

Pink/Italics are English

Your POV

The entire time we walked to my office I’m freaking out wondering if we’ll get busted by my boss. Truthfully if she did recognize him she’s just ask why he was here and I’d tell her… I ruffle my hair frustrated I laugh a bit though when the little one I have on me fixes it and kisses my forehead.

Himchan walks close to me pulling me to him and kisses my forehead as well. The oldest who’s walking makes a face at us and we start making faces at each other.

When we reach my building I want to jump into the fountain in front of the building since its deep. We walk in and I see Bobby and weave to him.

Oh its nice to see you coming in again. Oh who are these cute little ones?

I smile at him, “This is Crystal, Serah, and Kendal. The guy holding Serah is Channie my boyfriend.

The three little girls start chanting bunny as they look at Himchan and he gives me a disapproving look.

Oh I thought they were the two of yours but you would have mentioned if you had kids and a boyfriend, fiancé, or husband.

I laugh nervously and nod, “So can you let us pass Bobby?

Of course Miss._____.”

I smile at him as we pass and call out, “Oh just in case say hi to your kids for me. Maybe I can babysit them sometime soon since its been a while?

That’d be great the misses and I need a day off.”

I smile at him and bid him good-bye telling him that I’ll find him later to talk to him about a day I can watch his kids.

Himchan looks at me with a kind smile but for some reason it annoys me a great deal.


“You are really good with people and your not even trying.”

I blush but I don’t’ hide it like I usually would mostly cause the girls would rat me out.

I look up and see that we’re at my office. I take a deep breath and open the doors to see my boss standing there at her desk talking to someone in Korean or trying to.

Boss you’re saying it all wrong,” I say as I push past the doors all the way with Kendall in my arms. Himchan tries to hide behind me but it doesn’t work.

“Oh _____ your in that’s good,” I nod in approval of her Korean.

“Whom are you talking to today?”

She smiles at me and motions me over to the computer. I see that it’s a manager of TS Entertainment.

“Oh I know you don’t I?” he asks me.

I shake my head and Kendal starts pulling on my hair, “Bunny. I want Bunny.”

I laugh slightly. I look apologetically to TS manager.

I look at Himchan and grimace putting my finger to my lips to tell him to be silent.

I walk over to him and try to pass Kendal to him but Serah won’t let go of his neck. I sigh and pull her away and she starts screaming in Himchan’s ear.

“I’m so sorry, love,” I say to Him, “Serah you need to let him go. Do you want me to hold you?

She looks at me and lets go of Himchan and lets herself be set down as I hand Kendal to Him.

I pick Serah up, “You are getting to old to be carried around everywhere, Serah. I know that you alwys want to be holding onto those you love but sometimes a distance makes it all the better.”

She looks at me and nods even though she’s trying not to cry.

I walk back to the screen and grimace now with a 6 year old in my arms, “I’m sorry it seems that my little sister’s are to attached to me and my boyfriend.”

He laughs, “Its alright. I can speak English you know so I can talk with your boss.”

I shake my head, “Sorry she’s to stubborn she likes trying to talk to people in their native language cause sometimes it goes by a lot faster then them trying to speak to her in English.”

He nods, “so you are her interpitor.”

I nod, “I try with most languages.”

He nods, “So I called today to ask if you have seen any members of B.A.P.”

I hide my shock glad that I know how to act just a tad bit, “No I don’t think I have. Why do you ask?”

“Oh from several sources I have learned that Himchan was seeing an American girl from your area.”

“What makes you think that they would be here?”

“Himchan was upset for weeks and wouldn’t come out of his room. He’d sit in there mopping. So when all of a sudden there’s no one in the dorms and a few new up beat messages from Himchan I had an idea of what’s going on.”

“Oh and do you have an idea of the girl is maybe we know her, because there can’t be to many girls in this area that would fit the critera.”

“Yes we have a picture of them I’ll send a link to your boss. If your boss hadn’t told me that you’ve been working nonstop all month I would have thought that you were her.”

I smile and nod, “alright can you please send the link and I’ll see what we can do.”

 He nods, “I will good-bye.”


When the call ends I get a murderous glare from my boss, “You lied. I thought you would come right out and tell him. I said you’ve been working hard and hardly take vacations and when you do you always take work with you. He must have taken it the wrong way.” I nod my head and hang it low in shame, “How come you lied to him?

Because I cant’ let themfind out that I’m the one Himchan is dating and that he’s here. The guys need their vacation so when I got a chance to help them out I took it. I know what I’m doing is wrong and I should have told you, but I was afraid that you’d tell their manager and company that they ran off here so that Himchan and I could be together.

She smiles at me when I peek up at her. She walks over to Himchan and poke him in the stomach, “So tell me the story how the two of you met and came to be…. well this.

He nods and tells her the story as best as he can in English and after a while he starts speaking Korean and she nods through most of it.

When he’s finish the girls are looking at everyone in awe and after a while they squeal and jump around.

Bunny is great. Bunny still makes me sad. Bunny!

I couldn’t help it I start laughing st their childish nickname for Himchan. I pull Kendall and Serah into my lap as they start trying to push more buttons.  They start poking me and I start poking them back.

You are so great with children I cant’ wait to see what kind of kids you’ll have.”

I fell off the couch with the two little girls shocked, “What? I’m still young I mean it’d be nice in the future but I’m only 22 and I’m still going to school.

She laughs, “I know but still you are a beautiful girl and you are more then likely going to find a handsome husband just think of the kids you’d make.

She’s peeking at Himchan well she’s talking and I think he notices at the same time I do because he spits out some of his coffee that he was drinking.

Why?! Why are you looking at me?

“I think she’s trying to hint at something but I just want to leave it in the dark for a while.”

He nods and starts talking with Crystal since she kept pulling at his hair to get his attention.

As we talk we laugh and my boss seemed to be happy with us.  She even played with the girls and laughed with them. When it reahed eight I realized that I should take the girls hoem and have them go to bed.

Sorry I should take these girls home… Well you know what I mean they need ot sleep and I’m glad that you had food brought here for us since I was so lost in time that I forgot.

My boss nods and says good-bye and that I have the week off again. I was about to fight with her again but the look she gave me told me that I’m not to fight with her about this.

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 22: Awwwww...hehe, happy ending though, done reading this one! :)
Chapter 23: Omg perfect family
Chapter 20: Omg im so inloveee! Updateeeeeee
Chapter 13: Good chapter, update again soon please :)
RainaSeoyounKo #5
Chapter 11: O_O
It got so dramatic all.of a sudden!!!
YoongiholicAnonymous #6
whoa that was close!
update soon
RainaSeoyounKo #7
Plzz update ur story soon...bc i <3 it!
I love your stories!! After I found you on deviantart, I loved reading what you write!! Please update soon ^-^
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
that what charlie said was in my mind too^^
they really look like a cute happy family :)
update soon^^
BaeYeonRin #10
kekeke this story is cute. I read both stories and I love them. Update soon, and maybe Mel will be with yongguk?:))