Busan Trip: Pieces of the Puzzle

You Belong With Me

Chapter 9 – Busan Trip: Pieces of the Puzzle



After almost 6 hours of non-stop driving, night had descended upon the now quiet streets of Busan. Seohyun had never come to the city before, but it didn’t look much more different than Seoul. The biggest difference however was the fact that Seoul was much brighter and much more active at this time of the day than Busan was. The night was still crawling with movement; still, Seoul had this city beat.

“We’re finally here guys,” Joon pointed out to the people in the back of the minivan Joon had rented in order to fit the entire group. “What do we do about food because I am starving!” Everyone turned their attention to Yonghwa as if he were the authority when it came to matters related to Busan.

“Why are you guys all looking at me?”

“Well, aren’t you from here?” Hyuna asked.

“No, I lived in Seoul for a really long time. I only ever came down to Busan to see my grandparents every year. I never actually stayed for very long. Besides, I haven’t been down here in almost five years,” he reminded everyone. Whatever they did, they better do it fast. Yonghwa wanted to get out of the car not only because he was hungry, but also because he was tired of being Hyuna’s pillow. He swore there was no woman he had ever met that was bolder than her.

“Oh, I didn’t know that,” Hyuna quietly replied before resting her head of jet black hair on Yonghwa’s shoulder once more. Her delicate arm was wrapped around his, bring the two closer than they really needed to be. Yonghwa was glad he was wearing pants and not shorts or else Hyuna’s unclothed legs would be rubbing against him.

“Hey, hey you two, save that for the hotel,” Joon teased while looking in the rear view mirror. The entire group looked back to give the pair a sly look, which only pissed Yonghwa off even more. He wondered what he had done in his past life to deserve that torture. Then again he kept that little thought to himself. He was sure any guy in the world would berate him for thinking about being with Hyuna as torture.

“Hotel? I’d rather stay with my parents for tonight,” Yonghwa stated.

“No! We all have to stay at the hotel. You can’t party at your parent’s house, they’ll kill us,” Joon whined. “I’m not going to stop until we get to our hotel.” Yonghwa rolled his eyes and just shut his mouth. He knew that once Joon was in his ‘I’m the boss’ mode, there was no going back. All he could do is look out the window and notice how the colorful street lights of the business district flew by them.

“Joon, you can’t stop him from seeing his parents. He hasn’t seen them in the longest time,” Seohyun reproached her boyfriend. Joon’s smug attitude died down once he realized that fact. He never got to see his parents because they were never home and it saddened him. Yonghwa had the opportunity to see them now and he couldn’t deny him that.

“Alright we’ll go visit them right now then!”


Everyone was excited to see Yonghwa’s parents after they had decided to go to his place. Everyone except Hyuna had met them before and they all knew they were the best parents anyone could want. They were a caring, middle aged couple that wouldn’t stop feeding you until your stomach was one bite away from bursting. Yonghwa’s mother had been one of the cooks for Seohyun’s family for years. Even Seon Nyeo, Seohyun’s experienced personal assistant, envied the woman’s cooking skill.

Seohyun had especially wanted to see the parents of her best friend. They had been a second family to her. Growing up without a mother was made easier by Yonghwa’s mom as she would go pick them up from school or the park together. His dad was her favorite ahjusshi in the entire world. Every time he could he would sneak her a bit of candy even though her strict father forbade it.

“Jang Woo, wake up,” Eun Jung commanded to the boy slobbering all over her shirt. “Yah! We’re almost at Yonghwa’s parent’s restaurant!” The knocked out boy shot up out of his resting position instantly and wiped the slippery saliva off of his face.

“Oh man I’m starving!” he yelled out as his first words.

“You guys are horrible,” Hyuna reprimanded. “You are only thinking about using his parents for food.”

“Hyuna you don’t understand. You’ve never had that woman’s food before so you have no say in this,” Joon defended. “It’s like you die and go to heaven a thousand times over when Yonghwa’s mom feeds you. It’s better than anything in this world!”

