Just Married

You Belong With Me

Chapter 19 – Just Married


*********************SUPER IMPORTANT!! There’s going to be a note towards the end of the chapter. Please read it before continuing the chapter. You’ll know what it is when you see it.


Seohyun finally found the inner peace to get a good night of sleep since the events of a few days ago. No longer did she have nightmares of Joon and Hyuna doing awful things to her while she could only helplessly watch. Even in her sleep she could feel the warmth and protection that the extra body in her bed gave her. Yonghwa on the other hand felt useful for once. He finally could do something for her in a time where she desperately needed it.

Yonghwa woke up to a sight that made his heart jump out of his chest. A small figure rested on his body peacefully, forcing him to remember the events of last night. He shifted her off of him gently and took a look at the girl’s peaceful face. Messy strands of hair stuck out here and there while a small trickle of drool escaped . It took a lot of will power to not laugh out loud at the sight of her. As much as he wanted to get up and get ready for the events of the day, he couldn’t break free of her.

Her peaceful face entranced him, forcing him to stare against his will. He figured if she woke up, she would think he was some kind of creeper that loved staring at people in their sleep. Even so, it didn’t matter as long as he could admire her longer. His face grew beet red when her eyes shot open and he was caught in the act.

“Good morning sleepyhead,” he greeted in his usual way. “Glad you could finally wake up.”

“Good morning stalker. Did you enjoy staring at me while I sleep?” Seohyun teased back when she noticed how red Yonghwa’s face was. “I probably shouldn’t have let a weirdo like you sleep in my bed. I wonder what other kind of creepy stuff you did to me while I slept.”

Yonghwa wanted to counter everything she was saying but he was too flustered to speak. “Oh yeah? Well there’s nothing to stare at anyways. I was only having a look of your gross hair and all your eye gunk. You snore and look at all the drool on your cheeks.” He almost made a comment about how nobody would want marry her since they would have to see her in the morning, but restrained himself. That would only remind her of Joon and what he did to her.

This time it was Seohyun’s turn to blush before she ran into the bathroom to make herself more presentable. Yonghwa laughed loudly in front of the door then went to the kitchen to find some food. He looked around the hotel room and found that it was as elegant as the rooms in Seohyun’s house. It would definitely be a waste to leave even though Seohyun had it booked for five more days.

The bed was large enough for at least five people to sleep on, if not more. The canopy over it was probably made of the finest silk from what he could tell. A look towards the living room revealed a sofa set made of what looked like red velvet. He figured that even one of those couches was more expensive than his entire house back in Busan. The kitchen counters were made of a shiny black stone that was almost as reflective as a mirror. He hadn’t taken a look into the bathroom, but he was willing to bet there was a hot tub in there.

All of that was impressive, but he wouldn’t mind if it was a modest room he stayed in. The one thing he did really enjoy was the view from the balcony. There was a small glass table set up out there where one could eat and see the splendor that Hawaii had to give. From up there he could see the long white stretch of beach that didn’t seem to end until it met up with the horizon. A look to his far right showed the slopes of a small mountain covered entirely in lush vegetation. A tropical breeze blew past him, bringing him the smells of the island paradise. There was the familiar salty smell that all oceans have, but it was mixed with another fragrance that was new to him. If there was anything more beautiful than this place, Yonghwa would pay millions to see it because he was sure it didn’t exist.

“The view is amazing isn’t it?” Seohyun spoke from beside him, breaking him out of his daydreaming. “I didn’t really get to check out the room or view yesterday since I was feeling so down. Do you see now why we have to stay? We can’t let this go to waste. “

Yonghwa suppressed his urge to throw an arm around Seohyun’s shoulder to pull her closer. As much as he wanted to stay, he knew they had to go back. He couldn’t end up screwing things up with her and ruining their friendship. There would be just too many opportunities for him to end up making a move on her. “Your dad won’t be happy that I’m here with you when I said I was going to take you home.”

“I already left him a voice mail,” Seohyun pointed out. “I told him that I begged you not to go and he hasn’t called back. He’s probably going to tell me to tell you to just enjoy yourself since you need to go on a vacation. All you do is go to school and work all the time. Don’t tell me you don’t want to enjoy yourself.”

“It’s not that…” he responded. “It’s just that I don’t want to stay here with a girl like Seo Joohyun. I mean, her breath stinks so badly in when she wakes up and she looks like someone threw her face into a blender in the morning.” He knew Seohyun was going to go ballistic once she caught onto his words so he ran into the bathroom door and locked it. The situation reminded him of the time they were playing around on his bed before they went on the Busan trip.

“Jung Yonghwa you’re so dead when you come out.” Yonghwa just laughed at her while making childish noises through the door. “Fine don’t come out. I’ll just have to go through your suitcase and cut up all your clothes.”

