Chapter 28. Arrangement

Strung out

Having Krystal back in my life is making my me happier, I occasionally smile at work, which at first scared my work collagues. They say it's strange seeing me so happy. They thought i've gone pyscho.


I just simple said "No, i'm just in love" and grin.



I was surprised as Grand Nana called me to her office after i finished my shift.


This time she threw me a note with an adress on it "Be there on 7 o'clock... And wear something nice"


"Why would I do that?"


"You're meeting your wife"


I couldn't believe my ear. "What?"


"I said you're gonna meet your future wife there"


"You know i love Krystal"


"I do"


" Then why are you doing this?"


"Because you gave me your word that you'll marry the girl i chose. And I've chosen. If you don't want to, you have to tell her yourself and i'lll cancel the wedding if you both agree not to marry."


I slammed the door as i walked out.


Krystal is out of town, singing, She'll be back tomorrow night. I don't want to bother her, so i decided to go there tomorrow and make Nana cancel this stupid wedding.




Although I'm not happy about the arragement, i did decide to wear something nice, at least to give Nana a good impression.

I sighed as I stepped out of the car, Nana waited at the entrace.


"So you decided to come"

"I always keep my word"


She nodded and lead me to the room. It's an old Korean restaurant. Nana knocked on the door, entered the room and sat herself on the tatami. I couldn't see the girl, i only saw silhouette on someone sitting on the floor, another person next to her. From the look at it, both women.


Strange custom, and now i'm not even allowed to see the girl i'm supposed to marry??!!


"Amber, i told her already that you objected." Nana said "She wants to hear the reason"


I took a deep breath, gave a small bow. I saw her bowing back.


"I'm sorry to trouble you, but i love someone else. I can't afford to lose her again and she's the only one i want to share my life with. So i have to reject this wedding" I bowed deeply.


"Are you sure, Amber?" Nana said


"Yes" i answered without waiting.


I saw the girl getting up, she must be wearing hanbok from the look of it.


"You won't regret your decision?" Nana asked again




Suddenly i hear "Well if you don't want to, i can't force you.."

My jaw dropped as I saw Krystal walked out.



"So you won't marry me, Amber?"

"NO! WAIT! I mean of course I do. Wait, what is this? What are you doing here???!"


"She's supposed to be your wife, Amber. Now that you said no...." Nana said

"Wait! I didn't know, but why---"


I saw Nana tried to cover her smile, Yuri suddenly appear from behind Krystal, grinning.

"Y--You---" I lost my words


"I guess i need to find myself a new girlfriend..." Krystal said

These guys are teasing me. I pulled Krystal to me and kissed her lips. She tried to pushed me away, but i was too strong for her.


"AMBER!" She slap my arm, her face gotten red. She was looking nervously at Nana.


"I thought you don't want her" Nana said teasingly.


I gave her a hug "I love you, Nana"


She didn't answer, just pat me on the shoulder.


"You guys take care of each other" she said before leaving. Yuri Unnie winked and followed her out.


I was eyeing Krystal, happy that Nana approves to our relationship.




"Yes, Nana?" i looked at her

"I want a lot of great-grandchildren, you guys should start immediately"

And she left after she said it.


Krystal blushed at her words and i was scrathing my head, grinning dorkily.






Dancing happily, throwing confetti, celebrating Kryber.... Next chap...last chap ^^

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Chapter 29: Great
YourSmile-I #2
Chapter 29: Great story!! Thanks
Chapter 22: Re-reading... I cried again...
Chapter 22: Gosh how i hate you for making me cry AGAIN!!! *CRIES LOUDLY*
foneall #6
Chapter 29: This is beautiful story Author...But I kind confused about the grave of Amber and Krystal on the chapter 16; What's that all about??? Although I really happy they both still alive and end up together and have a happy lives after...
But still need some explanation about that. Please ...Author...*begging you please*
Chapter 29: *baffled* ;;u;; the story is truly inspiring and heart-wrenching. thank you for such a beautiful story, author. keep writing! 8D
Chapter 21: the video is private 8(( can you give me another link of that video please?
vic_uk612 #9
Chapter 29: O my god!!!!! Thumbs up
Chapter 29: chapter 29:just finished read chapter 1-29 this is a such awesomet story
author you make me cry when krystal and amber separate...and you also make me dance happily when krystal and amber meet each other again
good job author