My Fathers


Pink is English in this Chappie

Your POV

When everything calmed down we sat there on a couch well they did I sat on Himchan’s lap in a chair. They simply looked at you two and laughed.

“Oh love I forgot to say I loved the song.”

I laugh and hug him and tell him, “Oh I love the song that you sang for me as well.”

That got everyone’s attention and he hid his head in my neck. They pestered him to sing the song until I burst out much how Himchan does and told them to shut the hell up. They looked shocked and Himchan laughs.

I look at the time to see that I have to meet Charlie for tea soon. I sigh and try to get off Himchan’s lap but he doesn’t let go of me. I laugh and try to pry his arms off of me. I give him a pleading look and he shakes his head.

“Nope I’m never letting you go again.”

I laugh and pull his head so he looks at me and I give him my best cute pouty look, “Please I have to meet my father for a cup of tea. Oh before I forget he wants to meet you.”

They looked shocked, “Your father isn’t he supposed to be mean?”

“No this is my fake father he’s looked after me ever since I was a teenager when my father made me move out into this place. His daughter and I used to be best of friends until she died and I was already his daughter in his wife and his mind so when they told me they’d still take care of me even though their daughter was gone.”

They nod and I smile over at Himchan. He sighs and lets me go I smile and run over to Mel.

“Hey can you find something in the city the guys want to do?”

She laughs and looks at Himchan, “Alright come on guys I have this cool amusement park not that far from here and I’ve been kind of mean and didn’t’ let you leave my house so come on.”

They nod and follow her out of the apartment.

I smile over at Himchan especially when he hands me a container filled with my favorite cookies. I smile and take one out.

Mel’s POV

Zelo starts to jump up and down as he asks, “are we really going to an amusement park this late in the day?’

I shake my head, “No, I want to spy on Himchan and ____. I wan tot see how Charlie reacts to knowing that Himchan is her boyfriend.”

Zelo starts to do a little dance well chanting about how excited he is. I laugh and Yongguk gets him to calm down a bit.

“Zelo if your loud we won’t bring you to spy on her and Himchan and find something for you to do that will bore you to death.”

Zelo shuts up and I laugh hitting Yongguk on the back like he was my best bud, “thanks.”

Your POV

When we left my apartment I had a feeling we were being followed by our nosey friends but oh well if they want to spy on us then let them. When reach the Starbucks I spot Charlie sitting there with his tea already. I pull Himchan over to Charlie and when I reach the table and he looks up Himchan goes stiff.

Hi Charlie I guess I should introduce you to my boyfriend Kim Him Chan.”

Kim,” I laugh realizing I introduced him like I would in Korea or Japan.

Sorry Charlie I forgot int eh states I should say Him Chan Kim.”

Charlie nods his head, “An Odd name but what can I say I’ve lived here my whole life. Its nice to meet you Him.”

I laugh and elbow Himchan, “”Oh its nice to meet you as well sir.”

Charlie smiles at him and motions for him to sit down, “I’m guessing ym dear daughter here told you a bit about me.”

He nods and smiles at him, “Yes, and thank you for taking care of her.”

Charlie laughs and shakes his head, “”It was nothing so tell me Himchan how did you meet my daughter here?”

We sat there well Himchan and I explained to Charlie how we met and our time together in Korea.

Well I’m glad that she has someone like you Mr. Kim.”

Himchan seemed surprised by the sudden change in how he was addressed.

It must be new to him to be called like that. I get up and smile at them, “Sorry but I’m getting a bit hungry so I’m going to grab some tea and a sandwich do you want some to Himchan. I think they have what you always drank in Seoul?”

He smiles up at me, “Neh.”

I smile over at them and walk up to buy the tea and sandwiches. When I get back Himchan is laughing with Charlie.

Did I miss something funny?”

My father nod, “Yes, Mr. Kim and I were talking about the rules I have for him dating you and it seems we agree on all of them.”

I sigh in relief and give Himchan a quick peck on the cheek as I sit next to him. He smiles over at me as I set down the tea and food down on the table. We sit there and talk for a bit until my phone starts to go off. I check to see that its my biological father.

I sigh and answer it, “Neh?”

You ungrateful brat is that a way to answer your phone when your father calls you.”

I glare at the phone, “You’re kidding me right. Oh when is my mother’s funeral?” It’s silent on the other line, “Hey tell me when my mother’s funeral is?”

I hear a laugh on the other end, “it was a while ago.”

I start to scream and curse at him about about what he had done. After a while Himchan takes away the phone and walks away.

Himchan’s POV

I hear what the man on the other line said to his daughter to set her off on a cursing rampage so to have her stop I take away the phone and walk away.

Hey you ungrateful,” I don’t let him finish.

Sir listen here if you talk to her like that ever again or pull something like this ever again I’ll make sure that your life is ruined.”

Is that a threat?”

No its not but it’s a promise I love ____ and I don’t want to see her upset like that every again so when I say this I mean it leave her alone.”

What are you trying to pull here?”

I scuff as I look at the phone wondering how my love is still so kind even after spending most of her living with this thing, “Nothing so I’d keep up what your doing for your daughter but leave her alone.”

I hang up before he can say anything else and hand the phone back to ____. She looks up and smiles over at me.

She leans over and kisses me on the cheek looking away well she blushed. I laugh knowing she probably want sot kiss me in front of her father. I smile as she leans her head on my shoulder and seems a bit more relaxed. After a while I hear slow breathing near my ear so I look over to see that she had fallen asleep. I smile and lean my head against hers and close my eyes. Charlie just smile sat us.

Charlie’s POV

So this young man is my dear daughter’s boyfriend. I have to say I like him. He took care of her biological father with ease and calmness that almost scared me. Still the way that ____ is acting towards him and happy I’m ok with this Himchan. He makes my daughter happy and so that makes me happy.

Himchan Kim you have saved my daughter thank you.

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 22: Awwwww...hehe, happy ending though, done reading this one! :)
Chapter 23: Omg perfect family
Chapter 20: Omg im so inloveee! Updateeeeeee
Chapter 13: Good chapter, update again soon please :)
RainaSeoyounKo #5
Chapter 11: O_O
It got so dramatic all.of a sudden!!!
YoongiholicAnonymous #6
whoa that was close!
update soon
RainaSeoyounKo #7
Plzz update ur story soon...bc i <3 it!
I love your stories!! After I found you on deviantart, I loved reading what you write!! Please update soon ^-^
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
that what charlie said was in my mind too^^
they really look like a cute happy family :)
update soon^^
BaeYeonRin #10
kekeke this story is cute. I read both stories and I love them. Update soon, and maybe Mel will be with yongguk?:))