Welcome to Seoul Late Presents


Your POV

I’ve been living in Seoul for a few months now with Mel and my girls. Its nice where we’re living, but I’d never let my girls walk on their own until they are on their own. Mel and Himchan already tell me I’m a great mother. BAP has become my family since I’ve moved here as well. They even try to live here at times since this is their secret escape. When they come sometimes, they bring over Ae Sook (Little girl from First one) with them. I’m happy since she gets along with the girls. She also helps the girls with learning Korean as I help her with English since it’s a universal language.  

Today is nothing different except we had watched the Mnet MAMA Awards and now the girls want to see Himchan.

“Umma,” I look at Crystal, “when is appa going to get home?”

I look at her confused, “Appa?”

She nods her head, “Neh, Himchan-appa.”

“When did he become your appa?”

“BAP are our appas but Himchan is the most since he loves you.”

I smile as I lean down and kiss her forehead.

“I’m glad you can say that because I love him as well.”

“Ohho, you love me.”

I turn around to see BAP but mostly I notice my boyfriend standing there with a few bags along with BAP.

“Of course I do. Why do you think I put up with all of you?”

He smiles and gives me a chaste kiss, “Good cause I love you. Oh I have presents for everyone.”

“You didn’t’ have to get them presents.”

Yongguk looks up at me, "We all kind of got presents for you since we never got to welcome you to Seoul.”

I sigh, “Fine thank you for the presents.”

They hand each of the girls a big bag with all their presents in it. Then they hand me a separate bag each from one of them. Himchan stands waiting for me to see what the guys had given me.

“I’ll wait for the girls to see what they got to open my presents.”

They nod their heads and I watch each of my girls open their presents.

Kendal opens her bag first. She pulls out a princess Barbie that she’s wanted for a while. Then she pulls out a few princess outfits with jewelry and a crown. The jewelry I’ll make sure of it can last a long time if she doesn’t’ lose them. She pulls out a small little frog learner with a few games to help her with learning not just Korean but English as well.

Serah opens her presents next. She pulls out few books and she laughs and giggles since like all her sisters all she does is read. I peak over to see them a few folk tale fairy tale stories of different countries. Then she pulls out some traditional style Chinese and Korean clothes. Serah loves so many different cultures since I walked into her life when she was only 2. I taught her and her sisters love of music, culture, reading, and art. She smiles and she pulls out a medium sized Ipad and on it are already apps for learning Korean, Mandrin, and Japanese. There all in English of course this might have been a tad bit hard for the guys to download. Still I peek over her shoulder and smile at Kendal and Serah.

“Alright Crystal it’s your turn open your present.”

She nods her head as she starts pulling out a few books. I look over to see that they are at her difficulty like her sister’s. They are books on animals, plants, and other parts of the world. I almost fear the books will be to hard for her, but she simply smiles brightly and goes to the clothing that se has that’s all animal prints. Something she loves so much. Then she looks at the Ipad to see identifiers for plants, animals, and animal tracks plus apps to help her with Korean and keep her up to date on her English.

I smile at they run over to the guys and give each one of them a hug. I smile brightly at them in my gratitude for them getting all of this for my adoptive daughters.

“Guys wouldn’t it have been odd for you to be buying clothing for little girls?”

“Oh we had manager-nim go buy them. We gave him what we wanted and he went to get it.”

I smile as I nod my head, “I should thank him later for his help. So can I open my presents now?”

“Of course,” they say at the same time which is kind of loud since its six guys plus four little girls.

I look inside the bag to see that my presents are wrapped up. I look at them and they simply shrug.

“How about each of you take out your presents and hand them to me?”

They seem to like the idea because they race over and take presents out of the bag all of them except Himchan. He simply keeps his hands in his pocket.

Zelo is first to give me a present. I guess they are going youngest to oldest… Yet why is Himchan in the back from what I can see. I shrug again and smile as Zelo hands me his present.

