Chapter 8. The diner

Strung out

“So her name is Krystal?”


I nodded. I was eating lunch with dork Yul.


“I can't believe it that you'll ever be able to fall in love”


I threw a french fries on her face


She just giggled.




“So you told her already?”




“Why not?”


“She's underage”


“Yeah, like it ever matter to you”


I threw even more fries at her face


“Yah! Stop wasting food!”



“So what are you going to do next, Amber?”


“I dunno, I'm gonna try to get to know her better”


“The only girl who lasted more than 6 hours without ending up on your bed”


“YAHHH! I don't think of her like that”


My ears turned red.


“Heheheheh, little Amber is madly in love” she continues teasing.




We ate in silence.


“I'm happy for you buddy. You deserves it”


“Thanks Yul” I smiled “And how is it going with you and that girl?”


“We're going on a date tomorrow night” she grinned


“So you finally asked her?”


“Uhh.. well actually, she kinda asked me first.”




“I was pacing back and forth in front of the restaurant where she works, sweating like a pig, nervous if she was going to turned me down. I was talking to the lamp post, practicing my line as she got out and said “Yah! Are you finally gonna ask me out or what?!”


I was holding my stomach, I had to hold on to the table to prevent me to fell on the floor from laughing.


“BWAHAHAHAHHA YUL, that girl is something”


“I know, right?” She smiled


“What's her name?”




“So you guys are official?”


“Yup, she's mine. So get your hands off of her. Not that she's gonna be interested in you...”


“Hehehheehe, don't worry Yul. You know I don't do that, beside I don't think I want to have someone else but her”




She teased me again, we were laughing like crazy as I heard a voice from behind




I turned my head “Oh, it's you”


“You promised to call”


“I'm sorry, I was busy with something”


“No, you're not! You just used me! You just wanted to get in my pants!”


“As I can recall you were enjoying it too” I smirked. My evil side is coming back.


“You ! You... I gave you my ity! I love you Amber” she started to sob


Oh God, these psycho girls.


“You're the one who offered yourself to me. I was just fulfilling your wish” I can be a mega sometimes.




“I love you, Amber Liu! How dare you hurt me like this! You'll pay for this” she run out from the diner, crying.


I was my sore cheek


“Wow, buddy. She's pissed”


I just shrugged.


Girls are complicated... 




Lessons for you, guys. Don't go breaking girls' hearts. They can be scary sometimes *shuddering*

Next back to Kryber --- (the chap is for you D--- have fun analyzing)

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Chapter 29: Great
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 29: Great story!! Thanks
Chapter 22: Re-reading... I cried again...
Chapter 22: Gosh how i hate you for making me cry AGAIN!!! *CRIES LOUDLY*
foneall #6
Chapter 29: This is beautiful story Author...But I kind confused about the grave of Amber and Krystal on the chapter 16; What's that all about??? Although I really happy they both still alive and end up together and have a happy lives after...
But still need some explanation about that. Please ...Author...*begging you please*
Chapter 29: *baffled* ;;u;; the story is truly inspiring and heart-wrenching. thank you for such a beautiful story, author. keep writing! 8D
Chapter 21: the video is private 8(( can you give me another link of that video please?
vic_uk612 #9
Chapter 29: O my god!!!!! Thumbs up
Chapter 29: chapter 29:just finished read chapter 1-29 this is a such awesomet story
author you make me cry when krystal and amber separate...and you also make me dance happily when krystal and amber meet each other again
good job author