You Got Mail


Your POV

Pink is English

I wake up to have someone jumping on my bed. Sighing I pull the blanket and pillow around me. Still the person doesn’t give up. So finally caving in I flip the blanket to see Rae standing to the side of my bed as Hanna is on my bed.

What the hell is wrong with you guys? Get out of my apartment or at least my room.”

“No, we were told to tell you to check your email.”

“By who?”

They both scream out, “Just check it. Aish!

Aish! Fine hand me my lap top."

Rae hands me my lap top that she was holding. So I open it and open my main email. There are thousands of emails, but one catches my eye.

“Himchan,” tears start to well up and spill over.

They nod and leave the room smiling. I shoot them a smile when they turn back at me. They smile and start squealing about how I’m back to normal.

I open the email with the title, ‘I miss you.’

“Dear ______,

I probably wrote this a thousand times in my head in the last week that you’re been gone, but I don’t’ know what to put down. I’m tongue tied even when typing this I do not feel myself. This feeling to me is odd, but it had a lovely feeling that comes with it.  Wow, did I really just type lovely.” I laugh at Himchan even though he doesn’t see it I bet he put it in here for that reason. “I was going to send you a video but only my audio on my lap top is working at the moment. I know I can sing like you so I tried to write a song for you.” I hear a nervous laugh something that’s rare with Himchan when he’s not making a fool of himself, “It’s at the bottom of this email I want you to read what I have to say first. Wow I’m so nervous…I don’t think I’ve ever been this nervous before. When its comes to you I’m scared I’ll make an of myself and scare you away, or just make a fool of myself and make you laugh at me, especially when you saw that picture with the really bad derp face and bunny looking teeth of me. You simply smiled and said that it was cute. You didn’t poke at it or make me repeat the face. You simply smiled and spoke softly to me about how you didn’t care and thought it was cute. That’s something that I love about you. You’re beyond perfect. You may scuff at that but to me you’re beyond perfect. I miss you and want to see you more than anything. I was a little down but then I met you and had the time of my life. Don’t feel sorry because the time I spent with you was the time of my life and made me smile. It’s surprising that I felt depressed since you left, but after watching your video just now I know that I had to pull myself together and dust myself off. To be my usual self and wait to see you again to tell you what I think of your song. To tell you what I truly feel about you to your face and to hear you say the same thing, but for now this will have to do writing it down for you to read it. ______ I like you a lot as well.

See you soon,


P.S. What do you think of my new look?”

I smile when I see a black haired Himchan looking like what he did pre-debut. There was a music file under the picture I click on it and it pops in my media player.

“I wrote this song after you left its kind of depressing. I don’t have music in the background cause I’m not musically talented like you.”

I listen to him sing. Smiling and laughing a bit. He said he didn’t’ like singing, singing, but he’s not that bad at it.

My friends come back inside my room to find me out of bed holding a new set of clothes heading towards the bathroom.

 I’m going to take a shower call my boss and tell her that I plan to come in today .”

They nod and slip into the bathroom to turn on the water for a quick shower. I get dressed; apply some make-up to hide my pale and sickly looking face, and a fresh out fit for work on. I looked like I did before I left for Korea and came back depressed. You smile at them as you walk into the kitchen to grab something to eat. They call your boss to tell her that I should be in work in ten minutes.

I reach work to see Mel, my best friend, smiling at me, “ So those two had you look at your email ?" You nod and she smiles, “Good I didn’t tell them why but I think they guessed it was Him. He emailed me last night and told me to tell you to check your email. Oh by the way I have your favorite cookies.” 

"Yay give them to me,” I almost shout at her lucky for us it’s still early in the morning so the office is still near empty.

She shakes her head, “Do your aegyo.”

I pout and give in since I want cookies. Giving her my best puppy dog eyes, pouty lips, and bring my fisted hands up to my face near my eyes and start to move them back and forth like a child when crying. She takes a picture and hands me a few cookies.

Narrator’s POV

As you eat your cookies you don’t’ notice that Mel is video taping you and even video taped you doing your aegyo on her phone so she can send it to Himchan. When you’re done she quickly saves the video and watches you walk to your desk. Once you’re a safe distance away she quickly finds Himchan’s email and place the videos on of you being cute. She laughs and even places some older pictures in the email file so she can send it to Him.

Himchan’s POV

We reach the ground and all of us stretch I pull out my computer and find that I have a new email. I click on it to see pictures of ____ and two videos of her as well. I read the message that her friend put in the email.

“Make sure that she can look like this more often.”

I look at the computer confused until I see that their all pictures of ____ doing adorable things. I click on the first video. To see ____ doing some aegyo making me laugh at the computer. When that video ends I click on the next one which of _____ eating some cookies. She’s all hyped up because she has them and acting really cute and childish.

“I’ll make sure that she can always act like this,” I type an email and send to Mel I believe her name is.

Zelo starts poking at me to find out why I'm smiling but I simply push him back in his seat and after refueling we fly the rest of the way to ____'s home town, where she still lives.

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 22: Awwwww...hehe, happy ending though, done reading this one! :)
Chapter 23: Omg perfect family
Chapter 20: Omg im so inloveee! Updateeeeeee
Chapter 13: Good chapter, update again soon please :)
RainaSeoyounKo #5
Chapter 11: O_O
It got so dramatic all.of a sudden!!!
YoongiholicAnonymous #6
whoa that was close!
update soon
RainaSeoyounKo #7
Plzz update ur story soon...bc i <3 it!
I love your stories!! After I found you on deviantart, I loved reading what you write!! Please update soon ^-^
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
that what charlie said was in my mind too^^
they really look like a cute happy family :)
update soon^^
BaeYeonRin #10
kekeke this story is cute. I read both stories and I love them. Update soon, and maybe Mel will be with yongguk?:))