I'm sorry Yongguk


Red is English in this Chappie

Mel’s POV

Though out work I wanted to run over to ­­­_____ and tell her that Himchan is coming to the states to see her and be with her. During lunch my phone goes off I look to see that it’s a number that’s international I think one from Seoul if I remember correctly.

“Hello,” I answer the phone glad that ____ threw a big fit to make sure I knew as much Korean as her.

“Hi, this is Mel right ____ friend the one I talked to the other day?”

“Yeah and this is?”

“Oh Bang Yong Guk,” he says sounding a bit awkward

“Oh yeah so is there a reason why your calling me right now?”

 “Yeah we just landed in an airport not that far from where you guys live.”

“That’s good to hear what do you want me to do about it?”

“Pick us up please.”

Wanting to throw a fit but I take a deep breathe and sigh, “Fine but you better be feeding me because I haven’t had breakfast and it’s my lunch break.”

“Great I guess we’ll see you in a lil bit,” he says as he hangs up and I want to throw a fit and maybe even hit someone.

Now that was just rude,” I say as I slip my phone into my pocket and look up at my boss, “I’ll be eating out for lunch.”

She simply nods and waves me away, “Alright and tell your boyfriend that he can keep you a little longer since you never seem to leave for lunch breaks and work through them.”

I’m dumb founded my boss thinks that I was talking to my boyfriend one that I don’t even have. Sighing I pick up my purse from under my table and head out.


Reaching the airport I slip around people driving around them making sure that I didn’t hit anyone or anything. I spot 6 tall guys wearing hats and sun glasses they are wearing summer clothes good thing since it was really warm today.

You pull up to the curb and yell towards them, “Yah! _____ will worry if I don’t’ get there soon so hurry your asses up!”

They look towards me surprised but they laugh and walk to the car.

Yongguk walks up to me and takes my hand, “Thank you for doing this.”

I shrug and look at him, “It was nothing and if you know English I’d use that well you’re here just because you’re in the states not a lot of people around here know Korean trust me I know.”

He nods and smiles at me.

“Hey can you stop flirting with hyung and lets go I don’t lover boy can wait any longer.”

Sighing I look at Zelo and glare at him making him sink into the seat, “ Shut up you ing brat. Ugh I shouldn’t have agreed to help. Look Zelo you are not allowed to be a well here or else I’ll have Himchan kick you out of the car well it’s moving.” 

Zelo slips even further into the seat and gives me a look that makes me feel guilty right away, “ I’m sorry noona .”

I sigh and look at him as everyone slips into the car, “ No, I should be the one to say that Zelo. So I’m sorry its just I’ve been working none stop for the last few weeks and it surprised me that ____ showed up for work. My boss tried to talk me into going home since I’ve been doing my work and ____ along with it. 

 I bet your boyfriend wasn’t happy about that ,” Youngjae says.

I shake my head, “ I don’t have one ,” I tell them as I yawn, “Now let’s get moving.” 

I go to walk around the car but Yongguk stops me, “No, you will sit in the passenger’s seat and take a little nap.”

I can’t if I fall asleep now I won’t wake up in time to get back to work.”

I hear sighing next to me, “Then so be it. You look like you haven’t slept in weeks.”

He has no idea how right he is. For almost two weeks I spent my time at ____’s place making sure she’s alright and when I was done taking care of her I’d drive back to my apartment an hour away from her since the traffic is always bad whenever I leave her place. I’d get home make myself something to eat and do ____ work that I brought home. Then the rest of the night I’d be wide awake most of the time and think about how worried I was for my best friend. I’d wake up at five and drive to work stay late and repeat the same thing I did the day before.

I let Yongguk help me into the passenger’s seat and buckle me in. I let my fatigue take over when he shuts the door and feel into dreamland.

Yongguk’s POV

When I reach the driver’s side and look over at Mel I see that she’s already passed out in the seat. I sigh and start driving looking at the GPS in the car.

I say, “Home.”

