Reception and More


Your POV

I’m about to faint.

Waiting out here as my bridesmaids and Himchan’s groomsmen walk down the aisle slowly separating to their sides.

I watch as the bridesmaids hold their bouquets close to them and walked gracefully like I taught them.


I look at Charlie who is happily holding onto my arm like a real father should be, but my biological father found out about my soon to be marriage he became angry with me.

I push out his voice and the memory.

I look down the aisle and smile when i notice a few of my siblings are sitting in the front row looking back at the doors as i walk through.

They look a bit upset because I’m walking with down the aisle for Charlie can give me away to Himchan my soon to be husband.

I smile when I notice his tie and I touch my mother’s ring and I feel more at ease picturing her being here with me.

My older sister, Amanda, is sitting at the end of the aisle and she looks at me with a look like she ate something bad. I guess that makes sense me and her have never gotten along since I hit puberty and started to stand up against my father tired of how he treated me.

she must notice that I’m wearing our mother’s wedding jewelry cause the look on her face only gets worse.

I shrug my shoulders as I hold my hands tighter around my flowers.


I will not start something at my own wedding. I will be happy for I’m marrying a perfect man who I love.

I ignore the fact that himchan’s hair is yet again dyed and remember to have a talk with him at how annoying it is.

Still i’m glad that he had the guys wear simple black dress pants with white dress shirts and a tux jacket. It was optional it they wanted to wear a bowtie or a tie.

Yet seeing Himchan standing up there in a full black get up except his white tie with a cameo design on the front of it. It’s obviously a pin, but the idea that he did that for our wedding day so he’d match me is really touching. Especially since I mentioned this once to him wanting this to be more of a surprise.

When Charlier gives me away to Himchan and I feel my soon to be husbands hand in my own I feel my heart rate quicken and my mind come to an ease thinking how sweet and how much I love him.

I watch my little brother smile over at me along with my other siblings besides Amanda.

After we exchange vows and rings my anxiety drains completely.


I smile at Himchan when the pastor says, “I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride.”

I lean over and kiss Himchan I make sure it’s simple, but one of the sweetest we will ever share.

They have me get ready to toss my bouquet and i take a peek behind me and smile mischievously at Himchan.

When I toss the bouquet I hear the girls shout and whine when it’s caught.

I turn around to see my best friend, Mel, holding onto the thing of flowers.

I smile at her and she simple blushes when she had looked up to see Yongguk staring at her.

Himchan seems to know what’s going through my mind since he smiles right back at me.

I smile as we do the whole walk through the church doors.

I see all the reporters and fans and I don’t care. All I care about is that I’m with my now husband.

I smile as I see the beautiful blossoms everyone is tossing.

When we reach the car himchan helps me in before he shuts the door and runs around to get in himself.

As we make it to the restaurant where we had set up the reception.

I laugh when we enter it and I have my little girls attach themselves to my dress. I know that people are catching this on film not counting.

I know we’re going to go to some professional to get our couple wedding pictures taken after we get back from our honeymoon.

I smile as I saw hi to everyone as they come up to us and say their congrats. I’m nervous when it’s my family’s turn. I had talked Charlier to stay with us along with my girls.  I even got Himchan’s mother to stay up with us since she was right before them.

“___, congrats,” my oldest brother says as he wraps me into a hug.

I nod as his wife and my niece come up to hug me.

“Oh, this is Himchan.. my husband. Himchan this is my eldest brother Michael, his wife, and my lovely niece. Kye, how have you been?”

My niece gives me a stink eye and I feel guilty since I met Himchan i felt like I’ve been ignoring her.

“Dont’ worry about her. she’s just missed her favorite aunt.”

I nod as they give me another hug and walk off.

I watch them and slowly my family says their congrats and the only one that’s left is Amanda.

Before I can say anything to her she slaps me across the face.

Himchan was about to do something, but Charlie grabbed him and held him back.

“So this is why you got kicked out of the family,” she smirks, “Doesn’t seem like much.”

