Chapter 7. Story telling

Strung out


I blinked rapidly. What?


“B—But you showed me the garden, and the flowers and you walk normal, I- I mean---”


“I live here almost half of my live Amber. I know every inch of this hospital, every flower they planted, I knew every one's step, every one's voice”


And it all makes sense, that's why she never turned her head before knowing who was coming or calling. I was so surprised that I forget that I still have my arms around her waist.


“Why didn't you tell me earlier?”


She avoided my eyes, looking at the ground as she whispers “I don't want you to pity me”



I couldn't stop myself anymore, I pulled her closer, hugging her tight, pressing her head on my chest as I her hair. I lost my words, wasn't able to tell her things that I wanted to say. Maybe I don't have to because I feel her arms on my waist, hugging me back. I closed my eyes, enjoying having her so close to me.


Words aren't needed. I fell in love with this girl, a girl I saw only three days ago. But it's all the time that I need to know that I want to spend my whole life with her.





“Oppa... are you gonna kiss her?


WHAAAATT???!! I let go of the hug and saw children sitting on the ground, watching us. Some have their fingers covering their eyes, peeking between. My face turned red.


“I bet he's too shy to do it right now” a girl with ponytail said.


YAAAH what is with kids today? Aren't they supposed to be innocent??!! They must be watching to much dramas.


“Unnie, is that your boyfriend?” Another girl said


“C'mon buddy. Kiss her already!” A bully-looking kid yelled.



I didn't know what to do anymore but to turn into tomato. Krystal giggled and said “C'mon guys, stop making fun. What if I read you guys a story?”


“YAAAYYY” The kids cheered in unison.




“Amber...” she whispered to me “Can you get the story book from the reception?”


I still don't understand what's going on but I said yes. I watched the kids helped Krystal walked back to the bench near the blue bell flowers and sat themselves on the ground, waiting patiently.


I scratched my head, confused.




“Here you go” the old lady gave me a book without me even asking for it




“Krystal does this regularly, she read them fairy tales, stories, some of them come extra only to hear her story telling” the lady explained.




As I walked back, I opened the book. It was empty, there are dots I can feel with the tip of my finger. I was amazed by it.


I sat myself next to Krystal and gave her the book.


“Thanks” she smiled


“No problem”


She opened the book and I saw how her fingers dancing on it.


“What do you want to hear today?” she asked


“Please continue Arthur from last week, Unnie”


“Arthur? You guys want to hear more about him?”




And the children sat with eyes like saucers as Krystal told them how Arthur get into the Minimoys' world by shrinking down to their size and becoming a Minimoy himself. How he had a big head with pointy ears, longer legs and arms, and spiky white hair.


I was enjoying it too, i enjoy listening to her voice, to see how her fingers dance on the book, reading out words that i can't see.


You're not a person to be pitied, Krystal. You're the strongest person i've ever met.


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Chapter 29: Great
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 29: Great story!! Thanks
Chapter 22: Re-reading... I cried again...
Chapter 22: Gosh how i hate you for making me cry AGAIN!!! *CRIES LOUDLY*
foneall #6
Chapter 29: This is beautiful story Author...But I kind confused about the grave of Amber and Krystal on the chapter 16; What's that all about??? Although I really happy they both still alive and end up together and have a happy lives after...
But still need some explanation about that. Please ...Author...*begging you please*
Chapter 29: *baffled* ;;u;; the story is truly inspiring and heart-wrenching. thank you for such a beautiful story, author. keep writing! 8D
Chapter 21: the video is private 8(( can you give me another link of that video please?
vic_uk612 #9
Chapter 29: O my god!!!!! Thumbs up
Chapter 29: chapter 29:just finished read chapter 1-29 this is a such awesomet story
author you make me cry when krystal and amber separate...and you also make me dance happily when krystal and amber meet each other again
good job author