“It’s better than ,” Jang Woo cut in. Eun Jung didn’t know whether to take that as an insult to her ‘ability’ in the bedroom or not, but she didn’t care. All she knew was that she had to eat some of Yonghwa’s mother’s food and fast.

“If Jang Woo, the biggest ert in the world says that, it’s gotta be good,” Eun Jung laughed. “And can you not talk about our lives in public please?”

“Guys shut up we’re here,” Seohyun ordered. As soon as the soft hum of the engine died out, the group scrambled to get into the small restaurant they were parked in front of. Everyone except Hyuna that is. She was so confused with the current situation she couldn’t make heads or tails of it.

“This is your parent’s restaurant?” Hyuna asked Yonghwa in disbelief.

“Yeah, they’ve been running it ever since they moved back here from Seoul a few years ago. It’s not much but they make a fair amount of money since it’s so popular.” Hyuna walked slowly beside Yonghwa as he took in a breath of the familiar Busan air filled with the scent of the ocean.

“What’s going on here?” Hyuna thought to herself. “Why would a rich guy like Yonghwa have his parents live like this?” None of it made sense to her. She could have sworn she was told Yonghwa had been family friends with the Seo family. They also lived in Seohyun’s rich neighborhood. There was no way you could live there and be poor. He had to be rich.

“I hope we don’t interrupt them while they’re closing the place down,” Seohyun thoughtfully added.

“Girl, this is no time to be thinking about being nice,” Eun Jung mocked her. Sometimes Seohyun was just too nice for her own good. “This is a matter of life or death.”

“Eun Jung, it’s just food.”

“Okay Jang Woo, do you want to stay out here if they’re closing?”  Eun Jung questioned. When she got no response from the young man she just rolled her eyes and threw her chin up in victory.

Yonghwa lead the way through the glass door that set off a small bell indicating someone had come in. It was a few minutes until 9pm, otherwise known as closing time, so he worried he would interrupt their work. None of them had come to his parent’s restaurant before and they were all floored by the interior. It looked like it had come straight out of a historical drama. Traditional paintings, calligraphy, and even some expensive looking pottery decorated the entire place. Each table had a flower arrangement that looked handmade and the entire place had an aura of warmth that pulled you in against your will.

“Welcome everyone!” yelled a male voice from the kitchen.

“I’m very sorry but we are already closing down for the night. Please excuse my rudeness,” a sweet and innocent looking woman apologized while bowing deeply.

“Umma, you’re going to kick your only son out?” Yonghwa spoke up quietly. The woman heard his deep voice and raised herself immediately.

“Yonghwa!? Aigoo! You’re back!” she squealed. The group parted as she flew across the room to give him a hug that looked like it had knocked all the air out of him. “You’re such a bad son not coming to see us in so long. Why did you only come just now?”

“Sorry mom, plane tickets are expensive,” Yonghwa choked out jokingly while trying to fight down tears.

“Yeobo! Our son is back. Yonghwa is back!” she yelled towards the kitchen.

“Yonghwa yah? Omo! How have you been son?” Yonghwa’s father came running out of the kitchen.

“I’ve been well abeoji,” he responded while letting his father give him a manly hug. “How have you guys been?”

“What’s up bro?” greeted a delicate voice from behind everyone. “I see you finally decided to show your face.”

“Krystal what are you doing here?” Joon asked Yonghwa’s little sister.

“I came back to hang with my parents for the summer. Umma, appa, sorry I didn’t tell you Yonghwa oppa was going to come. It would ruin the surprise.” Krystal joined in on the hug and completed the Jung family reunion. Seohyun and Eun Jung both looked at the scene with tear filled eyes while Joon and Jang Woo both were just waiting to be fed. Hyuna was still as confused as ever but she was determined to find out the truth about Yonghwa’s family.

“So um, I’m sorry to be so rude but would it be possible to get something to eat?” Joon cut in.

“Of course, we’ll have a feast ready for you in no time. Krystal, help me with setting the table. I can’t leave all these kids to go to bed hungry,” the loving mother commented.


“Oh I think I’m dying,” Jang Woo dramatically groaned while still shoving spoonfuls of a seafood stew down his throat.

“Well then stop eating ,” Eun Jung sarcastically ordered.

