Chapter 11. Can't let go

Strung out

I woke up early and went to see Krystal. She was still sleeping, but the nurse said she woke up late last night and asked if i was still around.


I her hair, she opened her eyes.

"Hey you..." I said


"Feeling a little bit better?"

"Headache, but i'll survive" she gave me a weak smile.




She was telling her story, knowing there's no point on hiding everything anymore.

"It started as i was 5, i started to stumble. Mom thought at first because i was clumsy but then i start to knocking things down. Falling down from stairs, getting bruises from hitting something was every day's program. She took me to an eye clinic, she was told i had bitemporal hemianopsia, that i was missing the outer part of both my right and left visual field. With time it become a total blindness, i couldn't able to see anymore. With 7 I had my first seizure, i was taken to a hospital. The doctors said i have menigiom on my hypothalamus, the tumor is taking space causing the seizures."

"Can't they remove it?"

She shook her head. " Mom and Dad sold everything to get me to see various doctors. Everyone shook their head. It's too big and too much risk involved. Mom got sick and died. Dad couldn't get over it and become an alcoholic."



"But Krys, it's 11 years ago. When was the last time you had an MRT? Medicine improves, maybe they developed a way to help you"

She smiled "I would rather have a short beautiful life, then growing old with i.v lines on my body and being feed through a tube on my stomach"


"Can't you just love me like this Amber?"

"Krys..." my voice trembles, tears running down my cheek.


She sat herself, took me in her arms. I was sobbing.

"Don't cry. I'm happy that i met you."

"I don't want to lose you"

"Nobody lives forever, Amber. And i want you to remember me like this. I'm grateful for every little thing i'm still able to enjoy. Every moment i can share with you."

I couldn't stop my tears, how can she be so brave. I, who gave up everything because some bad things that happened in my life. She, who's having death lurking around her door and ready to embrace death when he comes to take her away.


But I'm not ready to let go.

I'll do anything to save you, Krys. That i promise you.


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Chapter 29: Great
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 29: Great story!! Thanks
Chapter 22: Re-reading... I cried again...
Chapter 22: Gosh how i hate you for making me cry AGAIN!!! *CRIES LOUDLY*
foneall #6
Chapter 29: This is beautiful story Author...But I kind confused about the grave of Amber and Krystal on the chapter 16; What's that all about??? Although I really happy they both still alive and end up together and have a happy lives after...
But still need some explanation about that. Please ...Author...*begging you please*
Chapter 29: *baffled* ;;u;; the story is truly inspiring and heart-wrenching. thank you for such a beautiful story, author. keep writing! 8D
Chapter 21: the video is private 8(( can you give me another link of that video please?
vic_uk612 #9
Chapter 29: O my god!!!!! Thumbs up
Chapter 29: chapter 29:just finished read chapter 1-29 this is a such awesomet story
author you make me cry when krystal and amber separate...and you also make me dance happily when krystal and amber meet each other again
good job author