“Alright, I’m coming!” he yelled through the door. “I’m just going to brush my teeth.”

Seohyun sat on the couch waiting for Yonghwa to come out of the bathroom so she could get revenge on him, but stopped when Yonghwa began taking off his shirt. She let out a high pitched squeak then proceeded to close her eyes shut. “What’s wrong?” Yonghwa asked, oblivious to her situation. Seohyun lifted her eyes to meet his face, but quickly closed them again when she saw his shirt was still halfway off.

“Put your shirt back on you ert!” she yelled.

“What? It’s not like you didn’t see me at the beach back in Busan. Ugh, you’re such a little girl,” he complained. Without taking heed to her suggestions, he continued to rip of his shirt. “I’m changing into something more appropriate for going out. I’m not going to go out there in pajamas.”

“You could have warned me,” Seohyun pointed out while peeking through the hands covering her eyes.

“You’re peeking,” Yonghwa teased. “You’re the one that’s a ert.” Seohyun covered her entire face with her small hands to avoid even more embarrassment. “Aren’t you going to change?”

“Not in front of you!” she yelled.

“I never said you had to…” Yonghwa replied. “Stop being annoying and hurry up. I’ll go eat breakfast without you if I have to.” Seohyun sighed in relief when she saw that Yonghwa finally put on another shirt before running past him. All he could do was stand there and watch while she pulled a few things out of her suitcase.

“Stupid Yonghwa and your stupid jokes,” she mumbled before entering the bathroom to change.


Finally, the pair was dressed to go out and enjoy the trip that was already planned out for them. Seohyun wore a pair of flip flops along with shorts that showed a lot more of her legs than Yonghwa was used to. Her loose fitting tank top left her shoulders uncovered as well. Back home, that would be considered to be showing too much skin. Yonghwa remembered that in the United States, girls knew how to wear even less than that.

“You know you’re not really dressed for the weather,” Seohyun pointed out as they walked side by side to the small restaurant on the first floor of the hotel. Yonghwa looked down at his collared shirt and faded blue jeans when she pointed that out. “I’m sure you’re going to be hot in that.”

Yonghwa would have argued back but he knew the girl wouldn’t let him pose a proper argument. They made their way onto the elevator, meeting the bellboy that helped them up the day before. The couple gave the young man a polite greeting before hitting the button to go to the first floor. “How did you two enjoy your first night?” he asked them.

Yonghwa immediately caught the meaning of the young man’s words and opened his mouth to speak. Having lived in the United States for four years allowed him to understand when people spoke with an underlying innuendo. Seohyun, however, didn’t catch what the man meant. She thought he was literally asking how the night was. “It was fun,” she replied in her accented English. “The bed was very comfortable.”

“Oh I’m sure it was,” the suit wearing man replied with a giggle. Seohyun gave him a confused look while Yonghwa could only hang his head in shame. “It seems like your husband is a little embarrassed. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be embarrassed. It is your honeymoon after all.”

The bell finally dinged, indicating they had reached their stop. The couple gave their farewells to the cheerful worker before walking over to the restaurant. “You’re so stupid,” Yonghwa remarked. “You should have let me do the talking.”

“What are you talking about?” Seohyun answered back in annoyance. “He asked how we were doing. What did I do wrong?”

“He asked how we enjoyed our night…” Yonghwa pointed out. “I don’t think he meant it literally. I think he meant… you know… that.” Seohyun put the pieces of the puzzle together before letting her eyes shoot wide open. “You told him it was fun and that the bed was comfortable. He probably is thinking we did all kinds of things last night.”

“Ah! Why didn’t you stop me?” she asked him in frustration. “Wait, who cares. We’re technically ‘married’ to everyone here. Why does it matter what they think? Besides, it was our ‘wedding night.’ I’m sure he would expect we had even if he hadn’t asked.”

“Can we not talk about this please?” Yonghwa questioned. He really didn’t want to think about the word when Seohyun was around him. It was just a tad bit too awkward for him.

After sharing a breakfast of a wide array of fruits, the pair was stuffed. At first they wondered if it would even be possible to have a breakfast of just fruits, but by the end they weren’t complaining. There were so many choices that it was impossible to not try them all. There were fruits from places they hadn’t even thought of and some with names they couldn’t even pronounce without stuttering.

“Wow, that was delicious,” Yonghwa complimented. “I can’t believe I ate that much.”

“Come on, we need to get going. We’re wasting daylight.” Yonghwa didn’t really want to get up. He was so full all he wanted to do was sit until he could digest the enormous meal. In the end, the girl overpowered him and he was dragged out of the hotel into a busy street of tourists. Seohyun had been right in saying he wasn’t dressed for the weather. The sun beat down on him as hard as it could, threatening to cook him if he didn’t change.