“You kids haven’t changed a bit,” Yonghwa’s mom laughed. “Well except that you all got so much more beautiful. Seohyun ah, you look dazzling sweetheart.” Seohyun blushed a little and began to fiddle with the hem of her shirt. “Is this what being in love does for you?” The middle aged woman looked over at Yonghwa and noticed a small flash of pain in his eyes when she finished her sentence. Mothers knew their children best and it hurt her to think that her son couldn’t have the girl he wanted.

“Thanks eomeoni,” Seohyun bashfully replied. “Joon has been a great help over these past few years and I’m really grateful to have him by my side. Hyuna here was the one that helped me fix myself up.” Everyone’s attention turned to the dark haired girl who hadn’t really eaten too much off of her plate. It wasn’t because she didn’t like the food, but because she was still trying to make sense of the situation.

“I haven’t met you before. Your name is Hyuna?”

“Oh, ye-yeah, I’m Kim Hyuna. Nice to meet you,” she introduced herself after coming back to reality. The woman noticed the way that the girl had acted around Yonghwa and could immediately tell she was interested in him. It brought a smile to her face to see someone trying to make Yonghwa happy even though she secretly wished it were Seohyun.

“I see you two couples are still going strong,” the mother pointed out. “When am I going to hear the wedding bells?” Everyone dropped their eating utensils and choked a little on the food in their mouths.

“Aigoo, I’d never get married to this thing right here,” Eun Jung whined. “Never going to happen!” Laughs were heard throughout the room and the group resumed their painful, but still delicious, task of finishing everything on the plates in front of them.

“Sorry if it’s rude to ask but how do you all know each other,” Hyuna began interrogating.

“It’s no problem honey. Seohyun’s mother hired me as a cook when she came to a small restaurant I worked part time at,” the woman began to explain. “It was a miracle that she found me when I was at the lowest point in my life. I was a little skeptical at first since some random woman had just asked me to work for her out of the blue but I needed the money.”

“Seohyun’s father was my boss at his company for the time I worked part time as well. He grew a liking to me after I saved one of the workers from an accident and took me in as his butler. He wanted to do more for me, but I couldn’t accept that much generosity from him,” the older man remembered. Seohyun began to tear up as she heard the story of how such great people had been put into her life by her parents.

“We met while working in their house and it was love at first sight,” Yonghwa’s mother recounted, eliciting a few aw’s from Eun Jung and Seohyun. Jang Woo and Joon ignored the story that seemed to them was girl talk and they argued over who would get the last piece of kimchi on the plate.

“I’m so grateful to have you in my life. I thank my parents every day I can for having found you all. Without you I don’t know where I would be in life.” Seohyun finished her sentence and let the tears pooling in her eyes out. The caring mother came over to the girl she considered her daughter and gave her a big hug.

“Your mother would be proud of you if she saw how beautiful and successful you are now,” her favorite ahjusshi commented. “You look just like her when she was younger. Your father is probably reminded so much of her when he sees you and he can’t help being overprotective of the last gift she left him.”

“Yeah, I know,” Seohyun sniffled.

“Okay……” Joon awkwardly interrupted the sweet moment between ‘family.’ “We’re going to be waiting outside while you guys finish up.”

“You should go out back and enjoy the empty beach guys,” Krystal jumped in. “It’s a beautiful night.” Everyone agreed and began to head out. Joon broke out his wallet and left at least five times the amount the meal would have actually cost. After fighting with Yonghwa’s dad, he finally got the old man to take the generous amount before heading to the beach.

“What’s all this racket?!” a grouchy voice yelled from the kitchen. An elderly woman came out rubbing her eyes as if she had just been woken up from a great nap. “Who are you people?”

“Grandma is here too?” Yonghwa asked. It seemed like just about everyone in Yonghwa’s family was in the restaurant that night.

“Yeah she was here helping out but she decided to take a nap in the break room.” Both Yonghwa and Seohyun looked at the woman with a sense of pity. She was worn out from years of hard work but it was her mental health that made them worry. The poor woman had Alzheimer’s which prevented her from even recognizing her own daughter and grandchildren sometimes.