Right away it starts giving me directions. Burning up started to play in the car so I look around and the guys shrug.

Mel wakes up and answers he phone half asleep, “  Hi boss. No I’m fine I’m my way back now… What no I’m don’t have a boyfriend… Yes I’m pretty sure that I don’t… Ugh, no I don’t have a life…No, I want to finish…  

What she was fighting about was making a few of us a bit awkward so I grab the phone from her and place it to my ear, “  Hi is this Mel’s boss  ?”

 “  Ye s and who is this ?” a  female voice says over the line.

 Oh I’m Mel’s friend she probably forgot that she had to pick me up from the airport. Today I was wondering if Mel can have the day off since she needs to catch up on her sleep .”

 Ahh that sounds perfect that’s what I was telling her, ” I don’t’ let on that I knew she was lying, “Oh Mel’s friend can you try to date Mel since she needs a boyfriend and you seem like a nice enough guy that she needs to stop focusing on only work.” 

I blush a bit, “What? Look ummm I’m not sure she’d…

Her boss cuts me off, “Oh I’m just picking on you. I mean you guys must have been away from each other for a long time so I should have let you guys catch up to see how much you guys changed and then said something like that.” The boss laughs, “That girl is the most innocent person that works at my department but she loves joking around with ____ who is just as innocent. Still the two of them need to find someone that will love them. Sorry I’m babbling and you need to drive Mel home. Tell her that she has the next two days off.

I will tell her friend that as well for me so she won’t wake Mel up. The girl needs to sleep.”

I will.” The boss hangs up and I let a sigh of relief.

Following the directions I’m able to drive up to a big house. I pick Mel up when I park the car in the garage and carry her into the house. I ask her for the code and she mumbles it in her sleep. I enter it and look around setting her on the couch but she keeps her arms wrapped around my neck in a death like grip. I ask the guys to help me but even with all of them trying to help they can’t’ get her to let go. Sighing I sit on the couch and wait for her to let go of my neck.

When she wakes up she looks up at me, “Oh I’m so sorry Yongguk- I…”

I laugh as she trips over her words, “I thought you told us to speak English?”

“You don’t have to when around me or ____ since we know it. Still that was my point there maybe times when we’re not going to be around and we don’t’ need Jongup acting like Kevin McCallister.”

We hear a shout from Jongup who was sitting in her kitchen probably raiding the fridge.

“How is your place like this?”

“Oh its part of my inheritance plus I work at a record company here with ____ and we’re the top paid people. We have a bunch of jobs there. We’re the CEO’s secretaries.”

“Wow that’s kind of cool.”

“Yeah I’m sorry again Yongguk.”

I laugh and push her towards the kitchen which she walks into.

“I’m going to head to my room. Pick any of the guest rooms that you want just no funny business in my house ok?”

All of us nod and she smiles and walks out of the kitchen to catch more sleep.

We eat and make sleeping arrangements. Once that was done we looks at the guest rooms there were five of them. Surprising everyone wanted their own room but the two maknaes have to share a room. They pout but accept it. We all head to bed but Himchan seems upset probably cause he still has to wait to see ____. I sigh muttering something about him being a stupid Romeo.

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 22: Awwwww...hehe, happy ending though, done reading this one! :)
Chapter 23: Omg perfect family
Chapter 20: Omg im so inloveee! Updateeeeeee
Chapter 13: Good chapter, update again soon please :)
RainaSeoyounKo #5
Chapter 11: O_O
It got so dramatic all.of a sudden!!!
YoongiholicAnonymous #6
whoa that was close!
update soon
RainaSeoyounKo #7
Plzz update ur story soon...bc i <3 it!
I love your stories!! After I found you on deviantart, I loved reading what you write!! Please update soon ^-^
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
that what charlie said was in my mind too^^
they really look like a cute happy family :)
update soon^^
BaeYeonRin #10
kekeke this story is cute. I read both stories and I love them. Update soon, and maybe Mel will be with yongguk?:))