“Wow it is hot,” Yonghwa pointed out while fanning himself with his hand.

“Let’s go in here.” Yonghwa allowed himself to be dragged into a small store where he could finally get some protection from the sun. They looked around the store which seemed to specialize in clothes that fit the occasion. Clothes of all kinds of colors adorned the walls of the shop like colorful paintings of abstract art.

If he were to be honest with himself, Yonghwa felt a little grossed out by the clothes they sold there. He didn’t usually dress in colors that bright. He wasn’t a goth that only wore black, but still, the yellows, oranges, and reds were blindingly bright. “Why are we here Seohyun?”

“Here wear these,” she said while holding up a shirt and a pair of shorts. The shirt she was holding almost made Yonghwa puke with how tacky it was. The blue button down shirt had short sleeves and was covered in a tacky flower pattern that was characteristic of a Hawaiian shirt. The shorts were plain board shorts with a plaid pattern on them, so they weren’t that appalling. Still, he didn’t usually wear shorts anyways.

“You want me to wear that?” he asked in disbelief. “Seohyun, I would look so tacky wearing those. The flower print together with that plaid pattern on those shorts is almost disgusting to look at.”

Seohyun’s arms dropped down and she put a frown on her face. Yonghwa stopped acting like someone shoved a bag of vomit in his face to see what was wrong with her. The girl let an evil laugh ring inside her head when she realized she had him where she wanted him. “Oppa~” she cooed. “Seohyunnie wants you to wear the shirt~.” Her barrage of aegyo was ended with her puckering her lips in an exaggerated pout.

“What the hell are you doing?” He wasn’t going to deny that what she was doing was working no matter how horrible she was at it. It almost made him laugh at how unskilled she was at being cute. “Stop that! You know how much I hate aegyo.” He actually didn’t but he had to keep up face.

“Oppa~!!!” she whined while jumping up and down. A white woman nearby gave the couple a weird glance, only furthering embarrassing Yonghwa. “Yong oppa, wear the shirt!”

“Okay! Okay! I’ll wear the damn shirt.” Seohyun shoved the clothes into his arms after she regained her composure. Yonghwa glared at her for using such a dirty trick which prompted her to glare back. He would have to get revenge on her somehow. “You’re an evil little monster.”

“Shut up and wear the shirt,” Seohyun commanded, a complete 180 from her cute act just seconds before. She continued to shove him into the changing room. Yonghwa stopped struggling and willingly entered the curtain to try on the clothes. Seohyun could hear the rustling of clothes along with his grumbling, causing her to threaten him some more. Soon enough, Yonghwa came out of the dressing room looking like he was ready to hit the beach.

“I feel ridiculously stupid right now,” he remarked while looking in the mirror. He looked like one of those ahjummas that walked around in mismatching clothes without a care in the world. “Then again, everyone else is dressed like this so I guess I’m not the only one.”

Seohyun felt that something was missing but she couldn’t really pinpoint what it was. Her dragging his body resumed when she pulled him over to the place where they could find accessories. Without his consent she placed pair after pair of sunglasses on his face. Every time she seemed to find one she liked, she found some way to complain about it.

“Yah pick a damn pair and let’s go,” he commanded.

Instead of a comeback, he received a pinch on his uncovered arm before she resumed her search for the perfect pair. Yonghwa looked down at her smiling face, which naturally brought a smile to his. It felt so good to see her smiling again after everything that happened to her. He knew he was making the right choice to keep her company while she stayed at the resort. “You’re so gorgeous when you smile,” he muttered without thinking. Seohyun dropped the pair of glasses

“Stop teasing me Yonghwa. You know how I feel about you playing those kinds of jokes,” she cried out like an angry teenager.

“I meant it.” Seohyun turned away to face the rack of sunglasses to cover up the hundredth blush of the day. She let a small smile come to her face when she thought about how Yonghwa thought she was gorgeous. While mindlessly fiddling with the shades, she found a pair that seemed to call out to her.

“Here, wear these,” she said while pointing to a pair of blue rimmed sunglasses. Yonghwa tried them on, only to have Seohyun try on the same exact ones. “They look like couple sunglasses. You don’t have to wear them if you don’t want to.”

“Ani, they’re perfect.”

They walked over to the cash register to pay for all that they were buying and were offered a pair of hats for free. The man running the store commented about how perfect the couple looked together and how they couldn’t leave without a hat to block out the sun. After a while, Yonghwa didn’t really mind the clothes he was wearing. He wasn’t the only one that looked tacky in his shirt so it seemed okay. The only thing on his mind was the fact that he was walking to Seohyun as a ‘couple,’ something he wanted to do for years.

“Um… can I ask you something Yonghwa?” Yonghwa turned his attention from admiring the busy streets to the girl beside him. “Are you uncomfortable with the situation? I mean… do you want to go back home? You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.”