“Omo, you look a lot like my grandson Yonghwa,” the elder confusedly noticed when she took a look at Yonghwa. “The Yonghwa I remember is a caring little boy not a handsome man like you. I remember all his little friends too. There was Eun Jung, Joonie, and Jang Woo too.”

“Halmeoni… It’s me Yonghwa. Don’t you remember?” Yonghwa sadly asked. The woman squinted her failing eyes and tried her hardest to recognize the boy claiming to be her grandson. “Do you remember her?”

“Oh! This is Seo Joo Hee!” the older woman cried. “This is the woman I owe my entire life to. You saved my daughter and me from living like rats.” Everyone gave each other a sideways glance and exchanged worried looks.

“Halmeoni, I’m not Joo Hee. I’m Seohyun, her daughter. Do you remember me?”  Hyuna hadn’t left the group as she had stuck by Yonghwa to figure out more about his life. If she were completely honest with herself, she didn’t really care whether or not Yonghwa’s grandmother remembered them or not. She just needed more information on how he had lived his life.

“Sun Hwa…” the grandmother began, directing her attention towards her daughter. “Why is there an angel in the house?”

“Angel? Mom what are you talking about?” Yonghwa’s mother asked.

“Look, this girl. Don’t you see that purity and innocence? I feel like she came down straight from the heavens. I’m sure she would show us her wings if we asked her,” the feeble woman babbled. Seohyun blushed from the way she was being described. It always got her when Yonghwa’s family treated her like that. “Are you here for my grandson? He’s probably the same age as you. I would love it if a nice girl like you married him. Can you promise me you’ll do that?”

“Mom! You’re embarrassing her. Don’t pay attention to her. She doesn’t know what she’s saying,” Yonghwa’s mom added.

“Let me introduce you to my friend Hyuna,” Seohyun chimed. “I’m sure she will actually be the one you want Yonghwa to marry. I can’t marry him sadly.” Yonghwa felt slightly uncomfortable with the way they were setting up marriages in front of him without even asking. Hyuna came out from the background and bowed before the two elders.

“I’m Kim Hyuna and I think your grandson would make a great husband,” she stated in the most delicate voice she could muster.

“No! You can’t marry my grandson!” she suddenly shrieked. “Sun Hwa get this demon out of my house!” Everyone looked up at Yonghwa’s grandmother with a look of complete shock on their faces. “Can’t you see the fire and darkness in her eyes? She’s an evil and greedy woman. Don’t let her come near us. You stay away you witch! I never want to see you touch my grandson ever! You’re a demon spawn that will ruin the lives of everyone you come into contact with.”

“Let’s get her out of here,” Yonghwa’s dad suggested. He slowly guided the woman back to the kitchen in order to cool her off. He gave Yonghwa an apologetic nod which he understood clearly.

“Forgive us for her actions. I’ll go see if we can calm her down. I think it’s best if you guys go to bed now. I would offer you all to stay here but I’m not sure you would prefer this over your hotel,” Yonghwa’s mother ashamedly admitted.

“Thanks for everything mom. I’ll come by every day I’m here to see if grandma gets better. Hyuna please forgive her, she’s not exactly in the best state of mind.”

“It’s fine,” Hyuna lied. She felt genuinely offended since some woman she had just met had the nerve to insult her that way. She was a part of Yonghwa’s family, however, so she had to let it slide.


“Joon! Jang Woo! Eun Jung!” the remaining members of the group yelled out to their friends.

“Where did those idiots go?” Yonghwa sighed. He was in the mood to just hit the sheets and crash for a good night of sleep. “Let’s split up and meet at the restaurant once we find them.” Hyuna and Seohyun nodded and went off in their separate directions.

Seohyun remembered the way that Yonghwa’s grandmother had described her and she blushed again. “Aish, Seo Joohyun what are you thinking about now.” She needed to just scream her lungs out and cry to get rid of all the stress she had as of late. The only thing she was sure of at the moment was that she was totally confused and that wasn’t too reassuring. Her walk continued until she noticed a large piece of driftwood, or possibly a log, on which she could rest on.