I straighten my head and meet her so we’re eye to eye, “Really. Let me correct you. Firstly don't’ ever touch me again. Second it’s just because I was officially kicked out. I’m surprised it took me marrying someone for happiness and refusing the marriage proposal father came up with since he hates me the most out of all his children.  Lastly you’re just acting like this because mother had given me her wedding jewelry before she died. maybe it’s cause she knew I’d get married instead of getting knocked up and left.”

She goes to hit me again, but I catch her hand.

I sigh as i push her back, “This is tiring. I’d like it if you’d leave.”

Everyone looked shocked at how calm I was acting when really I’m ready to jump at my sister and strangle her to death.

Himchan walks toward since Charlie must have let him go and wraps his arm around my waist, “My wife said that you should go and I’d calmly like it that you would go without causing anymore of a scene. This is a happy occasion and I’m sure your mother would be gushing about more grand babies. so if you won’t respect your sister then respect your mother’s memory.”

I watch as my sister looks at Himchan shocked as she notices that Himchan is wearing a wedding cameo design on his tie matching my cameo wedding idea.

Amanda stands and brushes herself off, “I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve caused. He’s right mom would be bugging you for grand babies and you probably would have to live with her for a while. ___, I hope you’re happy with your choice.”

I look at Himchan and the people that I’ve met, “I’m very happy. Like I said in my vows, Himchan saved me from my despair and he helped dig a hole and bury that despair.”

She smiles as she nods her head and walks out of the room.

I turn to everyone and shout, “Come on it’s supposed to be an happy occasion. so let’s keep it up.’

I hear a few people laugh at me and I smile more as the music is again.

I smile as I hear announce through the speakers, “Now for the first dance together as husband and wife. Mr and Mrs. Kim Him Chan.”

I smile as Himchan takes my hand in his own and takes me to the dance floor.

As the night progresses I feel purely happy.

When we cut the cake I feel almost sad at how beautiful and simple it is.

Himchan had them add another layer so there could be a cameo design of a man and women on what looks to be their wedding day.

As the day ends I smile as Himchan takes me out to our car so we can go to my apartment so we can change and set off to our short honeymoon.

“Are you okay?” Himchan asks me as we pull away from the curb.

I nod my head as I smile over at him taking his hand in my own, “Yes, I’m alright. Since I now have a loving and caring husband who cares so much about me. I’m really happy you stayed in my life Himchan. you really did save me.”

He nods his head as he looks over at me, “I bought a house for us and the girls can live in. I know you’ll love it.”

“What does it look like?”

he hands me a picture of a simple modern looking home.


“Himchan I love it. I can’t wait to see what it looks like when we move in. I’m having Mel and the guys move our things into there, but the girls and you are not allowed to see what it looks like until we get back.”

I laugh as we exit the car and head to Mel and my apartment.

I strip off my dress and slip on a simple, but elegant white dress.

himchan simply takes off his tie, jacket, and dress pants and throws on a pair of jeans.

“shall we go.”

I look at his hand and nod my head as I take his hand knowing that our things are already in the car, but we didn't’ want to go to the airport in our wedding clothes.

When we reach the airport I know people are looking at us and I don’t care for once. I’m not going to be insecure about being married to Himchan. I’m his wife. He chose me even with my issues and adoptive girls.

Himchan looks at me as we enter the VIP lounge and kisses me, “you are really calm for once.”

“That’s cause I no longer care. I’m in love with you Himchan and no matter what you’re stuck with me.”

He smiles at me, ‘Good I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Alright I think this is the last chapter of this story, but I might add a sequel final chapter for a year or two later.

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 22: Awwwww...hehe, happy ending though, done reading this one! :)
Chapter 23: Omg perfect family
Chapter 20: Omg im so inloveee! Updateeeeeee
Chapter 13: Good chapter, update again soon please :)
RainaSeoyounKo #5
Chapter 11: O_O
It got so dramatic all.of a sudden!!!
YoongiholicAnonymous #6
whoa that was close!
update soon
RainaSeoyounKo #7
Plzz update ur story soon...bc i <3 it!
I love your stories!! After I found you on deviantart, I loved reading what you write!! Please update soon ^-^
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
that what charlie said was in my mind too^^
they really look like a cute happy family :)
update soon^^
BaeYeonRin #10
kekeke this story is cute. I read both stories and I love them. Update soon, and maybe Mel will be with yongguk?:))