I open it to see that it’s a beautiful pendant in a design on a real heart. I laugh slightly as I open it to see that in the medium sized pendant is a picture of the guys and me together then on the other side is Mel, Ae Sook, the girls, Himchan, and me squeezed in the picture. 

I smile as I lean forward and pull Zelo down so I can hug him. He chuckles and hugs me back.

“There’s a memory card on the bottom if you want the pictures bigger.”

“Thank you.”

He nods as he steps back and Jongup steps forward to give me his present. Its about the size of a hard cover book. I smile at him as he hands me the present. I open it to find a small box set on a black rectangle. I take the smaller box and open it to find a beautiful bracelets that have a lotus's on it.I smile glad that he remembered it my love for lotus flowers i brought up only once. 

“I know it’s not as extravagant as Zelo’s but check under it.”

I nod my head as I pick up the black rectangle to show me its one of those frames where two are connected. Like Zelo’s it has a picture with BAP and me, but this one is from when we first met and I asked if I could take a picture when them. On the other side is when all of us where together after I took the girls in.

I stand up and give him a hug, “Thank you, Jongup this is beautiful I’ll have to place it on my desk so I can see it everyday.”

Daehyun is next handing me his present that is the size for a box you’d put a shirt. I look at him and he simply smiles at me. Its surprising that he’s not talking blabbering on about something that may not be relevant. I open the present to find a beautiful white dress inside. I lift it up to see under it are ballet slippers that are pure white.

I look up at him and he simply smiles at me.  I walk over to him and give him a hug tightly.

“This is beautiful. Why did you give this to me? Its to white for me to wear normally.”

He simply shrugs and backs ups. The maknaes look at each other confused but they still shrug and watch as Youngjae hands me his present that’s in a little big thicker box than what Daehyun had given me. I open it to see two Tripp jackets. One is a bright yellow green making me smiles brightly. I look at the other jacket to see that it’s a nice black designed one.

“These are amazing Youngjae,” I jump up and give him a hug.

Yongguk hands me an envelope. I give him and look and he simply shrugs. I open it to see that its two tickets to Hawaii.

“Oh my god Yongguk you didn’t have to get these. Everyone these presents are wonderful but they must have costed you a fortune.”

They shake their heads and back up. Himchan smiles as he walks up to me and pulls me away from everyone.

“Sorry I made dinner reservations for the two of us.”

I look down at my clothing.

“Am I even dressed for that?”

He hands me a chocolate colored box. I open it to find a beautiful light teal dress with a white corset on it.

I smile over at him as I race to the bathroom with the box and change into the dress for our date tonight.

As I run out everyone look flabbergasted, “What did I put it on wrong?”

“No, you look beautiful,” both maknaes and the young girls in the room, say to me.

I smile brightly at them and look at Himchan and he says, “You look beautiful like I thought you would.”

“Thank you everyone. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Umma appa,” we look back at my three girls, “See you in the morning.”

Himchan and I laugh and give them all a hug tightly.

 “Alright, see you in the morning be good for your uncles and Mel, arraso?”

They nod their heads as they give us a gentle push towards the door.

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 22: Awwwww...hehe, happy ending though, done reading this one! :)
Chapter 23: Omg perfect family
Chapter 20: Omg im so inloveee! Updateeeeeee
Chapter 13: Good chapter, update again soon please :)
RainaSeoyounKo #5
Chapter 11: O_O
It got so dramatic all.of a sudden!!!
YoongiholicAnonymous #6
whoa that was close!
update soon
RainaSeoyounKo #7
Plzz update ur story soon...bc i <3 it!
I love your stories!! After I found you on deviantart, I loved reading what you write!! Please update soon ^-^
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
that what charlie said was in my mind too^^
they really look like a cute happy family :)
update soon^^
BaeYeonRin #10
kekeke this story is cute. I read both stories and I love them. Update soon, and maybe Mel will be with yongguk?:))