Too many weird things were happening inside her ever since Yonghwa had come back. She kept telling herself she was just glad that he was back because she had missed having someone like him around. That was the only explanation she had to give herself a little comfort. Why was it that it seemed like she was lying to herself though? Sometimes she believed that she was just happy because she missed him but others she felt like it was something different.

“You’re rather pensive, any reason why?” Eun Jung called out from behind. Seohyun scooted over on the log to give Eun Jung a place to sit. They had actually been best girl friends before Hyuna came into their lives so it was kind of like a blast from the past. “You’re usually not like this. You want to talk about it?”

“How did you know Eun Jung?”

“How did I know what? You mean that something was up?” Eun Jung shot back. Seohyun just nodded while hugging herself to keep the slight breeze out of her body.  “I’m insulted you know. I’m still one of your best friends if you didn’t remember.” Seohyun gave her a nervous laugh and let out a deep sigh.

“Eun Jung, can I tell you something really strange?” she asked her short haired friend. Eun Jung nodded as if it were something that was expected of her, something that didn’t need permission. “You have to promise to not judge me for anything I say. I really need help with this though.”

“You’re starting to scare me. Just tell me and we’ll go from there.”

“Do you think it’s possible to feel things for two people at once?” Seohyun asked as if she were a five year old asking her mother about boys.

“You mean like friends? Or more than that?” Eun Jung inquired with curiosity.

“Well you see there’s someone in my class…” Seohyun began to lie. “I find myself thinking about him in really weird ways sometimes. Everyone always comments how we would be really cute together, but then I remember how much Joon and I have been through and I feel like I’m betraying him.” Eun Jung sat in her seat staring at Seohyun pensively, trying to figure out just what nonsense she was babbling.

“Do you like this boy?”

“No, well… sort of? Sometimes I do? It’s not the same how I like Joon. Joon makes me feel tingly inside whenever we’re together or when we kiss.” Eun Jung almost laughed at how softly and shyly Seohyun had added in that last part. “This other boy though makes me feel warm and safe inside. Sometimes I just want to hug him and have him tell me everything is going to be okay when it’s not.”

“This doesn’t really sound all too weird to me,” Eun Jung threw in her opinion. “You don’t seem to be ually attracted to this guy. It seems like he’s more of a best friend or brother figure to you. If he doesn’t make you feel tingly inside then I think you’re going to be okay.” Even though she was saying all that, she seemed to have some doubts. Seohyun was always a girl who knew what she wanted and never did anything that made her feel guilty.

“I don’t know what I’m doing anymore Eun Jung. Sometimes I even want to put him ahead of Joon in my heart and that’s so wrong of me. I know I still really like Joon, I do. I still am in love with him, but I feel like some of that love kind of goes over to the wrong side sometimes. At first I thought it was just because I really missed him and he came back to me.”

“Who came back? That guy you’re talking about?”

“Yeah, him. At first I was just really happy he came back after all those years of being gone,” Seohyun explained, not realizing she was getting dangerously close to saying something she shouldn’t be. Eun Jung started to catch the drift of what Seohyun was saying, but she stayed quiet in order to let her finish her thoughts. “I would tell myself: ‘Seohyun, you’re just happy he’s back that’s it,’ but now I don’t know anymore.”

“What about the situation makes you uncomfortable?”

“Eun Jung if I knew I wouldn’t be in this mess. I think it’s just better if I keep my distance. Joon won’t like it if he knew that I was starting to feel anything for Yonghwa other than…” She would have continued her sentence had she not slapped her hands across with her eyes open wide. “! You didn’t hear anything.” The startled girl began to stand up but was held down by Eun Jung before she could run off.

“What!? It’s Yonghwa? Okay this is huge; you have to tell me everything now!” Eun Jung ordered. “Seohyun you’re in deep trouble if you don’t figure this out.”

“Ahhhhhhhhhh! I hate this! What is wrong with me Eun Jung? Why do I feel like this?”

“How bad is it? Do you feel like this all the time? Is it every time you see him?”

“No, it’s not that bad. It only happens when we’re really close together. It happened when I went to wake him up and the time I helped him take care of the bruise on his lip when he defended Hyuna,” Seohyun explained.