Yonghwa stopped walking when he heard her question. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to stay with her. He knew that this week would be a dream come true with her if he did stay. He just didn’t want to be misunderstood. If anyone knew the situation, they would think he was a scumbag that was moving in on his ex-best friend’s girl when she was at her most vulnerable. Even if he didn’t care what others think, he had a very set code of morals.

“I want to stay here,” he responded in simple terms. “I’m having fun if you’re having fun. Do you want me to leave?”

“No!” she replied with more force than she thought she was using. “Um, no I don’t want you to leave. I’m having a lot of fun. I think I’m having even more fun than I would have with Joon.” Yonghwa’s ego grew exponentially upon hearing those words. It made him feel ecstatic that Seohyun actually would rather hang out with him than the man she belonged to for 7 years. “So you don’t think it’s weird that everyone thinks we’re married? You are okay with it?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be? We’re pretty close anyways right? How hard is it to go along with what everyone else thinks?” Yonghwa figured.

After all, they were always a little too playful with each other to begin with. People could have easily mistaken them for a couple before. Now there was just a little more confirmation of that. As long as she didn’t mind, he didn’t either. “Do you um… want to hold hands?” she shyly asked. “Just to make the show more believable of course!” she defended right away.

Yonghwa was taken aback by her suggestion. Of course he would take her hand without hesitating. Even so, he felt like an elementary school student at the moment. “Yeah, that’s fine…” he mumbled.

Seohyun walked closer to him in order to hold his hand. At first she held it lightly, without much force. Yonghwa sensed her hesitation and gave her a little bit of help. His larger hand took hers while giving it a reassuring squeeze. Seohyun looked up at him, gaining confidence from the way he was smiling down at her. For some reason, the awkwardness went away within the first minute. It was almost scary how natural it felt for them to hold each other’s hands. It was as if they should have been doing this from the moment they first met.

“Just for a week,” Seohyun began as they made their way through the busy crowds of honeymooners. “Will you be my husband? I will understand if you don’t want to do it. I don’t want to ruin our friendship and make things awkward.”

“Ne… I’ll be your husband,” he shyly responded.

“Nampyeon ah!” she called cutely to him. “It has a nice ring to it don’t you think?”

“Yeah, I guess.” Inwardly he was screaming out his thank yous to the gods in the skies. If anyone could hear what he was saying in his head at that moment, they would think he was some teenager that just scored himself a date. “Manura...” he called her. “It sounds a little awkward doesn’t it?”

“It will get better, Yong nampyeon.”

(Manura is a form of saying wife, nampyeon means husband)


The newly ‘married’ couple spent the entire rest of the day shopping for little knick knacks they could take back to Korea for their friends. Yonghwa absolutely abhorred shopping. He would avoid it like the plague whenever he had a chance. This time around, he didn’t really mind. After Seohyun asked him to be her ‘nampyeon’ the last thing he would do is blow her off. It was all an act and a sham, but he took it as seriously as he possibly could.

“Can we just rest a bit Hyun?” Yonghwa whined while carrying who knows how many bags of useless things. Seohyun smiled shyly when she realized Yonghwa hadn’t called her by her full name since they agreed to be husband and wife. “Hyun~!

“We will rest when we get back home. We can’t waste a single second.” Yonghwa followed her up the steep trail she was climbing without paying any attention to the landscape. The girl was walking up a mountain slope that overlooked the entire bay where the resort was built on. When they finally reached the cliff side, Seohyun sat near the edge to admire the sight.

“Wow, it looks even better from up here,” Yonghwa pointed out.

Seohyun didn’t bother responding since she agreed with what he was saying. Night had fallen on the cluster of buildings that formed the resort, forcing everyone to turn their lights on. From the cliff it all looked so tiny and irrelevant. Yonghwa didn’t say a word either since he knew Seohyun was in her pensive mode. He figured she was probably thinking about how things would go once they stepped foot on the plane back home.

“Looking at everything from here makes me not want to leave,” Seohyun finally spoke up. “Everything is so perfect. There’s no worries, no responsibilities, and most importantly, no more pain.” Yonghwa had to agree with her on that. It was the perfect place to just lay back and let the rest of the world go to shambles while you enjoyed yourself.

“I know what you mean,” he agreed.

“You’re also here,” she pointed out. “It wouldn’t be as perfect if I was alone.”

Yonghwa ignored her comment since he didn’t want to turn the conversation in an awkward direction. He set down all their bags against a rock before walking over to the edge of the cliff. Seohyun stared at him expectantly as he cleared his throat in preparation for his next move. “Kim Hyuna! Lee Joon! I hate you both! I hope you have a good life you bastards!”

“Yah, what are you doing?!” Seohyun scolded. “Don’t yell out curses like that. People will hear you.”

