Your Face Haunts Him


Himchan’s POV

I woke up early from excitement that I’ll see ____ in less than a day. So I woke up a good hour before everyone else and packed my things to make sure I wasn’t going to forget something. When I’m done I bring my bags to the entryway and set everything down.

I walk back to my room to see that I still have at least half an hour before the guys have to wake up. Looking around my room I spot my laptop and the USB ____ gave me. I pick them up and sit down on one of the couches in front of the dorms TV. Sitting down I plug my laptop in and plug the USB into the computer once it’s booted.  I flip through the photos to see two of us together in a lot of them, but there a few with just one of us in them and even a few with the guys and us together. I find a video file at the end. I stare at it until I give up and click on it.

The recording starts off with a white sheet of paper that reads, “I’ll miss you.” When it’s pulled down ____ is staring at the camera.

“Hi Himchan,” she smiles at the camera. “I’m glad that I got to meet you and even got a date with you. I hope there’s more in the future, but I’m a realist I don’t think it’ll happen. Still a girl can hope,” she smiles even though I can see that she’s crying. “I hope that you’re still smiling and acting childish, because I wouldn’t have it any other way. Oh Pick on Zelo for me, Ok.” She laughs and I start to smile, “I finished my song last night so I thought I’d play it for you.” She grabs her IPad and flips through something, “Ok I recorded a guitar and piano.” She pushes play and starts singing her song she was writing the first day she met everyone. When it ends she smiles, “So what do you think? When we see each other next tell me please. I’ll miss you, Himchan, so much. You made my stay fun. I’m sorry that it was cut short. I like you a lot. What do you think about me? Can you tell me when you see me next?”

I smile at my computer. Opening a document I start to type something that I can send to ____ before we get to the states. When everyone starts waking up I finished typing what I wanted to say to ____. Once I move it to an email and take a quick selca of my new look. I smile as I send the email to her hoping she’ll look at it before I get there. Looking at her word document with her contact information I find her friends information I pick the first name and send them an email telling them to have ____ check her email.

I check my other emails as everyone starts getting dressed. I ignore most of them putting them at a look at later file until I see one that read, “Who is this?” In opening the email there’s a few links.

I click on the first one to open up a website that has pictures of ____ and me. The first set is of us eating the ramen shop and leaving the shop. The second set is of the two of us at the airport as we said goodbye. I save the link in my favorites.

I click on the next link to find it’s to a video. I wait for it to load to find out that its one of those gossip shows where they talk about celebrities.

“Welcome back everyone. Today our gossip is about Kim Him Chan of B.A.P and a mystery girl that everyone is dying to know who she is. After almost over a week and a half there was really no sittings of Him Chan. Kim Him Chan is spotted with a beautiful mystery girl at a ramen shop in Seoul. They sat and ate together for a lil over an hour. When they finished Himchan and his mystery girl were spotted holding hands and sporting matching rings. They walked back together to a hotel where he gave her a simple and short kiss and walked back to the B.A.P dorms. Early the next day he is spotted at the airport with the girl once again, but it looked like he was there to drop her off for a flight. Everyone is wondering who this mystery girl is? Are they together or is it something like that?”

They showed a few more photos of ____ and me. Then the video ends I save this in the same folder in my favorites as the other link. I was going to look at the other links but from these two I get what they’re about. Still I’ll look at them later. I save the email and go through other emails, but there’s nothing interesting. Still I look though them emailing a few people back on nothing to catch my attention.

Zelo tries to scare me only to be knocked on the head. I smirked at the as I log off the internet and my computer where I place it in my lap top bag.

“What? Why are you staring at me?”

“He talked hear that Jongup puppy spoke (I forgot what episode but on Ta-Dah B.A.P when Himchan asks Jongup where his puppy is),” Zelo yelled well laughing.

“Why you little,” I was about to hit him but instead I’m tackled and hugged. So I shout, “what the hell what is wrong with you guys? Let me go.”

They let me go; I get up, and glare at them.

“You’re back to the good old Himchan. Now let’s grab our stuff. I asked a favor from an old friend and don’t’ want it go to waste because you guys made us late,” Yongguk yells at us.

Everyone scrambles to grab their bags glad that I told them to pack last night. They all run out of the dorm with hats and masks on. We’re able to sneak to a car that I got not that long ago and haven’t had the chance to use yet. I drive everyone to the airport when we reach it Yongguk gives me directions to a private long stay parking. When I park he leads us to a different area of the airport we haven’t been to before. Sitting there is a private plane and Yongguk’s friend smiling over at us.

“So you’re cashing in one of your favors to get a flight to the states?”

“Yeah got a problem with it?”

“No but why?”

“Ask lover boy,” Zelo says pointing at me and I hit him on the head.

“Shut up you lil robot.”

Shaking his head Yongguk pushes us onto the plane and we throw our luggage in the back to the plane.

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 22: Awwwww...hehe, happy ending though, done reading this one! :)
Chapter 23: Omg perfect family
Chapter 20: Omg im so inloveee! Updateeeeeee
Chapter 13: Good chapter, update again soon please :)
RainaSeoyounKo #5
Chapter 11: O_O
It got so dramatic all.of a sudden!!!
YoongiholicAnonymous #6
whoa that was close!
update soon
RainaSeoyounKo #7
Plzz update ur story soon...bc i <3 it!
I love your stories!! After I found you on deviantart, I loved reading what you write!! Please update soon ^-^
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
that what charlie said was in my mind too^^
they really look like a cute happy family :)
update soon^^
BaeYeonRin #10
kekeke this story is cute. I read both stories and I love them. Update soon, and maybe Mel will be with yongguk?:))