“So you don’t feel like you have a crush on him? Do you think about him often?” Eun Jung continued interrogating.

“No, it’s only been a few times but it scares me to think that I could be betraying Joon’s trust.”

“As long as it stays like that it’s fine. I’m sure anyone would feel weird when they are that close together. You don’t sound like you like him. You probably just like the thrill of being that close with someone that’s not your boyfriend. I think that’s pretty normal, as weird as that sounds,” Eun Jung finished.

“It hurt so much when he was being cold after I stood him up,” Seohyun confessed. “I keep telling myself that it’s because I felt hurt that he didn’t want to keep the tradition going. Then when I really thought about it, I had no idea why it felt like someone was cutting me with a dull, rusty knife.”

She honestly thought Seohyun was going to confess that she liked Yonghwa and that would just ruin everything. Then she remembered how much of a naïve little girl she was and she was relieved. Eun Jung felt like Seohyun was just exaggerating a few little random meetings to make it seem bigger than it really was. After all, she was someone who was always easily pulled down by guilt.

“Come on, let’s go find the others. I think they said they were heading back to the restaurant when we split up.” Eun Jung figured it was best if the confused woman figured her feelings out on her own. It wouldn’t do any good to pry into Seohyun’s heart when the girl didn’t know what it was she felt to begin with.


“Your parents are really nice,” Hyuna commented, breaking the comfortable silence between her and Yonghwa. He looked down from the stars to her face which had a smile he had never seen on her before. He realized she probably missed her parents even though she put up such a strong face all the time.

“Yeah, I’m sure yours would be just as nice. I saw a picture of your mom when I dropped you off that one time. She was really beautiful,” he added to try to cheer her up a bit. Hyuna scoffed a little at his bad attempt to compliment her and continued walking.

“They seem to really like Seohyun too. I’m sure she loves your mom because she also doesn’t have one,” Hyuna noticed. Ever since she had met his parents, she was feeling torn between her reason and her heart. Hyuna had told her grandma she would marry a rich man at all costs to get her out of her miserable life. Now that she knew Yonghwa was probably not even from middle class, she wasn’t so sure of what she felt for him.

“Even though Seohyun has everything she could ever want she can never have her mother’s care,” Yonghwa tenderly spoke. “Money isn’t everything. I’m not going to lie and say I don’t want to have money since I want to help my parents buy a bigger house so they wouldn’t have to work as hard. Seeing them happy like this, though, makes me feel too greedy. Sometimes what we have is more than enough to get us through life happily.”

Those words made Hyuna feel both happy and sad at the same time. She hated herself for hating the fact that Yonghwa wasn’t rich. He was too much of a good guy and that was getting to her. Every time he did even the slightest things for her or his friends she would become even more attracted to him. It was her inner child that had been deprived of care all those years back that wanted him to care for her. That little voice inside told her that she had to have him because he would know just how to make her happy, even if he couldn’t buy her million dollar pieces of jewelry.

Then her adult mind would kick in and tell her he wasn’t worth it because he was poor just like her. Sure he could become a doctor and make a lot of money in the future, but that was still a long way to go. There was no guarantee that it would happen anyways. Both voices in her head constantly bickered about how they should deal with her feelings. One thing was certain though, she had him in her heart and no matter what, he wasn’t going to come out any time soon.

“Oh yeah… that’s true…” she mumbled as if she wanted to believe that, but at the same time she didn’t.

“So how is it Hyuna?” he asked while still looking at her.

“How is what?” she answered while coming back from having a rather long mental conversation with her two little voices in her head.

“You met my parents. How was it? Do you still think I’m worth it? I know exactly the kind of girl you are. You want luxuries and expensive things to satisfy all your material desires,” he began to explain. Hyuna blushed and was happy that it was dark so he couldn’t tell. “I can read you like a book. You wouldn’t date someone that couldn’t give you all of that. The way you dress and hold yourself up tells me that you’re a girl that wants the best in life.”