“What are the chances that someone here speaks Korean? Who cares if someone hears you? It will make you feel better. You should try it,” Yonghwa suggested. He grabbed a hold of Seohyun’s arm and pulled her closer to the edge where he stood. He stared at her as if asking when she was going to start.

“Um, okay,” she agreed. “I hate you Lee Joon.” Yonghwa snickered at her failed attempt at insulting the man that ditched her at the altar.

“What the hell was that? Do it again. This time with feeling.”

Seohyun nodded and readied for the yell. This time around, the thoughts she had almost cleared out of her head came rushing back. She suddenly felt so much anger and hate for the people that betrayed her. From somewhere deep inside of her she felt a fire burn. “Kim Hyuna is a stupid ! Lee Joon, you are a bastard! I hope you eat and sleep well while you can!”

“Come on,” Yonghwa encouraged. “Let it all out. I know there’s more in there.”

“You don’t know what you got yourselves into! Have fun rotting in hell!” she cursed as loud as she could. Seohyun could count on her fingers the times she cursed that vulgarly in her lifetime. Even Yonghwa was surprised with how blunt she was being. Seohyun hated using any kind of profanity but she really couldn’t help herself. After letting it all out, she was sure she would never be able to curse again.

“More, more! Tell them what you think about them. Tell them what they’re missing out on,” he continued to encourage.

“Lee Joon! You’re missing out on the best woman on this planet!” she screamed. Seohyun had a slight self-esteem problem but she didn’t let it show. That’s why she broke down crying on the beach the night before since she felt inferior to Hyuna. She was tired of that though. “I’m better than that thing you slept with! I’m worth more than she will ever be!”

Yonghwa felt so proud of his fake wife. It was invigorating to see her so proud and full of courage. It worried him that she was so tame and calm the entire time. Everyone needed a moment to just let loose and go crazy, even Seohyun. “You tell them. They don’t know what they’re missing.”

“Now you go,” Seohyun suggested. Yonghwa didn’t really plan on doing it since he just wanted to lift up her spirits.

“Hyuna! You’re a piece of trash! When I become the best doctor in Korea, you’ll wish you never cheated on me!” his deep voice echoed across the mountain side. “Joon, I’m going to bash your skull in the next time I see you!”

Both young adults sat down to catch their breath they wasted to curse their former partners with. “Hey I have an idea,” Seohyun happily commented. “I feel so much better after yelling that out. I think we should let ourselves go tonight. Let’s go to that club we saw before.”

“What?” Yonghwa questioned. “You want to go where? No, thanks. I don’t want to go to a club.”

“Aw come on! We should have fun while we’re here. When we’re old and get married for real we won’t be able to do this anymore,” Seohyun cried, ignoring the fact that she said they were going to eventually get married for real. What she really meant was when they were married to their respective partners in the future. “Besides, all we ever do is work and go to school. We need to have as much fun as we can.”

“Fine…” he grumbled. Seohyun squealed before running down the steep trail that lead back to the resort. Yonghwa could only complain quietly while carrying down all the bags of gifts for their friends. “The things I do for you Seohyun.”


Seohyun told Yonghwa to wait for her in the front lobby while she showered and got ready. He already knew that women took ages to get ready and Seohyun was no exception. After waiting an hour for her, he finally caught sight of the woman he was waiting for. At first, he thought he was seeing things, but then quickly realized he wasn’t.

“How do I look?” she asked when she finally caught up to him.

Yonghwa would have responded if he wasn’t trying his hardest to not let his drool show. Seohyun wore a very tight form fitting dress that was essentially another set of skin. He wouldn’t be surprised if the dress was restricting her blood flow somewhere from how tight it looked. The cut was low enough to the point where he feared one of her s could come out of she danced hard enough. Last but not least was the length. If Seohyun even lifted her leg in the slightest bit, he was sure her would be visible for the entire world to see.

“I’ll take the silence and the way you’re almost drooling as a good sign,” she . Seohyun normally would have felt super self-conscious of the way Yonghwa was staring, but not that night. She needed to let go and forget about everything without worries. “You look pretty good yourself.”

Back when he lived in the United States, he learned a thing or two about clubbing attire. He wore black dressy pants with a matching black button down shirt that seemed to be made of silk. He kept two of the buttons from the top ed, which Seohyun found attractive. The hair on his head was a little messier than usual, but it fit the clothes. His friends Alex and Reinaldo insisted on going to the club every other weekend to get some ‘honeys’ but they always failed.

“I think you should go back and change,” he suggested.

“Why? Because you can’t handle me? Nope, I’m going like this,” she affirmed. This was a side of Seohyun Yonghwa hadn’t ever seen. They played around a lot, but it usually consisted of Yonghwa poking fun at her. It was never the other way around. Still, he figured he like confident Seohyun over her weak and pathetic side.


