hospital, grinning from ear to ear. I greeted Mrs. Park on the reception, waving to Lee Samcheon at the corner. Yes, after 3 weeks I already know everybody. I tried to dig out Krystal's background but they still won't talk about it. Krystal doesn't want to talk about it too, but I don't mind. Maybe she needs more time to tell me about her past.


I opened the door and saw Krystal's back. She was walking towards the fountain. I smiled.



My heart sunk as I saw her suddenly fell to the ground.


“KRYS!” I run as fast as I can. I flipped her around.


! Tonic - clonic seizure. I hold her up.





I run inside the clinic with Krystal on my arms, I put her on the bed. She won't stop convulsing. Tears start coming from my eyes





Dr. Park came with 2 nurses, they were holding Krystal arm tight as he put an i.v. line.


“I need Lorazepam” he said to the nurse


The nurse opened the bag and took out a vial, broke the seal and gave the syringe to Dr. Park.


He injected the drug and in seconds I could see how her muscle relaxed, leaving a focal seizure on her right arm. Dr. Park gave her a second dose and she stopped convulsing. I had to check her chest to see that she's still breathing.


“Give her some oxygen and a liter Ringer. It's gonna take a while until she wakes up. Oh and put her on pulse oximetry”


The nurses checked her blood pressure and put the pulse oximetry. Somehow it calms me down to hear that her heart is still beating.



After everyone left, I sat myself on the bed. She has a small cut with a small haematome forming on her forehead, must be from the rock as she fell down. I wiped the blood at the corner of , she must have bit her tongue during the seizure.



Blindness and tonic clonic seizure. It could only means one.



And I started to cry. 




Uhhh... p(´⌒`。q)        

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Chapter 29: Great
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 29: Great story!! Thanks
Chapter 22: Re-reading... I cried again...
Chapter 22: Gosh how i hate you for making me cry AGAIN!!! *CRIES LOUDLY*
foneall #6
Chapter 29: This is beautiful story Author...But I kind confused about the grave of Amber and Krystal on the chapter 16; What's that all about??? Although I really happy they both still alive and end up together and have a happy lives after...
But still need some explanation about that. Please ...Author...*begging you please*
Chapter 29: *baffled* ;;u;; the story is truly inspiring and heart-wrenching. thank you for such a beautiful story, author. keep writing! 8D
Chapter 21: the video is private 8(( can you give me another link of that video please?
vic_uk612 #9
Chapter 29: O my god!!!!! Thumbs up
Chapter 29: chapter 29:just finished read chapter 1-29 this is a such awesomet story
author you make me cry when krystal and amber separate...and you also make me dance happily when krystal and amber meet each other again
good job author