“Are you calling me a gold digger?!” she yelled in a slightly offended voice. She couldn’t deny that wealth was a factor that she took into consideration, but still, he didn’t have to rub it in her face.

“If you want to take it that way sure,” he joked, receiving a huff of air from the girl walking next to him. “Do you still think you could say that you like me as much as you did a few hours ago? I know you thought I was rich, but I’m not.”

“How did you…?”

“I could just tell from the way you treated me. Just because my parents were friends with Seohyun’s parent’s you assumed I had to be rich. Nope, I’m just the son of two servants that two rich people basically pulled off of the street,” he pointed out the harsh reality. Even though Hyuna was a materialist, she still didn’t feel like it was necessary for him to speak about his parents that way.

“You don’t need to do this you know,” she assured him. “I think you’re just trying to scare me away from you because you hate me.”

“I don’t hate you, I just think you’re annoying as hell,” he admitted shamelessly. “So Kim Hyuna, do you still like poor-not-rich Jung Yonghwa?”

“Yes,” she answered firmly. “I really like poor-not-rich, handsome, smart, and nice guy Jung Yonghwa.” She finished her sentence and quickly placed a kiss on his cheek without warning. Hyuna of course would have liked to plant one on his lips, but it was hardly the time and place for that.

“Wow, you surprised me with that answer.”

“I surprised myself too.” Hyuna began to worry about just how much she liked that man. Usually she would have second guessed herself and she wouldn’t have said yes so fast. The speed with which she answered told her that she was head over heels for the guy even though he didn’t have money.  However, in her mind she knew that it wouldn’t last. Money was something that Hyuna would want instinctively. For now that didn’t matter because her feelings for him clouded her judgment far too much for her to care about that.

“Who the hell are you Jung Yonghwa? Why is it that I can say that I like you even after I know who you really are? How is it that you made me agree to liking you so quickly? I love money, everyone knows that. Do I like you more though?” Hyuna thought to herself while letting out a chuckle at the ridiculousness of the situation.



Author’s Note: So the story is kind of picking up… okay I might have lied a little in my last note so sorry! For some reason I just start writing and writing and when I hit my 5000 words I realize that I screwed up and didn’t actually get anything accomplished. Sorry for the boring family restaurant parts. At least I threw in a little things about how Hyuna and Seohyun are feeling which will set up future events.

That little comment I made about chapter 14 being good was a lie. It’s actually chapter 15 now since I did some editing. Sorry :(

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Wilde_sparxx #1
Chapter 35: Wahooo, finally reached the end! This story had so much pining, drama overload and plot shenanigans that I thought my head was gonna explode before reaching the end. Lol, great job and I'm glad you've finished it honestly... There are some absolute genius stories out that are incomplete and have been unfinished for years... So once again great job...
Wilde_sparxx #2
Chapter 29: Haha, this was somewhat of a light hearted chapter.
Wilde_sparxx #3
Chapter 23: I don't know why but I'm not feeling it with these two...
Still a good story though.
Wilde_sparxx #4
Chapter 22: That magic old lady, I want to know more about her...
She's there in almost all of your stories
Wilde_sparxx #5
Chapter 21: I'm quite happy if he ends up with min young tbh. At this point he has spent way too much time pining.
Wilde_sparxx #6
Chapter 11: That was like a personality transplant ... So he's pretty much lying to himself and hyuna... This could get interesting ...
Wilde_sparxx #7
Chapter 7: You weren't kidding when said the first 10 chapters were to be slow ...
unfeignedfaith #8
Chapter 7: Favourite part in this chapter? Their phone convo in the end. So dramatic and angsty...I love it!!!
pipopanda #9
Chapter 35: FINALLY THEY happy...
after so much rough...
unfeignedfaith #10
Chapter 27: Hmmmm there is a slight error here though. As a healthcare professional, it is highly not recommended (some don't even allow it as part of hospital protocol) for workers to look after patients who are either related to them or knows them (well) due to, as you said, it could impair their judgments and also, due to privacy issues. In reality, Yonghwa shouldn't have been looking after Hyuna in the first place. But I guess, since it's fiction, it's alright. Not many readers would know that unless they're aware of the legislations about things like this.