Yonghwa regretted ever thinking that it was a bad idea to come to the club. He usually never had fun in those situations but that was probably because he never had a date he cared about. This time around he wished the night would never end. Seohyun and he ingested large amounts of alcohol before bringing themselves over to the dance floor. Yonghwa never danced, but the alcohol in him made his limbs a lot looser than normal.

“I didn’t know you could be so wild,” Seohyun yelled over the loud music. “You were always the nerd of the group.”

“It’s the alcohol!” he yelled back.

There was one thing Yonghwa was grateful for and that was the type of people in the club. When he went in the United States, it was a bunch of college kids that had nothing better to do on a Saturday night. There was so much making out and dirty dancing that it was almost repulsive. Here however, it was all honeymooning couples that had at least some sense of class. Had there been any sort of dirty dancing, he wasn’t sure if he would be able to stop from trying it out with his ‘date.’

“Wow, I’m so tired,” Seohyun slurred. The girl had far too many drinks for her tiny size. “I need to go pee really fast.” Before she headed to the bathroom, she chugged the glass of clear liquid the bartender handed her. Yonghwa didn’t even have the mental capacity to try to stop her.

“Be careful!” he cried out behind her.

The bartender handed him another drink so he could drown out all the events that happened back at him. All he wanted to do was drink until his memories melted away in the alcohol. Yonghwa looked around while sipping his drink and nodding his head to the beat of the music. Maybe clubbing wasn’t so bad after all. He would have to try it when he went back home.

The alcoholic beverage he was holding quickly vanished, leaving him thirsty for more. Out of nowhere, a new glass slid over from the bartender, but he hadn’t ordered it. ‘I didn’t order this’ is what he would have said to the man running the bar until a woman sat in the stool beside him.

“Hey there handsome,” the girl next to him confessed. “I saw you with that wallflower of a date you have. How bout you ditch her and come have fun with a real woman tonight?” Yonghwa’s eyes tried to focus on the image in front of him and make sense of the situation.

A blonde girl a little taller than Seohyun sat dangerously close to him. Her lips were covered in a deep red lipstick that made them look so much more appealing. Her blue eyes seemed to pierce into his soul as they stared him down. The woman was attractive he wouldn’t lie, but he didn’t want anything to do with her. “Hmm, a tourist that doesn’t speak English huh? Well how bout we go back to my place and I teach you a few things they don’t teach you back home.”

“Loooook,” he slurred. “I’m not interested.” The girl giggled at her mistake of assuming he was some Asian tourist that didn’t know a word of English. “You’re very very very very verrrrrrrrrrrry prettyyyy but I just want to drink.”

“Aw don’t be like that,” she pouted. “Come on…” The girl scooted closer to him before running her hands through his already messy hair. “Well then, how about you teach me what to scream in your language while you screw my brains out. That girl of yours probably doesn’t even know what to do with a man like you.”

Yonghwa was now getting irritated with the way the woman was throwing herself at him. It reminded him too much of Hyuna’s attitude. Seohyun walked calmly over to the bar where Yonghwa was sitting at and stopped when she saw what was happening. She examined the woman and immediately felt inferior to her. The girl had s at least 2 times bigger than her own. The blond woman’s curves were to die for and made Seohyun look like a skinny stick of bamboo in comparison. The biggest difference between them was that the woman knew how to seduce a man, an area Seohyun had 0 expertise in.

“Excuse me,” Seohyun interrupted. “How about you back off?” The alcohol in her system was ignored for a second as she spoke clearly to the promiscuous woman.

“Why don’t you let me have him?” she purred. “After all, I like the exotic ones. It makes it more fun when you hear them yell out colorful words in a language you don’t understand. Why don’t you get lost?”

Seohyun lost her cool and let her hand fly at the woman. “Stay away from my husband.”

“Husband? You guys look like you could be brother and sister. I’ve been looking at you for a while and you don’t know the first thing about giving a man what he wants,” the woman insulted while nursing her hurt cheek. Seohyun suddenly felt embarrassed with what the other person was saying. It was true. They didn’t look like a married couple; they looked more like just friends. Even though that’s what it really was, she let the other woman’s words get to her.

“Yes, he’s my husband.”

“Seohyun, let’s just goooo alright?” Yonghwa suggested. Without any warning, Seohyun took his face and placed a kiss on his lips. Since he wasn’t even expecting it, he didn’t have a chance to reciprocate the gesture. A good minute passed until Seohyun released her death grip on his mouth, forcing the woman to retreat.

“…” the blonde girl muttered before leaving. “It’s your loss handsome. I could have showed you the best night of your life.”

Without any further conversation, Seohyun downed drink after drink to rid her of her anger. Yonghwa was long gone by then so he didn’t have the brain power to tell her to stop. He never usually drank that much. When everyone else was so wasted they couldn’t even walk straight, he was the one that got everyone home. It worried him to think of how they would get back, but Seohyun shoved another drink in his face which snapped him out of his thoughts.

Somehow, they managed to walk the ten minute stretch of concrete to their room. The hotel staff offered them help to get to their room, but they denied it as politely as they could in their drunken state. Once the keycard slid into the slot, the pair made a dash for the bed to catch some much needed sleep. All the shopping, walking up and down the mountain trail, and dancing had taken more energy than they expected.

“Aishhhhhhhhhhhh!” Yonghwa yelled while trying to take off his shoes. “Yah! You won’t come off!? Do you want me to killllll you when I get the chance?” he threatened to the inanimate object. Seohyun rolled over to him on the bed to help him with the task he struggled with.

“Yonghwa, did you like dat?” Seohyun asked in a scolding voice. “That shtupid ! Stupid blonde !”

“No, I’m your husband remember!” he cried out drunkenly. “I can’t like another woman!” For some reason he was yelling out all of his words, but he didn’t know why. Then again, he had barely any idea of where he was at the moment so he wouldn’t question it.

“Then you like me?” she asked without thinking.

“Of course! I, Jung Yonghwa, reaaaaaaaaaally like my wife the sleepyhead who looks gross in the mornings,” he manged to joke.

The words that the woman from the club said to her, continued to ring through her ears. Was she really that plain? She thought she looked y in what she was wearing and Yonghwa said he thought so too. Was there something wrong with her body? Joon never really tried to initiate ual contact and that didn’t end well. Even after they got engaged, they never got past heated kisses. Was there something wrong with her as a woman?

“Then it’s okay if we have our wedding night?” she asked while rolling closer to him. “We’re married after all… You should take yerrr wife.” Yonghwa’s brain registered danger but it couldn’t work. They were walking in dangerous territory, but his body wouldn’t listen. The alcohol killed any sense of logic that his brain tried to create. Seohyun needed validation. She needed someone to show her that she was desirable.

“Hyun~… We can’t…” he mumbled.

“Why? Is it cuz I’m not hot enough?” she whined. “Is dat it?”

“No, you’re suuuuuuuuuper hot,” he complimented. “You’re so hot, that… you’re hotter than the sun.” Had Yonghwa been sober, he would have realized how absolutely stupid that sounded.

“Then prove it to me.”


*****(If you’re faint of heart, don’t read this next part! It’s almost to the point where it’s rated so you have been warned. If anyone deems it too steamy, leave me a comment and I’ll mark it as rated although I really, REALLY, don't want to have to do that. I wouldn’t want to get in trouble with the admins here. This is where the important part is: If you find this too much, TELL ME first. I personally don’t think it’s to be rated, but hey, we’re all different. I would rather get a chance to correct this rather than get instant banned cause someone didn’t heed my warnings. There's another note where the 'bad stuff' stops.)*****


With those last words, she straddled his limp body. Yonghwa kept thinking that something was wrong with the picture, but again, his nerves shut off his body. Heat began to rise in both of their bodies as she sat over his manhood. Even though all the alcohol shut off his body, for some reason that part of his body was fully functional.

“Seohyun,” he sleepily called. “Hyun. Let’s just sleep.” His pleas were silenced by a pair of lips on his. Soon enough he found himself kissing her back. It was much different from the kiss they shared in the dance practice room a few weeks back. Last time, the kiss was tender and loving. It was heated, but it was controlled. This time around, it was messy and sloppy. He could feel her tongue dancing with his in heated passion.

The pair continued to kiss each other passionately until Seohyun broke the contact. Slowly she ed the remaining buttons on his shirt, exposing his chest. Her soft hands rubbed across the uncovered skin as she explored it. The toned muscles that she had seen more than a few times were finally within her reach. Sweat began to form on her forehead as she felt the fire bubbling in the pit of her stomach. All of a sudden, her clothes felt so restrictive. She needed them to come off.

Yonghwa too felt the desire that Seohyun felt. His pants became unbelievably tight as his ‘little friend’ became excited at the thought of having his way with the girl on top of him. Yonghwa’s hands instinctively placed themselves on her hips as she ground her pelvis into his. The way she moved back and forth was enough to drive him over the edge even though they hadn’t even fully undressed.

“Take it off,” she begged. “Take it all off.” Yonghwa allowed himself to sit up and the back of her dress. Slowly and clumsily, they both struggled to tear off the black fabric that prevented Yonghwa from seeing her blushing skin.

“So beautiful,” he mumbled through ragged breaths. Yonghwa laid back down on the bed with Seohyun resuming her torturous hip trusting as she only wore her undergarments. He wanted nothing more than to take off the remaining cloth covering her up and just let himself go. Seohyun’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she let her instincts drive her. She brought her head down to kiss his neck sensually. Seohyun had no idea how she knew what to do, but it seemed like Yonghwa liked it. The way he threw his head back in pleasure told her that much.

Yonghwa pushed her off of his neck with a bit of force before kissing her neck in return. The way he on it sent tingles through the nearby skin. There would probably be marks in the morning, but neither of them cared. Yonghwa his clothed hardness into her clad lower regions, sending ripples of pleasure through her spine. Never had she felt like that before, but she needed more. She couldn’t keep it in any longer.

Yonghwa took his hands and awkwardly reached up to unclasp her bra. Just when he finally won the struggle against the lacy fabric, Seohyun stopped moving. Yonghwa looked up to her and through his foggy vision saw her frowning. Her hips stopped grinding against his and she put a hand over .

“What’s wrong?” he asked in a voice that sounded as worried as he could in his heated state.  


****End of potentially harmful parts****


“I… I…” she stumbled while her body lurched forward a bit. Before she could assess the situation and get off of Yonghwa, she did the single most embarrassing thing she could have that night. Vomit flew out of only to land all over the sheets and Yonghwa’s chest.

“Aish!” Yonghwa yelled. Even drunk he knew that getting puked on wasn’t fun. He tried to push her off of him but somehow he ended up using a little too much strength. The girl collided with the headboard, knocking her out cold. Yonghwa could still see her breathing, so he knew she would be fine. The only thing on his mind at that moment was getting himself into the shower to clean off Seohyun’s fish dinner from earlier.

As disgusting and wrong as the situation turned out, his still cloudy mind could figure that it was for the best. They had gone too far and it would have gotten really messy had they continued. Yonghwa could only thank Seohyun’s stubborn underclothes for not coming off that easily. He undid the clasp on her bra but luckily it still stayed on her without him seeing anything. The clumsy man supposed she wouldn’t enjoy waking up in the morning only to realize her best friend saw everything her body had to offer.



Author’s Note: Yesssssssssss finally the chapter everyone (or maybe just me) was waiting for. Finally a hardcore YongSeo only chapter with nothing else in between. Sorry it took 19 entire chapters to do, but that’s just how I write haha. So what did everyone think? I’m sorry for all you erts out there that wanted them to go all the way but I just had to end it with that embarrassing scene. Oh man if that happened to me, I would die of humiliation the next morning.

P.S. All you excited people that think they’re going to be together after this better rethink that. You all know just how evil I am. Don’t ever trust my writing! Mwahahahahahahahahahaha!

And last but not least Seohyun seems out of character in parts of this and I know it. You know what I say to that? Oh well. I oringinally had her saying some pretty darn colorful words on the cliff, but went back and changed it. The part where she jumps him is also super out of character. I had to do it in order for this chapter to work out though. Again, if you didn't want to read that part, it's not my fault if you did. You were warned. As there was no or anything aside from being on top of each other WITH CLOTHES STILL ON places that should be clothed, I didn't make it rated.

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Wilde_sparxx #1
Chapter 35: Wahooo, finally reached the end! This story had so much pining, drama overload and plot shenanigans that I thought my head was gonna explode before reaching the end. Lol, great job and I'm glad you've finished it honestly... There are some absolute genius stories out that are incomplete and have been unfinished for years... So once again great job...
Wilde_sparxx #2
Chapter 29: Haha, this was somewhat of a light hearted chapter.
Wilde_sparxx #3
Chapter 23: I don't know why but I'm not feeling it with these two...
Still a good story though.
Wilde_sparxx #4
Chapter 22: That magic old lady, I want to know more about her...
She's there in almost all of your stories
Wilde_sparxx #5
Chapter 21: I'm quite happy if he ends up with min young tbh. At this point he has spent way too much time pining.
Wilde_sparxx #6
Chapter 11: That was like a personality transplant ... So he's pretty much lying to himself and hyuna... This could get interesting ...
Wilde_sparxx #7
Chapter 7: You weren't kidding when said the first 10 chapters were to be slow ...
unfeignedfaith #8
Chapter 7: Favourite part in this chapter? Their phone convo in the end. So dramatic and angsty...I love it!!!
pipopanda #9
Chapter 35: FINALLY THEY happy...
after so much rough...
unfeignedfaith #10
Chapter 27: Hmmmm there is a slight error here though. As a healthcare professional, it is highly not recommended (some don't even allow it as part of hospital protocol) for workers to look after patients who are either related to them or knows them (well) due to, as you said, it could impair their judgments and also, due to privacy issues. In reality, Yonghwa shouldn't have been looking after Hyuna in the first place. But I guess, since it's fiction, it's alright. Not many readers would know that unless they're aware of the legislations about things like this.